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Everything posted by kazamashin

  1. G91-R1 Gina

  2. G91-R3 GINA

  3. G91-R4 GINA

  4. F-4J (UK) Phantom F Mk.3

  5. Awesome work..nice to see the 'Lynx' flight test. I am sure she'll be a joy to fly. @eraser X-32 ASTOVL aka Monica ? Which version is it going to be ...The Boeing or Jane's FA version ?
  6. Your first combat flight sim...

    I remember DI's Tornado and Harrier Jumpjet back in the early mid 90s. http://www.the-underdogs.info/game.php?id=2224 Been doing some retro gaming(cough..simming) lately...Hind,Gunship, F-117..eye candy not so important :P
  7. Tsunami @Dels Saberbat is a Rockwell. Pretty Cool looking too. http://www.secretprojects.co.uk/forum/inde...pic=208.msg1222 General Dynamics' proposal is the F-16SFW http://www.f-16.net/f-16_versions_article26.html and another random UK LWF design http://www.secretprojects.co.uk/forum/inde...55.html#msg4455 Finally the famous Conquest X-30 http://www.yojoe.com/vehicles/86/conquest/
  8. Nothing wrong at all. Just pointing out that british/foreign aircraft names should have no bearing on US aircraft names and vice-versa. The Lightning II adopted for the F-35(ignoring the BAC product) and even Grumman's own Albatross are examples of such cases. Nordic/mythical names dont work either..just out of tradition. The F-29A being partially derived from the F-5 should already have 2 guns..newer versions of the M39 or more powerful guns. How about Condor ?
  9. Kitty/Warhawk II is a Curtiss-Wright product..not in the airframe business anymore these days. Doesnt sound cool or contemplary enough. Cobra II doesnt work too. The F-17 Cobra I never entered AF service. Cougar=Ex-Navy fighter (unlikely to be adopted as name for AF plane..Corsair II ring a bell ?) Rapier=Lame...F-22 was named Rapier at one stage. ATF=Like the feds ? :D..I dont see the 'A' in it compared with the YF-22 and 23 just around the corner. Puma/Panther sound too much like armoured cars. I think Lynx is best since it is a first for fighter and cat. The westland helicopter is a british product and doesnt count. Did we suddenly run out of names of fierce birds of prey ? Buzzard, Caracara, Kestrel, Skua, Kite..Albatross..etc
  10. I voted for Lynx myself because of reasons already mentioned in this thread. Maybe the export version can be called the Retaliator :yes:
  11. Anyone remember this little jewel ? http://www.mobygames.com/game/strike-commander I was thinking with SF's mercenary feature we could re-live this old classic with more modern graphics and a better flight model. We already have an excellent F-16A mod and most of the aircraft needed. Just need some new terrain, some screens and we're set. Ideas ?
  12. You're more than welcomed to do so. We could also use some help on mission and map design and research, perhaps some people who play SC more recently can help out too.
  13. Gunrunner is right about SF engine limitations so this effort will initially focus on the cosmetic sides of Strike Commander. Gotta work with what we got now and hopefully build it up from there as TK makes SF more sophisticated. Digging into SC manual (i am sure there is also a digitized version floating around) for a list of aircraft and ordnance from the reference section. Planes:- F-16C- No proper pit F/A-18 F-15 MiG-21 MiG-29 Su-27 C-130 Mirage 2000 A-10A Tornado GR Learjet - Not available E-3 Sentry - Not available F-23 F-22 Lightning II - Version in works not this variant Tu-95 -? 747 Ordnance (Wildcats):- AIM-9J($30k), AIM-9M($60k) AIM-120($200k) GBU-15(V)/B($100k) Mk82 slick($10k) Rockeye Mk20($20k) Durandal($30k) AGM-65D($100k) LAU-3 rocket launcher ($10k) Countries:- Turkey Egypt Peru Mauritania Quebec Squadrons:- Jackals (MiG-29) Claws (???) Interesting: http://www.tok2.com/home/avionics/sccd/index.html <--other sims too
  14. Consoles ? Maybe something with realistic FM but light avionics like Aero Elite or Over-G fighters. Hope this doesn't end up like the Top Gun games.
  15. still looking for strike eagle sim

    Wow so many favorites there. Too bad JA-10 never got a proper release..that would have made it the Hog equivalent to LBII.
  16. AFAIK.. F-1 is simply a T-2B with the instructor's pit and canopy faired over, a heavier bombload, new radar and at least 4000lbs more thrust for the engines. This old site is filled with F-1/T-2 related info. http://mitsubis**t-2.blue.coocan.jp/f-1list.htm
  17. wow marcelo those are superb..how i wished all the default planes such as the A-10, MiG-series, Su-7 get rebuild with your superb touch for detail!
  18. Thats a shame really :( Without the max file there is no chance of you and the Mirage Factory ppl rebuilding it either.
  19. File Name: F-4J (UK) Phantom F Mk.3 File Submitter: kazamashin File Submitted: 23 Mar 2007 File Category: F-4 F-4J(UK) Phantom II Version 1.1 by kazamashin *Requires the free F-4J by Thirdwire and Bunyap's latest weapons pack (for the correct drop tanks and BAe Skyflash SAHMs). Make sure you have those. This mod is meant to be a remake of the exisiting pre-SP3 F-4J(UK) by Sundowner and many many changes have been made to skins, decals and inis. Please read the included Readme file for further details. Click here to download this file
  20. Can you be a bit more specific so we can pinpoint the problem ?

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