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Everything posted by WarlordATF

  1. What is your Favorite midnight snack?

    If im in a snacking mood, Chips,Chocolate,Sugar Based Cereal,Ice Cream, Bomb Pops (Red,White and Blue Baby!). If i'm hungry then anything from Mac&Cheese,Ramon Noodles or a Greasy Burger. Gonna have a heart attack one day, but why live if you don't enjoy it?
  2. Check out This Shotgun

    Darn, She looked kinda cute too. Just something about Chicks with Guns!
  3. looks great, You do very good work!! I can't wait to add it to my collection! I still have the original DS terrain so i created Iraqi Nation Specific versions of... Hunter Mig-17F Mig-19 Mig-21F-13 Mig-21MF Mig-23BN Mig-23MF Mig-23MS Mig-25P Mig-29A Mirage F-1EQ Su-22K Su-7BMK Super Etendard Tu-16K Vampire Mk52 Venom Mk50 and i Downloaded a skin and created a Tu-22 from here at Combat Ace. All of these use skins that came with the Aircraft so all i really did was add the Decals and set the Nation to Iraq. I just get an extra thrill outta shooting down Iraqis LOL
  4. I just flew a Single Mission and encountered the most fearsome of Foes... My entire flight was killed and they only suffered 1 loss, I limped home with most of my right wings Missing! ARRRRRRRGGGGG!!!
  5. One of the best movies ever made! First there was the Artist, Then came the critic!
  6. Thanks Dave, I didn't know it worked that way. I was not sure Bunyaps weapondata.ini included all the default weapons. My way does work, I wouldn't intentionally give bad info but like you said its more steps than needed.
  7. Double Happy Birthday!

    Have a great Day Guys!
  8. The MF Packs work fine, Bunyaps pack will also work but its a little harder to install without messing up your game. I use Bunyaps and added the missing weapons from the MF packs. To Install Bunyaps, first install it to a Temp folder, DO NOT install it to the game! Then copy the LODs,BMPs and Weapon INIs (Except WEAPONSDATA.INI) to your Sims Objects/Weapons Folder, Then Manually copy and Past the Info from Bunyaps WEAPONSDATA.INI to your WEAPONSDATA.INI. Then delete the WEAPONSDATA.DAT file and Use the Newest Weapons Editor to Open and Save it. Thats how i did it and i have not had any problems.
  9. I have and they seem fine. One question i have is does the game lock up for anyone else if you warp with structural damage like a wing missing or something shot off on some planes? If all the parts are there and i'm damaged i have no problems. It seems to happen to me most often with the Nieuport17, when i hit the warp key it goes to flyby view and the plane gets most of the way across the screen and the game freezes, no CTD, just frozen and i have to CTRL-ALT-DELETE and close the program. The easy cure is to just fly the plane back to base manually, but sometimes i don't have alot of time and try to get in as many missions as possible. EDIT: Is this not happening to anyone else? If not i might have to re-install the Nieuport because it happens alot with that plane.
  10. Are the Trees the only change in the new patch version? If so, im going to skip it because i'm really enjoying the better framerates, but i don't want to miss out if something else has been added. Thanks!
  11. My KLu adventure

    Thats very cool! Best Wishes!
  12. Arming the balloons

    Since the new patch with Labels i noticed that i Missed the Type AE German Balloons, i'm working on an update. Just to be sure, Are there any other Balloons other than the Caquot,Drachen and TypeAe? I don't want to make the same mistake again. Thanks! BTW, Anyone been shot by these things yet?
  13. I wondered how i was getting better frame rates with Labels added, didn't notice the trees missing. Not sure i want to fix it for my low end computer, but i hope TK gets it worked out for the rest of you. After having a day to cool off, i am very glad that TK keeps updating these sims, i was just a little frustrated last night because i had finally worked out the September patch issues and outta the blue here comes another patch. It turns out that the Oct08 patch is very simple to add your mods to and worth using. My bad, and Thanks to TK and everyone at CombatAce!
  14. A little update on my last post, Start from a clean install and then port everything over without overwriting any of the new stuff. I was running into issues until i did this, the labels didnt show up and a few other things. Its a PITA but its not hard just time consuming, i've finished finished since the time of my last post, so it won't take forever, but you must make sure you are not overwriting anything. Not sure if i like the in-flight Labels or not yet, but it does look pretty good on the map! EDIT: BTW if TK pulls this again in a month i will be leading the charge with Torches and Pitchforks!!! j/k
  15. Never Mind, patched my totally Stock install and the only files listed as changed in the Update log were... MenuData.CAT ObjectData.CAT GermanyCE.CAT So i backed up the ones in my modded install and replaced them with the new ones and i'm up to date and it seems like everythings working fine. It just seemed like a nightmare to re-do weeks worth of work for very little gain. Oh well, Live and Learn I guess.
  16. ARGGGG! after all the work of bring my install up to the Sept 08 patch i have to start over? No way. I'm skipping this one for now, maybe in a few days i'll feel like putting up with this BS again!
  17. The CA Staff has called in more mods

    I guess this generation needs more than rulers to keep the them inline. Why do i get the feeling im gonna be picking buckshot outta my butt one of these days?
  18. First, don't install bunyaps weapons pack into a updated install. Instead install it to a Temp folder and manually move all the LODs,INIs and BMPs to your weapons folder. Then you will need to manually add and renumber the data from Bunyaps WEAPONSDATA.INI to the one in your Weapons folder. Then use the Weapons editor to create a new dat file. Its alot more work, but i have found this method works and you won't over-write aircraft DATA.INIs this way, but you might also have to re-write the aircrafts LOADOUT.INIs to get these weapons working. WRENCH has a valid point about patching a WWII, It won't be perfect and it is alot of work. The flight models will be twitchy and it will all have to be re-done when the new Flight Models are completed. I have alot of respect for him and he knows what he is talking about but some of us don't feel like waiting for developers/moddera to get around to updating these FMs to the new patch standard, Most of them have alot of other projects to work on and fixing WWII aircraft is a low priority. In fact, i doubt anyone will even attempt to do so until TK releases the new expansion pack for WOI and gives us the P-51D to use for reference data. It could be a long time. If we are willing to put the extra effort into fixing these problems to fly WWII aircraft in a updated install and we are not expecting 100% accuracy i don't see the problem with it. I only run 1 WOE install and i'm not going to have all my WWII aircraft grounded because it would just leave me with WWI (FE) or Modern(WOV/WOE) as options. I'm running all my WWII aircraft on the WWII Terrains and its still fun but alot more challenging to dogfight without departing the plane into a spin or stall. BTW most of the terrain problems can be solved by opening the terrains DATA.INI and finding each entry that has HasWater=1 or 2 and deleting the 2 lines of HeightMap info. Some people suggest changing the HeightMapScale= to 2.0, but personally i just removed the Heightmap data completely and i have seen 0 problems so far. We might lose some terrain feature by doing this, but does that matter if the terrain is unflyable to begin with? So don't disregard what Wrench is saying, He is right. Its a PITA to get things working and they will not be perfect, but it can be done.
  19. The Enterprise CAN fly..

    I'll try to get some pics but it might be a few days because i'll have to get my buddys digital camera. My uncle used to fly them all the time but they ended up in a shed in his backyard rotting away and when i asked about them he told me to take them if i wanted em. I grabbed everything i could find but i know next to nothing about them so right now they are just in my storage room. Theres a chopper (he wrecked), A P-51D,Spitfire and a Stuka thats in the very early stages of construction, a few radios and some other kits that look like they got water damaged.
  20. Travis AFB Airshow Photos

    Nice Pics! i have to wait until march for the SW Florida Airshow. :cray:
  21. Arming the balloons

    EDIT: Its been tweaked and uploaded, Enjoy! http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=7544
  22. Version


    Just a simple mod to give the guys in the Observation Balloons a Rifle to Shoot at you. (This Version includes the Data ini for the German Type Ae Balloons that i missed the first time!)
  23. I agree, this is just trying to make a quickfix until TK gives us something solid to work from. To me, the spins and stalls are worth dealing with a slightly inaccurate flight model. Its a blast to be at a couple thousand feet behind a target,sweating and trying to line up a shot when suddenly you over do it and depart and enter a spin. In alot of ways these flight models remind me of how IL2 behaves. For now, Its all just for fun and i am really looking forward to see how TK models the Mustang! @Veltro, Any luck with the BOB Terrain?
  24. Arming the balloons

    Thanks! All i have changed so far was... [GroundObjectData] DamagedModel= DestroyedModel= DestroyedEffect=BalloonFireEffect EmptyMass=11000.00 Component[001]=Body Component[002]=Basket Component[003]=Gun And sure enough the balloon took a shot at me! I Still need to tweak the Pitch and Yaw Angles a little because it only shot from the front, but its working now! It Should make Balloon Busting missions a little more interesting.

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