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Posts posted by ravenclaw_007

  1. it looks like that it is very real , i would not dare to post a what if weaon here :grin:

    although it is not very effective , to hit a target with an ungided missile is quite difficult and over a distance from 10-20 km i would say it is impossible



    i set the weapon as CGR , because of game limitations , but to get a hit you have to get the gunsight exactly to the target otherwise the rocket will fail





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  2. i have to correct me , the F-4 FG.1 (and i assume as well the FG.2) are not able to carry AIM-7 on pylons , i just got the weapons manual for the FG.1 and there is only the 4 fuselage bays for AIM-7 / Skyflash


    and in all F-4C/D/E/F/G weapons delivery manuals are only the 4 fuselage bays for AIM-7 , what is logical because the USAF does not use the Navy pylon and therfor this aircraft are not able to launch any AIM-7 , the only ever exception was the RAAF

  3. I have looked at that page a million times and never noticed that panel.

    That is where the lights went to when the old missile status panel was replaced!

    That seals the deal that the Navy F-4s had the wing pylon option from start to finish.

    Only a select group of USAF and export F-4s lost the capability.


    it is getting even better than this

    i got info from KillerBee (he worked on F-4´s) that the F-4´s are suppose to be able to carry 8 AIM-7 what would mean that the outer wingstation are wired as well for the AIM-7 but it never was used by the Navy or the USAF , the wing-pylon AIM-7 wiring was used for the AGM-45 and AGM-88


    that would explain why the RAAF F-4E could carry AIM-7 on the wing pylon by just changing the standard pylon to the Navy one , and F-4´s could carry the AGM-45 and AGM-88 on the inner and the outer wingstations


    so basicaly non of the F-4´s lost there capability to launch AIM-7 from wing pylons it just was never used

  4. I have been playing with the edits for the F-4B.

    I have run into a minor problem: either the pylon is too short or the missile is too long (whether I use the stock AIM-7D or the one in Ravenclaw's F-4E release).

    I am guessing it is the pylon.


    not only the pylon , there is a general problem with the Aircraft model , i had to shorten the pylons a bit on the hard wing F-4´s because of collision problems with the leading edge actuator thats why the position of the AIM-7 is a bit to much to the rear on the RAAF F-4E´s and the F-4J / N i´m currently working on (i may not include the AIM-7 option for the F-4J / N)


    The AIM-7 dimensions are correct i took them from original drawings

  5. Clearly, from the photos I can find, the Australians operated the F-4E with USAF style pylons, but were initially delivered with Navy style pylons and their loadouts had little to do with whether they were usuable or not.



    only few Navy pylons are delivered to the RAAF , the Navy pylon was used for Air to Air missions and missile test only but this missions are very rare


    the loadout in your picture was on a weapon evaluation test flight , there are 2 wings removed from the AIM-7 for the mounting of the AIM-9



    here is the only picture i have of a F-4 with 6 Sparrows


  6. as for the 6 Sparrows , the RAAF leased there F-4E for just 2 years and returned them back to the US and used them mostly in AG , this F-4´s are able to carry the 6 sparrows by just attaching the Navy-pylon , with out any rewiring to my knowledge , so why should all other Navy F-4´s not be able to do the same ????

    i rather think that with the AIM-9G around it was no longer practical to use AIM-7 on this pylons and 4 x AIM-7 + 4 x AIM-9 are a better choice than 6 AIM-7 only


    and the only Navy pylons with out the launch rail i have seen sofar are on UK F-4M , the US Navy even used the Aim-7 launch rail pylons on there F-4S (maybe only to attach the bomb adapter that would be a possible reason)


    absolutley certainty about this issue you can only have if you get a copy of the NAVAIR 1-245FDB-1T and the Flight Manual Supplement section VIII , i will get soon a copy of the weapon system manual for the F-4 FG.1 may be i will find something there

  7. i have the pylons and the wings finish and after i´m done with the F-4E´s i will make the F-4B/J/N/S


    i´m waiting for some manuals and more books so i can start the work , unfortunatly the NAVAIR 1-245FDB-1T and the Flight Manual Supplement section VIII are not available if somebody can get a copy of those that would be great



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  8. You can customize the allowed station loads in the data ini file and the loadout ini file.


    You can see the loss of the wing Sparrows on the missile select/control panels.

    The original F-4B panel shows 6 Sparrows, later aircraft have the wing Sparrow lights blanked off or use an entirely different panel that never showed the option for wing mounted Sparrows.

    As for the reason the Sparrow capability was lost on the inner wing pylons: wiring was re-purposed for other systems.

    An explanation is found here:



    the lower panel is from a F-4E the one for the F-4J/N/S look totaly different :grin:


    i have been looking for a explanation quite some time now but i never found one , all the Navy/ Marines F-4 used the same pylon ( some have the launchrail removed ) and would be able to carry the a AIM-7 and even the weaponspanel is not realy showing if they are able to carry or not

    maybe if i get the F-4B / J / N manuals i will get some answer to it

  9. All this time I thought I knew everything I needed to know about gunsights and then... While perusing the manual (in search of something else) I see this line under using the PhantomII's LCOSS: In A/G (Air-to-Ground) mode, the sight is manually depressible to 245 mil below the fuselage line. It's not really, is it? :blink: In a similar vein, if you set default depression to 245 mils, will it? (In AG mode).



    oh yes it is



  10. Congrats for your superb release ravenclaw!

    I would just have a question, i tried to run them in SF2V june 2010, and the serials are missing on the tail (not the two letter code though). On my other full merged july 2012 install, it's ok.

    Should i extract any missing decal to SF2V??


    yes you have to install the decals as well if it is a separate install


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