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Posts posted by ravenclaw_007

  1. i just finish the ALQ-119 family for the Weaponspack2 , this are the settings i use are this settings ok or should i change some of it ????


    most of the settings i took from existing pods but i´m not sure if they are close to the real values


    - AN/ALQ-119 (v)1 , 1972-1974 , DualMode , 2-24 Ghz , JammerStrength=70

    - AN/ALQ-119 (v)5 , 1973-1976 , DualMode , 2-26 Ghz , JammerStrength=70

    - AN/ALQ-119 (v)10 , 1976-1979 , DualMode , 2-28 Ghz , JammerStrength=75

    - AN/ALQ-119 (v)15 , 1979-2020 , DualMode , 2-32 Ghz , JammerStrength=75

    - AN/ALQ-119 (v)16 , 1981-2010 , DualMode , 2-32 Ghz , JammerStrength=75

    - AN/ALQ-119 (v)16 , 1982-2020 , DualMode , 2-35 Ghz , JammerStrength=78


    AN/ALQ-119 (v)1



    AN/ALQ-119 (v)5



    AN/ALQ-119 (v)10



    AN/ALQ-119 (v)15



    AN/ALQ-119 (v)16



    AN/ALQ-119 (v)17


    • Like 3

  2. i know how long it can take to make a new aircraft model and i believe that it can be very expensive if the one making it does so for business and even more so if we talk about cockpits but to say that a model for SF2 would cost more as for SF1 is insane , the work is still the same !!!!

    and most of the aircraft in SF2 are from SF1 just with a smal update here and there


    TK should say what he reale wants and stop playing always this cost card , i belive that developing a game is expensive no doubt about that but that what is going on here has nothing to do with cost and investment , he simply has enough from pc game and he should admit that

    blaming moders and always the cost factor that stops him from coming up with something new , i dont believe that anymore

  3. Any chance you'd upload a BETA of the french missiles? :angel:


    Certain Iraqi mirages need them for maximum pr0n screenies :biggrin:



    Sorry , i dont upload any more BETA for the Weaponspack2 , i´m just working on the AIM-4D and some ECM-pods that i need for my upcoming F-4E / F mod as soon as this weapons are done i upload the Weaponspack2

    the AIM-7A will not be part of this weaponspack anymore , i simply dont have enough pictures for it


    i hope you can wait the next 2 weeks :lol:


    aaahhhmmm...... , i may still need some testpilots for weapons testing if you are interested :grin:


    AIM-4D work in progress




    • Like 1

  4. i only hope the cobra crew is alright !!!!


    Top Gear made a similar race with a Typhoon in the UK



    ok i just found out the crash of the Cobra was in Arizona and both crew member survived without major injuries , that is what i call luck

  5. does somebody have the WPRocketEffects or any other smoke marker effect that works in SF2 ????


    if so please send them to me , i need them for the 5 inch Zuni Mk71


    the WPRocketEffects works on my game but i can not find the effects_ini , i even search the stock effects and found nothing so i dont have a clue why it is working with out any ini ????



    here are the rockets that are finish


    Mk24 Mod0



    Mk32 Mod0



    Mk34 Mod0



    Mk63 Mod2







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