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Posts posted by ravenclaw_007

  1. nope but a lot of details that will be added on some weapons and aircraft , and with all the cockpit pictures i have now there could be the possibility for one or two nice cockpits :grin:


    next week i´m at the Wehrtechnischen-Museum at Koblenz , so there are some more pictures to come












  2. ich glaube nicht das das grossartig ins gewicht fält da ja auch nicht jeder die 64-bit win7 haben wird und ich hoffe mal das das auch TK weis das unter32bit halt nur max. 3.2Gb drin sind auch wenn man 4Gb reinsteckt (ich habe auch 4Gb drin)

  3. Left Auxiliary Console are almost done and some switches are already animated and functioning in game


    unfortunately is the cockpit max file i work with not exactly the same as the one in game right now thats why i have to redo al functions/lights on the right MFD , so this will take some extra time to do :blink: the left MFD is functioning as radar and tv-screen with out any problems



  4. what about using the new nation-specific loadout? call the exact tank you want for each nation, in a seperat listing?


    kevin that would not work , the nation in this case is always the same :grin:


    NF-5A = NETHERLANDS , but the aircraft did have 4 different camos during the time in service

    i could try to use the SpecificStationCode= to solve the problem , if i have time to do so

  5. here is a fix to the problem , replace the data_ini and loadout_ini with this new ones and replace your drop tanks with the ones includet here NF-5A Fix.rar


    you should now be able to select your drop-tanks as you are used to , for the canadair Mk.6 you have to do the same but safe your original data_ini befor you star editing :grin:


    basically you have to make a weaponsstation entry for each drop tank but dont forget to add the entry to the leftwing and rightwing as well

    and you have to renumber the new weaponstation StationID= with the next number in order (check the new NF-5A data_ini)

  6. due to the amount of spamer and spam posts we've been getting here at CA, the Ministry of Air Defence has created a new missle...


    I present to you, the 12SPM-4 launcher. Based off the SA-3, it uses all the same hardware (search & track radars, etc). Is now available for export around the world


    :rofl: spam away :rofl:


    or , be carefull you may get spammed :lol:


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