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Posts posted by ravenclaw_007

  1. one thing i notice by making this 4096 x 4096 templates you really find out how wrong your 3d model dimensions are , either you adjust to the given dimensions or you have to adjust your 3d model  and it does not matter wich way you go it will cost you a lot of time either way

    changes on the 3d model so far

    • new Rudder
    • reworked Stabilizers , especially the outer front part ( red arrows )
    • reworked Tail ( mostly the metal parts )
    • new Air Refuelling Receptacle
    • remapping and of some rear fuselage parts

    will see how much more i have to change , on some areas the lines , screw or rivets get a bit distorted i try to minimize it as much as possible 

    a new 3d engine nozzle is in work as well , will see if i add it to the model depending if there is a big hit on the FPS

    this is how the F-4G Fuselage , Tail and Stabilizers look like now , the vertical Stabilizer is not yet finish i still have to place the rivets and screws














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  2. here are the Firestreak and the Red Top missiles 





    i did not find any pictures from the Firestreak nozzle so i used the Red Top one for it , i will change the nozzle as soon as i get a good picture of a Firestreak nozzle

    Firestreak , Firestreak with green camo and Firestreak with green camo late version








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  3. i would like to finish the Firestreak missile but i do have some question about it , are there different versions of them and if yes did they have there own name / type designation ???

    the most obvious difference between the early and the late Firestreak is the coloring the early ones are white and the late ones are green but there is more , on the late ones the front glas cover was painted over and only a small portion was left open for the seeker and on the late missile the front part was tapered on some pictures of the early ones this is not so clear to see sometimes it looks like the missile was not tapered on the front part

     early Firestreak missile



    late Firestreak missile


    normal front cover


    with painted over front cover



    3d model , wings are not yet final


    tapered front part , clearly visible on the late version above



    if anybody has some info if there where different versions please let me know

    Thanks :drinks:



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  4. 1 hour ago, dtmdragon said:

    That is an awsome 'what if' @ravenclaw_007 what else are you hiding from us?! 😁

    that is an old mod , it should be in the SF2  what if download section , if not give me a mail and i send it to you

  5. 3 hours ago, rlwicker1967 said:

    After observing the near super maneuverability of the F-15 EX, I began to wonder what would've happened if they applied the same technology to the F-4. Would it have been a game changer? And, what about the F/A-18s?

    you mean something like this  , with fly by wire more powerful engines and a more modern cockpit ???



    actually they tested a RF-4C with fly by wire , that is where i got the idea for that Super Phantom above




    • Like 8

  6. 4 hours ago, dtmdragon said:

    That all makes complete sense those are probably early prototypes in some of the photos. I wasn't aware of the change in size to the production model. I hope you did didn't take my post as any form of criticism as I highly respect your work and effort I simply raised it for the benefit of accuracy and in this case I was lacking in information.

    i always welcome constructive criticism , it helps me to make better models , but i this case it just make me doubt if my information´s are right , that is the reason i deleted the 2 missiles and keep on searching for more and better info

    the Shafrir 1 missile was only for a few years in service and the IDF got only 200 pieces of it ( some say even a lot less than that ) , after all my searching i have not found a single picture of a live missile  , i got pictures form early prototype and test versions but none of a missile that enter the service ( after 1964 ) that makes it very difficult to create a correct model 

    some info even saying that the final Shafrir 1 had a target detection sensor with a proximity fuze , i know that the Shfrir 2 have them bud i have no idea how it would look on a Shafrir 1 , the early Shafrir 1 required a direct hit

    so no my friend i dont take your comment as criticism , bud i will search now even harder to find some more info on that missile i´m curios what info is right and wich is not , maybe one of our Israeli members could help us here

    • Like 1

  7. 9 hours ago, dtmdragon said:

    Nice work and much appreciated mate. I do wonder if the Shafrir-1 is a bit over sized? It's hard with so little photos but here are a few more that seem to show quite a small missile closer the dimensions of the the stock TW Shafrir-1.

    i got this dimensions for the Shafrir 1  

    • Length:    2500 mm
    • Wingspan: 550 mm
    • Diameter:  140 mm
    • Weight:        65 kg

    and this one for the Shafrir 2

    • Length:    2600 mm
    • Wingspan: 550 mm
    • Diameter:  160 mm
    • Weight:        93 kg


    i notice that TW is using a much smaller diameter and much shorter length for both missiles , i was searching different sources for the dimensions and got always the same result 

    TW dimensions:


    TW has the front fins wrong to , the position should be rotated by 45° , check the pictures you posted 

    NOTE :  the first prototypes of the Shafrir 1 had a length of 2000 mm and a diameter of 110 mm , this are the dimensions of the TW 3d model , this early Shafrir 1 was unsuccessful and the missile was changed to the dimensions mention above for a larger rocket motor and better performance , that is the info i found


    by the way the last missile picture with the 101 on the side fits the model i made


    i only can make the weapons based on the info i find , and i´m searching quite some time before i start making a 3d model , so if my info is wrong than i apologize for a wrong missile model but i got this dimensions from more than 1 source only   :dntknw: :sorry:

    • Like 3

  8. 8 hours ago, Mr_Tayto said:

    Logically I went Linebacker and the opportunity to stick with the F-4, this time in the F-4E. What immediately struck me is "no internal ECM??" The control box is right there in the cockpit! And Navy Phantoms had ECM from 1966?! Why is this? Also, no chaff? Again chaff dispensers were standard on Navy Phantoms a few years into the war!

    wich control box ???

    the F-4E got the chaff flare dispenser (AN/ALE-40) late 1977 to early 1978 so the only way of having chaff or flare was to carry an external pod  like AN/ALE-36 , AN/ALE-37 or AN/ALE-38  

    the only ECM panel was this one in the rear cockpit of the F-4E , no control for chaff or flare


    this one was added late 1977 to early 1978 it is the AN/ALE-40 control panel for chaff and flare



    • Like 2

  9. i found some more pictures of it and that the Jaguar could carry 2 x 1000 lb bombs with that bomb rack





    an other thing i notice is that this sway brace covers where not always present , like on the Jaguar pylon it self , some had it some not  , first i thought that this are 2 different types of bomb racks but after i found this close up pictures of the Jaguar pylon and compare it with the pictures i had from the dual bomb rack i´m convinced that they just removed this sway brace cover for what ever reson , this covers where just screwed on by 4 screws

    with out cover


    with cover




  10. does anybody have some better pictures of this dual bomb rack for the SEPECAT Jaguar ???

    i need the dimensions for this dual bomb rack as well , so any info on dimensions are more than welcome , and was that only to carry the 540 lb GP bombs or what other bombs could be carried with them

    so if you have any info or good pictures please share them with me  :grandpa:



    this is are picture from a similar bomb rack on a Buccaneer , any picture or info on this one are welcome to



  11. just found an old cd with some videos from the Hütten Air Show from 1987 , Hütten is a very small village in Switzerland and in a valley above a small lake , they organized a air show in 1987 , the spectators are on the hill side above the lake and have an fantastic view on the aircrafts some times even from on top ( depends how low the pilots fly in ) 

    on of the reasons for that air show is to generate money for disable children , the organizer was asking the swiss air force if they could participate but they declined for what ever reason ( the people there were really pissed about it ) , so the organizer was asking the german ministry of defence if they could send some airplanes and they did

    • from the Heer = CH-53G and BO-105
    • from the Luftwaffe = C-160 Transall
    • from the Marine = Panavia Tornado

    all aircraft were stationed at Zürich Airport and flew from there to the valley at Hütten , the Tornado from the Marine had a brocken afterburner and normally would not fly like that but because the people there where so nice to us that Mario ( the Pilot ) decided to fly any way , in the video you can see that only 1 afterburner is functioning

    i was part of the 4 man crew from the CH-53G , 2 pilots and 2 flight mechanics , after our display we landet on the hill side and open the helicopter for a static display , by landing on the hill side we damaged with our down wash a bratwurst / sausage grill but the owner did not mind at all he was happy that we where so close by ( good for the business i guess )

    video VTS-01 up to VTS-04 from the Hütten Air Show 

    • video VTS-02 C-160 fly by
    • video VTS-04 CH-53G and Panvia Tornado

    video VTS-05 CH-53G over Germany , made by a former colleague Herman Luisoder

    video VTS-06 CH-53G over Afghanistan , made by a former colleague Herman Luisoder


    i apologize for the video quality , it is not the best , and don´t forget the Hütten Air Show videos are from 1987

    you may need the VLC Media Player to watch this videos







    • Thanks 4

  12. i just had some crazy idea , what if i add all the attachment points from the launch rail to the missile , as soon as you launch the missile this attachment points are gone but as long as the missile is on the launch rail they are there

    one problem is that TW was using the wrong diameter for the Shafrir-2 they used 150 mm and the missile has 160 mm diameter so the launch rail dimensions are wrong to , i adjusted the rear bracket as good as i could

    if there is anew aircraft model with the correct attachment points i can remove them from the missile







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  13. Shafrir 1 missile , since i dont have any picture of the nozzle and only a picture of an empty rear part where the nozzle should be i can't guarantee that my interpretation of the nozzle is correct

    still some work to do 

    maybe some of our Israeli friends here at CA can help me with some more info and pictures  :biggrin:

    Shafrir 1 and Shafrir 2


    Shafrir 1 missile 






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  14. 6 minutes ago, dtmdragon said:

    Shafrir 1

    Note the diffrent orientation of front and rear fins and unique launch rail for the Mirage 

    oohhh... that is what i´m looking for , thank you so much 

    nothing much that i can do about the launch rail , except making new aircraft models by the way the same problem with the Shafrir 2  it has a very unique launch rail with 2 pins that is holding the missile right beside the nozzle


    this is how the Shafrir 2 launch rail looks like , just in case somebody is working on this aircrafts :lol:




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