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About camilojunior

  1. SF2 WW2 PTO Ki-43 Oscar by ArmorDave

    I can´t see the propellers spinnig. Is this normal? I tried to fix it in the data.ini [Engine] but without any results.
  2. Convair Model 201 Shipboard Fighter

    The plane is very nice and the cockpit is awesome, but I have some doubts about it: - In the cockpit folder there are some instruments bmps with keys instead knobs below the HUD. Is it an optional cockpit? I tried to use it renaming the bmps, but the knobs are still there on top of the keys. - I can´t use the RWR displaye, I hear the warnings but it shows nothing. - what is the difference of the alternative data ini? Congratulations and I hope you do more cockpits (and planes)
  3. The plane is very nice and the cockpit is awesome, but I have some doubts about it: - In the cockpit folder there are some instruments bmps with keys instead knobs below the HUD. Is it an optional cockpit? I tried to use it renaming the bmps, but the knobs are still there on top of the keys. - I can´t use the RWR displaye, I hear the warnings but it shows nothing. - what is the difference of the alternative data ini? Congratulations and I hope you do more cockpits (and planes)
  4. Mi-24P data ini

    Perhaps because you don´t have the sound and the gun specified in the data: [sound] EngineSoundName=heli <------ AfterburnerSoundName=heli <------ DamagedEngineSound=TankEngine FlapsSoundName=Flaps AirbrakesSoundName=Airbrakes GearsSound=Gear and [internalGun1] SystemType=FIXED_GUN GunTypeName=30MM_GSH-30-2 <------- InputName=FIRE_PRIMARY_GUN MuzzlePosition=0.801,4.683,-0.432 LightPosition=0.801,4.683,-0.432 AimAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 MaxAmmo=750 EjectShells=FALSE MinExtentPosition= MaxExtentPosition= Check your sound and weapon folders. You can substitute in the data for any that you have.
  5. Mi-24P Public Beta

    With the new data.ini I have lost the seat switch (tailhook), the internal guns and the weapon stations. I was able to fix the the seat switch and the internal gun, but not the weapon stations. At least not completely.
  6. Yes, i cheked the cockpit folders and the cockpit.ini and all is OK. And I fixed the cockpits position editing the cockpit.ini. I finally concluded that the problem was in the my installation of the WOA, because any aircraft worked fine when transfered to another SF2 installation. So I pulled out the Aircraftobject.ini that was in the object folder and finally it worked.I believe that now is being used the original ini, but I don't know if I should keep it out or modify this ini file, and in fact I don't know if SF2 uses this ini. Maybe is some problem with the shaders in this WoA ini. About the guns, i used the AvHistory guns and it worked for some planes but not to others. Do you know what other good gun pack I can use for WoA in SF2 without having to modify all the guns that do not work? Is because I would like to keep the characteristics of each plane's guns. Thanks for your attention.
  7. I put the tracers.tga in the Effects folder, but it's not working and i still not seeing the tracer. Is the correct folder?
  8. I´m also trying to convert WoA to SF2, but still not seeing the gunsights. How you guys corrected this? I only have gunsights when a change the cockpit for one that was moded for another plane, but can´t do this to all planes.
  9. The new cockpit is nice, but I can´t see the attitude bars in the HUD. It it doesn´t happen with the SF1 model.
  10. I alweys have a CTD when I try to use the cockpit view in WOE patch v08.30.06
  11. I have de same problem. The message says: ERROR:(DOWNLOAD-PERMCA01A) REASON CODE: User type is not permitted to download files. Guests please register an account to use this feature. But I´m registered and logged in
  12. I just changed the AttachmentType from WP to Soviet and got the wepons
  13. Windows Vista

    Thanks, it was a good topic. But I still with a doubt: I didn't haven any problem in running WoE after install directx 9, but it didn't work to FE. I think that there is something diferent in FE that not functions under de Vista, dispite the directx 9.
  14. Windows Vista

    I tried to run First Eagles under Windows Vista. The game works well, but always crashes to Windows when I quite a mission (not quite the game). Has someone the same problem?

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