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Posts posted by ravenclaw_007

  1. The French Navy seem to use only the RP-3 25Lb AP model for Anti Ship purpose aboard their Br.1050 & 1050M Alizés from 1961 to 1991 (6 Rockets on outboard wings pylons, single mount)

    My wish now : can we have the a RP-3 25Lb AP rocket model without the mounting adapters, main body paint in white and the Warhead in red colors?.


    Thank you in advance


    no problem , do you have a picture of this rocket , the color seems a bit strange

  2. i think i have it now , i removed the TW adapter for the lower rockets and added a SpecificStationCode = TM for the lower rocket possitions


    - there are now 2 types of rockets the one mounted to the pylons with the the mounting adapter and the one for the twin mount , the twin mount versions do not have the mounting adapter

    - you can now fly with 8 or 16 rockets or even with a mix load if you like to

    - if you use the napalm version dont use any twin mount options , because of the larger warhead all twin mount rockets will collide with the napalm warhead


    this is still a BETA , i will add some more details to the rockets and make the training version with concrete warhead



    this are the modified Data.ini and Loadout.ini , with out this ini`s the rockets will not work , please replace the existing one with this new ones

    Meteor8 ini.rar


    this is how it looks like now








    if you find any error or if you have any suggestions please let me know , as i mention above this is still BETA version and your hint´s , suggestions or wishes  can still be added

    - i did not find any info on how many fragments the FRAG warhead has , i set it to 50 clusters and a fuzing distance of 15 meters

    - i also set the napalm rocket with a fuzing distance of 15 meters let me know if this is ok for you


    have fun , Volker

    • Like 4

  3. life can be so frustrating , i thought to fit the new rockets would be easy but guess what


    the original TW rockets are way to short and as result of this the hardpoints are on the wrong place , now i have to figure out how to fix this

    - the hardpoints are fixed Part of the TW model

    - the position of the lower mounted rockets has to be moved forward and down



    - original



    - TW



    - my new model


    • Like 1

  4. this what i have now , should be the most common versions of the 3inch rocket , but do sombody know the correct color coding for the napalm warhead

    there are 2 versions the olive drab with 2 light colored stripes and the all over grey one , which version do you want to have and what color are the  2 light colored stripes ???


    from top to bootom

    RP-3 25Lb SAP

    RP-3 25Lb AP

    RP-3 60Lb FRAG

    RP-3 60Lb SAP

    RP-3 Napalm




    if you like to have the practice version with the grey concret warhead let me know

    • Like 4

  5. also die Luftwaffe hat 225 Canadair CL-13B Mk.6 bestellt und von den canadiern 75 Canadair CL-13A Mk.5 geschenkt bekommen , diese 75 maschienen waren für die waffenschulung bei der WaSLW 10 vorgeshen

    alle 75 Mk.5  blieben bei der WaSLW 10 und der ErpSt 61 , zum schluss dienten die meisten der Mk.5 der ersatzteilbeschaffung einige gingen auch an die ErpSt 91 und dienten dort für beschuss versuche

    keine luftwaffen Mk.5 wurde je auf Mk.6 standard umgebaut


    meines wissens hat die Mk. 6 einen neu entwickelten flügel auf basis der orginalen F-86 flügel , es waren also auf keinen fall umgebauten Mk.5 flügel

    • Like 1

  6. also zu den polys kann ich nur sagen das du das mit den 21k nicht all zu eng nimst


    das hier sind die werte die ich im moment an der Rafale habe und die fliegt auch im spiel


    Num Nodes: 311
    Total:    (69868 polys, 209604 verts)
    Mesh Max: (2561 polys, 7683 verts)


    wichtig ist das du einzelne sectionen wie die fuselage oder die nose  nicht als einzelobjekt  über ein gewisses polylimit bringst , sonst passiert es dir das das teil undrt umständen im spiel keinen schatten mehr wirft oder schlimmer das der vogel dein spiel zum abstürzen bringt

  7. Wishing you a good full recovery I didn't say "speedy" because I want you to take the time you need to get well please don't force anything....... back in 85 @ UCSF i had brain surgery I have an AVM (arteriovenous malformation) and it is wrapped around the optic nerve they opened my brain up and saw that and zipped me right back up luckily they had an alternative to the scalpel the dropped a bunch of "beads n glue" in the brain sent me acrossed the bay to UC Berkley were they have a "Radio surgical device" that could burn the"offending veins and arteries" with precision  only side effects i had a was I lost a few 2 inch patches of hair for a few weeks and a numb pinky finger....



    i already lost 3/4 of my right optical nerve to the tumor , i had 2 surgery in 2004 the first through the nose the second on the same day because of bleeding in the brain they opened my right forehead for it , this year in april and may i had a radiation therapie with a partial success but this tumor is still growing

    my only option , if this new drugs dont work , is a neurosurgery or a radio surgery . i have now 3 weeks befor i have to go back in to the hospital , will see what is next

    the problem is that a neurosurgery is something my doctors dont like to make , they say the risk is to high because of this 2 brain operations in 2004


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