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Posts posted by ravenclaw_007

  1.   Actually, this isn't true. See this post: http://combatace.com/topic/78792-having-your-cake-and-eating-it-too/ . It sounds harder than it is; it's well worth it, I have the DLC F-104 with the corrected nozzle animation in July 2012. Read this and do it. :blind:


    this is a nice way around to get the DLC´s installed , but never the less the fact remains that each DLC is asking for the latest patch what brings me right to my next point WHY , if there is a way around like it seems there is , why is TW setting the DLC up this way ??? if the DLC´s work without the patch then there would be no reason to force people to update and the DLC´s would be much more user friendly

    • Like 1

  2. changed MER setup for F-4E´s , there are now 2 MER´s available MER and MER_F-4 ( standart F-4 setup ) , they will be includet in my F-4E updates i will release next week


    the data ini is setup like this

    - outer station = MER with center setup

    - center station = MER with F-4 standart setup ( forward )








    some new M117A1 bombs , they will be includet in the update as well as all other new bomb´s



    • Like 17

  3. i´m looking for info on the M117 conical fin assembly , there are 2 versions and i found this 2 designations M131 and MAU-103 the only problem is that there are no pictures to the designation


    here are the 2 versions




    if anybody could give me a hint what assembly is the M131 or the MAU-103 that would help me a lot


    and if possible what would be the bomb designation with the different fin assemblys


  4. ravenclaw_007, I earnestly hope you'll release these masterpieces!

    ravenclaw_007, I earnestly hope you'll release these masterpieces!


    yes i will , just wait 2 weeks  :grin:


    the Mk82 bombs and the new TER and MER are part of a upcoming Weaponspack3 (no release date yet) and part of the F-4E update i´m working on right now , the update includes a

    - new windsscreen

    - smoother windscreen fuselage intersection

    - center windscreen is tinted in a green color

    - new glare shield

    - new chute-hatch with new RWR antennas

    - and some more minor details


    F-4E_EAF       = done

    F-4E_RAAF    = done

    F-4E_ROKAF = done

    F-4EJ              = done

    F-4E_USAF pack = still in work


    as soon as the USAF pack is done i start uploading all updates , so be patience






    some of the new F-4E parts




    • Like 13

  5. Mirage F-1CH Royal Moroccan Air Force

    Mirage F-1CH of the Royal Moroccan Air Force



    Original Model is the Mirage F-1C by Bpao used with his kind permission

    Original Templates by Sony Tuckson based on BPAO base work



    *Requires the Cockpit of the Kfir C7 !! (check the Read Me)


    Skin , Decals , Hangar and Loading screnn , data mod. ravenclaw_007



    Please check the Read Me for more details



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