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Posts posted by ravenclaw_007

  1. Weapons - Pack 1

    this weapon´s pack 1 includes the following weapons


    - GBU-10/12/15/16/24/24 UK/27/28/49

    - Paveway II/IV UK

    - AGM-122/123

    - AIM-9B/C/D/E/F/G/H/J/L/M/N/P/X

    - ASRAAM

    - RB-24/J/74


    before you install this pack please delete the following weapons

    - AIM-9E2

    - AIM-9P-1

    - GBU-123

    this weapons will be replaced with ones that have an other folder name to make sure that there is no conflict with TW stock weapons and to make sure that this new weapons will function as the are supposed to


    to install just copy all weapons in to your weapons-folder and overwrite if ask to and copy the effects in to your effects-folder , thats it


    the includet DATA-INI´s are for the F-8C/D to enable them to load the AIM-9C (SAHM) , so copy them in to your F-8C / F-8D folder


    NOTE to use the AGM-122 on your AV-8B you have to add ARM to the respective weaponstation


    all other weapons in work will be released later in a Weapons-Pack 2


    have fun



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  2. Mh hast schon recht, gerade an der spitze und am Cockpit ist es etwas Lowpoly.


    Was mich interessiert, ist deine Unterteilung der Bucc, wie sah das Resultat vor der Unterteilung aus? Hat das Game nicht geladen, gab es probleme mit dem Schatten?


    du hast probleme mit den skins , wenn du die baugruppen kleiner hälst kanst du auch über die 62k-poly gehen , den trick gab mir florian ist eigentlich am ende genauso wie mit den ganzen waffen und piloten die du an den flieger hängst da gibt es eigentlich keine grenze nach oben nur wenn du ein ganzes teil hast das 62k-poly hat bekommt das spiel schwierigkeiten :grin:

  3. i dit go as far as i could with the Buccaneer´s in regards of high-poly count and still functioning in game and the higest poly count i have is on the S2D with this values



    Num Nodes: 284

    Total: (62289 polys, 186867 verts)

    Mesh Max: (1216 polys, 3648 verts)


    and i had to chop the aircaft in to more pieces so it will still work , only after i chop it in to more pieces the model was working again



















    there are some terrains the S2D will not work like the Anatolia terrain when you have all values to unlimited


    i hope this helps and good luck on building your aircraft :drinks:

  4. i have the Sidewinder family , IRIS-T , Meteor, AIM-120 AMRAAM and the AIM-132 ASRAAM as models in work , they are not finish yet but will be in the near future


    on the AIM-132 ASRAAM the skin the Sensor and the tail/nozzle needs still some work but nothing major , i could not find any picture of the rocket tail of a armed AIM-132 so im not sure if my tail section is correct






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