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Everything posted by aetios

  1. Any reason you can't download the zip..? Regardless, it's 10GB, won't fit on a DVD without recompressing and I expect there will be updates down the line too...
  2. I know naught about old troubles so I can only say I'm excited to play 100 missions in the Vietnam theatre! Cheers guys!
  3. I recently signed up, and I have to say, I was skeptical at first, but having seen the average download filesize I completely understand that CA is a subscription site. I run my own servers and having people hammering them for multi-GB downloads day after day would put a big load on them.
  4. Sure, here it is - zipped it up from the original 7z again. F-80C_DATA.zip Somehow missed your reply, sorry about the delay. CA has been acting up recently. Edit: File date is 2016
  5. Thought it was just me, also having problems.
  6. I fixed it by myself! I changed CD0 from 0.0065 to 0.0050 and now she achieves the speeds she's supposed to reach (around 400 knots cruising speeds). I was even able to revert to the original 4600 lbs engine power. Flies like a dream now, I love this! Thanks again for the great mod.
  7. Hey guys, first off all thanks, this mod is really cool and i'm having a blast. However I noticed the F-80C seems to seriously underperform, I have a lot of trouble getting it to go much over 300kts when the original planes cruise speed was 430 kts or so (with a max of 550 at 25000ft). I already alleviated this slightly by increasing engine power, but still I think it's not quite up to spec . Any other things I can tweak in the INI to get it to be a bit faster?
  8. Alt-tab out of the game and go back in and it should work. Alternatively you can use it with the keyboard.
  9. Bombing an oil field at night (night vision with ReShade NVG preset I made) (I'm not sure what the policy on shader packs is?)
  10. Saudi Tornado on a mission to Kuwait
  11. Wow, you are really going above and beyond with this, great to see. Curious what's next!
  12. Like some other people, I notice that weapons seem to be extremely limited; with the Belgian, Danish F-16, and someother planes I get Strike missions when I don't have strike weapons available. Setting the LimitedSupplyList variable to FALSE remedies this, but is this lack of weapons on purpose? Seems weird to get strike missions when you don't have weapons. I realise that the missions was a no-fly zone. Should I re-roll the mission until I get a non-strike mission? Cool mod! Cheers.

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