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Posts posted by ravenclaw_007

  1. for all who like to know how the tactics are with the real Buccaneer´s this are some pages of the S2B weapons manual and they show how it was done (if you like to have a copy of the Manual just give me a PM)


    the HUD funktion can unfortunately not be implimented in to the game because of limited ground objects targeting funktion , if we have in the future a better avionics for bombers available i may add this funktions





  2. Quick question - I'm not a Bucc guy at all so I'm not that familiar with the aircraft and it's history. What's the significance of the RAFG version?


    no refuelprobe and the RAF Squdrons No.15 and No.16 , this two squadrons are the only ones with buccaneers based in germany even though the no.15 Sqaudron was formed in 1970 at RAF Honington shortly afterwards they moved to RAF Laarbruch in Germany

  3. ok i just got some pictures of the bulged bombbay doors , this bulged bombbay doors are this what we have now as "Bombbay-Fueltank" and this bulged bombbay doors are rotating with the bombbay door


    so here is what i´m going to do now


    - first i make a model of the Bombbayfueltank (it is only a cylinder mounted on to the bombracks of the bombbay)

    - i add a new weaponsstation for the bulged bombbay door

    - change all the lods and add the entry in the data_ini

    - upload the version2.0 of all the Buccaneers


    i hope that gets everybody satisfied



    ps. please dont send me anymore PM about the HUD , as long as TK is not adding more ground/objects targeting capabilities to the games avionics this HUD is all you got and no the buccaneer did not have any CCIP , i have all the manuals and can prove that

  4. very nice job, beautiful airplane and cockpit.


    I did notice the AoA gauge says "Angel of Attack" instead of "Angle of Attack".


    i´m very very sorry that i did not find that error befor i released the Buccaneer´s , here is a quick fix just drop it in to all the Buccaneer cockpit folders


    if you look araound in this cockpits you will find many animated objects like working Brake-Pedals , animated Handbrake lever , autopilot switch and indicator or off-flags on some instruments/indicators if the engine stops or you shut it down to name just a few of the funktions that i try to get it work , so take your time and check this pits


    sorry again for this mishap with the typo error :blush:

  5. hello


    Thirdwire SF2/SF2:V/SF2:E/SF2:I - File Announcements look closed i cant't upload nothing :dntknw:






    i´m just uploading and have no problem


    but there is some changes regarding uploads , you have to go to the download-section and than you have to use the upload button and select from the menu wher you like to upload to

    if you dont do it this way you may get a error message , at least that is what i was getting :grin:

  6. Buccaneer RAF for SF2

    Buccaneer RAF and RAFG for SF2




    Buccaneer S2A

    Buccaneer S2B

    Buccaneer S2B RAFG , without refuelprobe

    Buccaneer S2/S2B Cockpit


    Mk6 Ejection Seat





    - strg+0 = canopy open close

    - strg+9 = nose and wing-fold

    - strg+8 = windshield wiper




    for instalations please read the README




    this are high poly models with high-res skins




    - original Model by Russouk2004

    - Skins and decals by Paulopanz

    - Loading and Hangar screens by Soulman and Gustav

    - FM rework by Kreelin,Spillone104,Baffmeister,Cliff11

    - Missions by Pureblue and Paulopanz

    - some weapons in this pack are from Mirage Factory



    - 3D work,templates,Skins,weapon´s and cockpit´s by - ravenclaw_007


    i hope i did not forget anybody




    vers 1.2 CHANGES from 10.oct.2011


    - working/rotating Bulged bombbay door

    - BombBay Fuel Tank added

    - max fuel load for FAA/RAF Buccaneer now 23100lbs

    - typo error on AOA Indicator fixed

    - Decal issue for 12Sqn. S2B_1983 fixed


    have fun



  7. Buccaneer FAA for SF2

    Buccaneer FAA (Fleet Air Arm) for SF2




    Buccaneer S2

    Buccaneer S2-Tanker / AI only

    Buccaneer S2C

    Buccaneer S2D

    Buccaneer S2 Cockpit


    Mk6 Ejection Seat


    Refueling mission for Buccaneer S2 tanker




    - strg+0 = canopy open close

    - strg+9 = nose and wing-fold

    - strg+8 = windshield wiper




    for instalations please read the README




    this are high poly models with high-res skins




    - original Model by Russouk2004

    - Skins and decals by Paulopanz

    - Loading and Hangar screens by Soulman and Gustav

    - FM rework by Kreelin,Spillone104,Baffmeister,Cliff11

    - Missions by Pureblue and Paulopanz

    - some weapons in this pack are from Mirage Factory



    - 3D work,templates,Skins,weapon´s and cockpit´s by - ravenclaw_007


    i hope i did not forget anybody




    vers 1.2 CHANGES from 10.oct.2011


    - working/rotating Bulged bombbay door

    - BombBay Fuel Tank added

    - max fuel load for FAA/RAF Buccaneer now 23100lbs

    - typo error on AOA Indicator fixed


    have fun



  8. Buccaneer Mk50 SAAF for SF2

    Buccaneer Mk50 SAAF for SF2




    Buccaneer Mk50_1965 without refuelprobe - optional lods with refuelprobe are includet

    Buccaneer Mk50_1980 with Chaff/Flare dispenser and refuelprobe

    Buccaneer Mk50 Cockpit

    SAAF Weapons

    Mk6 Ejection Seat



    the optional lod´s with refuelprobe for the Mk50_1965 are includet because based on the mission this probe could be mounted , so it is up to you wich lod´s you like to use , mostly the Mk50 in the early years was flying without the probe




    - strg+0 = canopy open close

    - strg+9 = nose and wing-fold

    - Thrustvector controll = RATO´s on/off


    the RATO you have to manualy start and stop with your Thrustvector controll if you forget to stop or use the ratos infligth you may soon run out of fuel




    for instalations please read the README




    this are high poly models with high-res skins




    - original Model by Russouk2004

    - Skins and decals by Paulopanz

    - Loading and Hangar screens by Soulman and Gustav

    - FM rework by Kreelin,Spillone104,Baffmeister,Cliff11

    - Missions by Pureblue and Paulopanz

    - some weapons in this pack are from Mirage Factory


    testcrew ,Dave,Soulman,Crusader,Florian,Slartibartfast,Paulopanz,


    - 3D work,templates,Skins,weapon´s and cockpit´s by - ravenclaw_007


    i hope i did not forget anybody




    vers 1.2 CHANGES from 10.oct.2011


    - working/rotating Bulged bombbay door

    - BombBay Fuel Tank added

    - max fuel load for SAAF BUccaneer now 25900lbs

    - typo error on AOA Indicator fixed



    have fun



  9. you may have some problems with the Buccaneers in SF1 because of reasons i dont know the distance lod´s for all RAF and FAA versions dont work the only Buccaneer version with working distance lod´s are the SAAF Mk50 (one possible reson may be an max. vertex count per model)


    - so we will most likely upload the FAA and RAF Buccaneers with out the distance lod entry in the aircraft´s_ini antil we know what is causing this

    - this Buccaneers and the Cockpits are High poly models and on some computers this may result in FPS drop or worse , and there is nothing i can do about it

    - i have to export some versions of this Buccaneer from 3ds max with decals , resulting in lod size above 2,1MB the reson why i have to export it with decals are that otherwise you would have decal-bleeding all over the aircraft , models with lod´s below 2,1MB dont have decals that would cause decal-bleeding


    aircraft lod size

    - Buccaneer-S2 4,61MB

    - Buccaneer-S2A_1969 4,54MB

    - Buccaneer-S2B_1969 2,05MB

    - Buccaneer-S2B_1983 6,34MB

    - Buccaneer-S2B_1989 5,49MB

    - Buccaneer-S2B_RAFG 2,01MB

    - Buccaneer-S2C 4,61MB

    - Buccaneer-S2D 5,87MB

    - Buccaneer-Mk50_1965 1,42MB

    - Buccaneer-Mk50_1980 1,50MB


    Cockpit lod size

    - from 2,93MB up to 3,0MB


    i hope that i can finish everything this week :grin:


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