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Posts posted by ravenclaw_007

  1. Thanks my Friends , i´m in a very difficult time right now , the doctors dont like to go for surgery right now and try some new drugs to reduce the pressure from the tumor to the nervs what causes my double vision


    the work on the Rafale continuous but work is slow


    Template for the wings are finish




    i made a new DDM sensor for the BF3+ / BF4




    and i work on a new wing vortex effect for the Rafale




    • Like 10

  2. In SF2 the terrain is black if you dont has the correct tiles for the terrain. In WoX it is white.

    that is not entirely correct you can have this even with all the correct tiles installed , as i mentioned above it happens from time to time , most of the time i dont have that problem and it is not something that appears only on a particular terrain


    i also encountered that some aircraft in a flight (16+ aircrafts) appear in black or partially black all aircraft in that flight are frome the same type and the rest of the flight is showing the correct textures , this phenomenon is not something that is caused by a missing texture on aircraft or terraine

  3. Are you bether, Ravenclaw?


    Glad to know about your wealth recover!


    Thanks for your hard work!!!

    not realy , my tumor seems to be under control now but i´m fighting to safe my eyesight , it seems that the radiation therapy has damaged some nerves

    in the moment i try to finish the template for the Rafale but that isn´t that easy with double vision  :stars:

    the doctors are not sure if they can safe the nerves

  4. ich habe mal an einigen sachen angefangen aber ich bin noch über beide ohren mit anderen sachen beschäfftigt , im moment versuche ich das ich mit meinem doppelsehen die Rafale fertig bekomme

    ist gar nicht so einfach wen du statt zwei linien vier siehst , ich bekomme nach kurzer zeit immer sehr starke kopfschmerzen und muss dauernd pausen einlegen

  5. was mich an diesem museum ein bissl ärgert ist das die diese flugzeuge so verkommen lassen , ist es den so schwer die dinger ab und zu mal mit nem neuen anstrich zu versehen vorallem die vögel die drausen stehen

  6. i found some pictures showing the V3A and the V3B with a tan colored rocket and warhead section and a withe stripe around the rocket motor , is that color correct for a live missile ???








    for the V3C i have pictures showing the nose section including the warhead in a tan color and the rocket motor in withe color with a brown stripe , is that color correct for a live missile ???





    still looking for more pictures on this missiles especially one showing the lettering

    • Like 2

  7. Which weapons do you need pics of? I'll have a look through my albums

    any i can get my hands on


    - V3A 3d finish , skin needs to be done

    - V3B Kukri 3d finish , skin needs to be done

    - V3C 3d finish , skin needs to be done

    - V3E A-Darter 3d finish , skin needs to be done

    - V3S Snake finish

    - U-Darter 3d finish , skin needs to be done

    - V-4 R-Darter finish


    if you have good detail pictures of this missiles that would help me to finish them that would be great


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