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Posts posted by FastCargo

  1. As I said before, download this:




    Within it, is a file called WeaponEditor.exe. Copy that exe file to C:\Program Files\Wings Over Europe\Objects\Weapons.


    Once you have done that, right click on that exe in the directory, and bring up the Properties menu.


    You should see a tab called Compatibility.


    Click on that tab.


    Check the box that says "Run this program in compatibility mode for:"


    Select Windows 98/Windows Me in the drop down menu just below that check box.


    Check the box that says "Disable visual themes".


    Check the box that says "Run this program as an administrator" (if there is such a box...if not, don't worry about it).


    Click "OK".


    Now, double-click on WeaponsEditor.exe. It should open up.


    Click on the Open button. Select Weapondata.ini. Click Open. You should see a list of weapons in the Editor now.


    Click on the Save button.


    That should be it...there should be a new Weapondata.dat file in the C:\Program Files\Wings Over Europe\Objects\Weapons directory.


    Run WOE and come back here with your results.






    Not your fault...Windows defaults to not showing the extensions of files it knows already.


    Do this:


    Start Windows Explorer, you can do this by opening up any folder.


    Click Tools, and then click Folder Options.

    Scroll down and then click Folder and search options.

    Click the View tab.

    Scroll down until you notice Hide extensions for known file types, un-check this line by clicking the check box.


    Note To hide file name extensions, check this line.

    That should show the proper file extensions.



  3. It is easy. We just need to find out what is wrong with your install.


    Okay, the patch level is correct.


    Next, I want you to make sure your directory reads as C:\Program Files\Wings Over Europe\Objects\Weapons.


    Within the directory, find the file Weapondata.dat. Rename it to Weapondata.dat.bak. This should result in your stock weapons returning.


    Report back here when done.



  4. Okay. Here's what you're going to do then.


    First, make sure you are at the latest patch level for WOE (Wings Over Europe). Should be 08.30.08 or something to that effect.


    If is not, then you have not patched your game.


    Second, move the Weapons folder as before so the path is C:\Program Files\Wings Over Europe\Objects\Weapons


    Third, go here: http://download.thirdwire.net/files/dl/WeaponEditor_022008.zip and download this program. It is a weapons editor for the Strike Fighters series.


    Let me know when you have done all these things. Also, I want verification of your patch level...post the text contents of the Readme.txt file located in your C:\Program Files\Wings Over Europe directory.



  5. There are several possibilities.


    One, you are on the wrong patch level and so the program can't read the weapondata.dat file.

    Two, the F-16 you are trying to use has some sort of restrictions that won't allow loading of any weapons.

    Three, the Weapons directory is still not in the proper location.


    I'm leaning toward an incorrect patch level, based on all weapons vanishing.



  6. sorry guys,could someone enlight me as i have a small issue reading this topic.how can i load sepatately each pylon and not in pairs?till now i found this option only in imported planes such as the A-7D from column.us.what changes should be done in the data.ini file?thanks in advance,if its already covered the matter,im asking sorry,just give me the link.


    Here is a link with an explanation of how a weapon station in an aircraft's data.ini works:




    To explain the difference between a StationID= and StationGroupID= is very straight forward.


    Lets say an aircraft has 4 weapon pylons on each wing.  Which means it has a total of 8 places to hang weapons off of.


    The StationID= is that number.  So in this case, each Weapon Station would have a unique StationID, numbers 1 through 8.  You can have a max of 32 StationID numbers.


    Now, if you can only drop the weapons in paired pylons, let's say far outer pylons, then outer pylons, then inner pylons, then close inner pylons.  So basically, you can drop in 4 grouped pylons.  That's where the StationGroupID comes in.  In this case, 4 groups of pylons. You can have a max of 6 StationGroupID numbers.


    So in the above example, if you numbered your pylons left to right 1 to 8, you would have:

























    Note how the pylons get paired up.  So, if you want to unpair them, you can guess what you need to do.


    Now, this info does not go into things such as multiple type stations on the same pylon, forced asymmetric loading, etc.  That's a topic for another discussion.


    Ok thanks for that. Im trying to find out why these weapons arent showing up.


    The only weapons that do show up are the ones in the aircrafts folder. On a single mission.


    Can you explain why that is.



    Well, damn...the message board won't let me do two posts one right after the other...keeps combining them.


    Anyway, give me a screen shot of your weapons folder directory.



  7. Ok, so I downloaded the weapons pack and added it to my weapons folder, but it doesnt make any difference.


    It seems like each aircraft has its own weapons in its loadout.ini and it doesnt matter what weapons are in the weapons folder because the aircraft dosent look there for weapons. If you know what I mean.


    The loadout.ini is only used by the program to 'auto' load weapons for a particular kind of mission.  It does not dictate if certain weapons can be loaded or not and in fact can override the restrictions placed on a weapon station.


    Also, the program is looking for a file called Weapondata.dat in the Objects/Weapons folder.  If it does not see that file, it will not use ANY of your addon weapons.  That file is created from the Weapondata.ini file located in the Objects/Weapons folder.



  8. This discussion reminds me of something a simulator builder (as in the simulators for airlines, the FAA, military, etc) once stated:


    "If you put everything a pilot wants into a simulator, you will end up building the actual aircraft."


    I would add this - "...and it will probably be more expensive than the aircraft, because you're trying to simulate reality too."


    The trick simulator builders (especially those who focus on post-1950's air combat) is trying to find where the top of the bell curve between arcade and simulation is (ie the balance where you will find the most people willing to buy).  Add to this the complexity in single player of proper AI balance, and you have a tough nut to crack.


    I'm wondering if all the time and money the various developers are pouring into their products will EVER yield a positive ROI.



  9. Well, realistically, the problem with an 'epic storyline' is that it's scripted.  Which requires a sequence of outcomes.


    Now, you can try branching storylines (depending how a battle goes).  But your complexity goes up immensely.


    It's a matter of time and money.  I don't think you would ever recoup your investment.


    The closest I think this has ever been done is Strike Commander...simplified (but not totally arcade) aircraft systems, decent tactics, combined with a great storyline and scripted events.  I would love a modern version of Strike Commander.  Don't change the storyline, just update everything to modern specs.


    Funny, there has already been a project that has been done along similar lines...Privateer has been updated to use a modern 3D engine (with real 3D models of the spaceships) but still keeps the old menu/scripts mechanics.



  10. the Japanese are complaining because Godzilla looks fat :doh:


    No they aren't:




    So according to "Japan" (they apparently polled the entire country?) the new Godzilla is more like a Fatzilla. That's at least how it was reported by Time, Yahoo, the Independent, Rocket News, Digital Times, the Hollywood Reporter, Moviefone, and Kotaku, who all cite the same source: a handful of anonymous posts on a Japanese message board called 2ch. In other words, an entire nation's distaste for American Godzilla can be boiled down to what may or may not be multiple posts by the same person on a random forum.



  11. Glenn, Gunrunner is correct...your questions are vague.  You need to be specific.


    However, I suspect you don't know what you don't know...so we are going to help you with that.



    First, read these threads:








    This should give you a primer when folks start throwing out terms that make you scratch your head.


    Secondly, tell us about your computer and install:


    What operating system (or OS for short - Windows XP, or Windows 7, etc) is your computer using?

    Which Strike Fighters sim?

    What patch level is the sim at?


    Read and digest those threads, then post your answers to these questions here on this thread.



  12. Actually, I kind of wonder if he had maybe gone with someone like GOG.com for distribution.  I would think they would have been a better fit.  After all, you wouldn't have to worry about altering the distribution exes.  Heck, if he transferred over exclusively to them for distribution, he could (in theory), shut down the e-commerce side of the ThirdWire website (which has to be costing something...) and let GOG.com keep track of who downloaded what, distribution of patches, etc.


    Just thinkin' out loud...



  13. Hopefully it will be ready sooner rather than later. In addition, because the original creator of the MAX file did not put any restrictions other than proper attribution, I will release the MAX file here in the modders area for anyone to make improvements.


    Also, someone asked about the F-108. I released the MAX file, templates, and basically everything that composed it into the modders area a while ago, hoping someone would bring it to completion. Sadly, that does not appear to have happened yet.



  14. As a human factors guy....


    Different activities should require different interfaces.


    Most push button activities can have a touch screen button equivalent.  In addition, designation of targets can probably be touch based unless there is a tight group.  Remember, the human finger is NOT nearly as accurate as a cursor.  A mouse or trackball is a great cursor manipulator because you can vary speed and direction with one input, verses slewing with a rocker switch which only gives you a fixed maximum and minimum speed of slew.


    I tend to be leery of voice interfaces for anything but the simplest command.  Imagine trying to tell the computer to 'Change to frequency one three nine decimal five two'...and it gets it wrong.  Verses typing it in or spinning a knob.  I could be just an old fogey in that respect.


    Finally, some things must be manual control with very obvious levers reflecting the switch or control position.  Stick, throttle, gear handle...and preferably, a guarded switch for weapons arming.  These things need to have very obvious handles, with the position of the handle/switch giving instant feedback as to the status of that control, even in a cockpit full of smoke in the middle of the night.




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