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Posts posted by ravenclaw_007

  1. Was fuer ein Pech!! Keine Sorgen...ich trank genug fuer die beide von uns!!


    Gutes Jahr, schlechter Kater :blush:


    ja ja der tag nach dem grossen saufen :wacko: aber mir gehts auch nicht besser :blush:

  2. falls noch jemand bilder von einer f-104g mit markierungen , die nur an dieser maschine zu sehen sind , hat bitte melden dann kann ich sie noch

    in den neuen f-104g mod mit integrieren


    ausgeschlossen ist die 31+05 da sie mit diesen markierungen nie geflogen ist sondern nur mit der ausstellung unsere luftwaffe zu sehen war ,

    und alle "bunten kühe" die kommen vielleicht mal extra






  3. After loading the weapon packs, I've noticed that the BOZ 107 pods are listed as jammers and not countermeasures pods as they are in real life. Does anyone have the correct data for them in regards to actual numbers carried and the trajectory, etc...?





    this is in my weapondata.ini hope that helps




    FullName=BOZ 107 Countermeasure Dispenser





















  4. Glad you found it!


    Interestering to note, the F-89C is here, in it's original format, but not the D. Took a while to find it, too. "cold war aircraft, US Air Force"

    I'll have to check my archives, and see if I can find an un-modified original version, and then check with the Admins about uploading it.



    kevin stein



    that would help a lot it took me a while to find it , so others who like to use your great update and dont have the aircraft must search for it

  5. Hey guys! :hi:


    I might be asking the impossible:

    Who is able/willing to do a complete new/updated Weapons Pack?

    I mean, the standard WP is fine, but with all additions, changes and such

    it has become a big hustle to make a good total package.


    So... Is there anyone who can merge the existing packs together including

    such things as MiG-17PF/PFU nose, MiG-P/PM nose and fuel tanks?? Or is there

    someone who has this already very complete??? :blush2:


    Maybe an upload of this package ("Weapons" folder and Weapondata files)

    is possible to share with those who are not geniuses in using Editor software or updates??!!


    Will be hugely appreciated if someone will put it in the Weapons Mods/Skins folder on

    this site or (if not possible to put on the site) e-mail it to me... :good:





    (enthousiast but software nit-wit)



    i have it finished the only problem i see is to get the permisssion of all the pepole who made the 2 weapons-pack and if you spend one sunday you can do it yourself it is not

    that difficult it just takes time

  6. Well...


    I guess proof is in the pudding!


    ... Now I just have to figure out how to implement them without looking cheesy. Just tried with the slimer method, which worked... but with the rotors at speed they looked like twinkling Christmas lights. Going to have to experiment with a small alpha-layers smear to get the trail effect.


    Thanks for the immediate assistance guys!



    maybe just put on one blade of the rotor the slimer we had on our ch-53g also not all tip lights on , not on purpose but some times one got broke and only at night you could see it


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