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Posts posted by ordway

  1. Thanks, Ordway.

    Is it good for the IAI Saar too?




    The short answer is yes. They were basically the same aircraft in the cockpit...but maybe more electronics/replaced newer items in the later Saar. Unless I can find a cockpit photo of a Saar. The Saar might have had a blue artifical horizon added...if so I would make a separate Saar cockpit and release it in a jiffy!

  2. SFP2 Israeli-modified Super Mystere Cockpit

    New SFP2 Israeli-modified Dassault Super

    Mystere B.2 Early-Mid life cockpit for Wings Over

    Israel2 (I could not get the SFP1 version to work

    in SFP2 and had to start over again with SFP2).


    Gages have been moved, eliminated and added. Bitmaps were added.

    Color photos and cockpit diagrams of the Super Mystere were used as reference.


    You need the Wings over Israel 2 for the

    Dassault SMB2 Super Mystere.


    Originally inspired by CA_Stary (photo-realistic

    early to mid life additions added by Richard



    version 1.0

    June 07, 2010


    You NEED SFP2 Israel and a previous SFP2 addon (with the F-100D Super Sabre) such as SFP2, WOV2, WOE2, to use it!


    3D .LOD files not included!









    CA_Stary for all his hard work to make the

    brilliant basic Super Mystere B.2. in



    Thanks to Frank Safrenek and Michel Gerard of

    Mirage Aircraft of Flightsimulator.com for pics of

    the Mystere IVA and Ouragan-many of which

    carry over to the Super Mystere.




    TK for Wings Over Israel2 and a bitmap image of

    a Meteor battery gage.


    Lexx_Luthor for his "Generic Cockpits:


    applications to strategic air warfare" at Thirdwire

    forums and cockpits MOVE editing discoveries.


    Really great stuff there!


    Wrench, for his tutorial about adding F-100D

    cockpit to unflyable WOI 1 planes.

    And suggestions to use Hun's pit in Super Mystere.







    This is a modification of Thirdwire F-100D sfp2

    cockpit to represent the Dassault Super Mystere

    B.2 Early-Mid life cockpit.









    The 3D F-100D base cockpit is NOT included! If you have any previous merged SFP2 installs,

    you can just add the contents of this download to the Super Mystere folder and it should work.


    If you have only the SFP2 Israel alone, then you need to extract the F-100 contents and add it to the

    Super Mystere folder. It's two

    minutes work anyway.

    CAT File Extract Utility can be found at:




    Included are ini files and all repainted textures.


    1. Extract the archive to your C:

    MydocumentsThirdwireWings Over

    Israel2ObjectsAircraftSuperMystereB2 folder


    2. Using the CAT File Extract Utility extract from

    SFP2 the F-100D_PIT.LOD...and all the

    other F-100 files if you want.


    More precisely, from "ObjectData.cat" found in


    directory extract the file:



    -this file is the geometry of the Super Sabre

    cockpit. It's core file and cannot be redistributed.




    3. Copy this file into C:

    MydocumentsThirdwireWings Over





    4.That's it. Nothing more needed. Go flying!









    The Dassault SMB2 Super Mystere was the

    basic equivalent of the North American F-100

    Super Sabre except smaller and much less powerful. It saw much air-air combat and gave

    stellar value to Israel.


    Over Saykal, the Israeli Super Mysteres

    encountered a pair of Syrian MiG-21s and

    although outclassed by the MiGs, shot both of

    them down.


    By the end of the first day of 1967 Six Days War

    hositilities, Super Mysteres had destroyed 5

    aircraft in the air.








    In 1975, Israel sold 12 complete airframes and 6

    sets of spares to Honduras. The aircraft were

    involved in numerous border skirmishes with

    Nicaragua and were finally withdrawn from

    service in 1996.





    Tactics: The Super Mystere has almost the same

    thrust/weight t/w ratio as the F-100. It has a

    noticeably lower wing loading than the F-100 so

    can out turn it all other things being equal. It can't

    climb as fast as the F-100-(Mike Spick, Illustrated

    Directory of Fighters). Against the Mig-19 and

    Mig-21 and MiG 23, try to out turn them.

    Against the Vampire, Meteor, Mig-15, Mig-17 try

    to do vertical yo yos while turning.


    Legal stuff:


    You can do whatever you want with this, as long as you don't include it in any payware package.


    Giving us credits would be fine.


    Richard "Pitts2A" Ordway

    Przemek "CA_Stary" Starkiewiczfor Wings Over


  3. sorry, a question - what's the differences after 5th Oct. ? I downloaded it, but I am not sure what was changed.


    Hi, I don't think there is much of a difference unless I made a note at the bottom of the notes saying version 1.0. or 1.1 or 1.2, etc,. I did keep adding more buttons as I got more updated photos from the East, however.

  4. MiG-27M cockpit- Soviet leading ground attack fighter to attack in a NATO/Warsaw pact 1970s confrontation-Simplified from the "K" model, with BMP TV screen.

    Mig-27M cockpit (SFP1 series) made by Ordway, Starfighter2, lindr2 based on color cockpit photos and cockpit diagrams.


    Original cockpit made by Armourdave and Sal.

    Avionics and optional advanced flight model by Nele.


    You need avionics 70 and the latest patch updates from Thirdwire. Tested on Windows XP and not Vista. However it might work on Vista too.


    This is the cockpit for the Soviet MIG-27M ground attack fighter which would probably have been one of the first attackers against NATO in a NATO versus Soviet block confrontation in the 1970s and 1980s. It is referenced from color photographs and original cockpit diagrams.


    The BMP TV screen is just there for looks. The real TV screen will appear as usual, in the upper right hand corner when using many guided bombs/missiles. No one I knew could figure out how to make it work on the instrument panel in the correct area.



    MiG-27M History:


    The MiG 27, had superb low altitude, high speed capabilities and could out run many other fighters.


    Concerns over the complexity (and unreliability) of the very advanced MiG-27K ground attack fighter led to the development of a simpler variant, the "MiG-27M". It retained much of the MiG-27K's electronics including a jammer, but featured a cheaper and less sophisticated nav-attack suite. The MiG-27M could carry all the "smart" munitions carried by the MiG-27K except for the KAB-500L LGB. The MiG-27M was externally very hard to tell from a MiG-27K.


    Initial flight of the first MiG-27M, a converted MiG-27, was in April 1976, and the type went into production in 1978 in Siberia . 162 Soviet-built MiG-27Ms were delivered into 1982.


    However, from 1982, the decision was made to upgrade most of the older MiG-27 fleet to MiG-27M standards and this of course evemntually added hugely to the over all total number of MiG-27Ms.


    The MiG-27M was license-built by one user, the Indian Air Force (IAF) starting in the mid-1980s, with the first HAL machine, assembled from a kit performing its initial flight on 11 January 1986. A total of 165 HAL MiG-27Ms -- sometimes referred to with the designation of "MiG-27ML





    1) Download Lindr2's Mig-27 series at



    2) Back it up just in case.


    3) Just download the contents of whole filefolder Mig-27M intact into your aircraft folder as one folder.


    4) When asked to overwrite say yes.




    Thanks to Lindr2 for all his sustained hard and dedicated work.


    Thanks to Armourdave and Sal for the original cockpit. Thanks to Lindr2 and Epizikl for help with the cockpit research and photos. Thanks to Lindr2 for the various TV (optical) cockpit images.


    Thanks to Armour Dave and Sal for the cockpit.

    Thanks to Starfighter2, lindr2 for the Mig-23P HUD which has stymied modelers until now that I know of.

    Thanks to the Mirage factory for the Mig-23ML downloadable as a pack from combatace in the pack called Mirage Factory MiG-23 "Flogger" Series.


    Not for payware.






  5. Yes, the brakes are only linked to an on or off brake button. However, for il-2, it is hard coded so that when you turn with the brakes on, it acts like differential braking to me so the aircraft turns a little like differential braking.


    By the way, I have had these rudder pedals for over a year and they are some of the best I have ever had (since 1991 or so when I had some made of wood!). These are strong, offer resistance, are realistic and I highly recommend them and feel a lot like the real airplanes I have flown since the early 1970s.

  6. I'm with you Peter.


    The AI can be pretty good. When I fly the Neiuport 28 against Alb. D5s, they get altitude and boom and zoom me and won't get into a horizontal fight with me (theorectically, I should be able to out turn them.

  7. MiG-27( MiG-23BM) and separate MiG-27D dedicated ground attack variant cockpits (First production versions) and leading attacker in a Warsaw Pact Nato central front confrontation

    This is both the MiG-27(MiG-23BM) and MiG-27D dedicated ground attack fighter/bomber variant cockpits for SFP1 series Lindr2's MiG-27 FloggerD and MiG-27D available below:




    It is based on the Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-23 fighter aircraft, but optimized for the air-to-ground role. Additional cockpit armor was installed, along with a totally new nav-attack system. The MiG-27 was first operational in 1973. However unlike the MiG-23, the MiG-27 did not see widespread use outside the Soviet Union, as most other countries opted for the MiG-23BN ground attack fighter. It would have been one of the leading WARSAW Pact elements of a NATO central front attack.




    It has an extremely different gunsight (and no radar) and different panel compared to the Mig-23 fighter series.


    This was the first MiG-27 version.


    I had quite a hard time getting the plain MiG-27 working, so now both should work.


    They both have different loadout capabilties and operational time frames from one another. They also have different equipment from one another as they were basically the same except that the MiG-27D was more optimized for nuclear strike and had more panels for that. The Mig-27D was also apparently kept on nuclear alert much like the US used the F-111.





    1) Download Lindr2's MiG-27 series at



    2) Back it up just in case.


    3) Just download the contents of both filefolders MiG-27 and MiG-27D intact into your aircraft folder.


    4) When asked to overwrite say yes.




    4) OPTIONAL: Add Nele's alternate advanced MiG-27 flight model/ECM (data.ini) which is in the NeilFlightModel folder called MiG-27_data.ini. Just pop it in and overwrite when asked...back it up as always.


    The original flight model is also included in the Nele folder titled "original" in case you want to go back to the original flight model and data file.


    I personally strongly recommend it for getting an accurate feel of the Mig-27 according to the published reports I have researched...but it is not for beginners.


    Thanks to Lindr2 for all his sustained hard, dedicated and excellent work!


    Thanks to Armourdave and Sal for the original cockpit. Thanks to Lindr2 and Epizikl for help with the cockpit research and photos.




  8. Mig-23UB cockpit tandem seat trainer/fighter with working UB HUD

    This is the Mig-23UB two seat trainer/fighter cockpit for Lindr2's masterful Mig-23UB.


    The Mig-23UB was the Mig-23M's two-seat trainer. Production began in 1970 with about 1000 airframes. It has the Mig-23M HUD from Starfighter 2 and Lindr2, but has no radar as it apparently seemed too problematic to maintain in real life.


    It was used for training and was heavily exported as some countries lost almost one fourth of their entire Mig-23 fleet to accidents. It had a backup fighter role...but without radar, it was limited.


    It apparently kept the ASP-23D sight, the Kh-23 Delta-NM missile guiding equipment, the camera, and the R-3S and R-13M missiles for a limited anti-air capability.


    It added, an AOA limiter and angle of attack indicator, the Poliot-1I-23 flight/navigation system with the SAU-23UB autopilot , a better failure warning system and a rear cockpit periscope were installed


    Thanks to Nele for the optional alternate detailed UB flight model.


    So the Mig-23UB usually had *no radar* on most airframes (some units might have retained radar).


    It has a map, pencil and stopwatch for those precision approaches.


    Oh...and why is 310 K/Hr plastered all over the cockpit- Read on!


    From flying a two seat Mig-23: "Then we retracted flaps to take off position as he let me do the take off and fly around the pattern again. From the back on final all the instructor kept saying was 310 kilometers airspeed over and over."








    1) Back up your Lindr2 Mig-23UB folder or download it first from:




    2) Just download the whole filefolder Mig-23UB intact into your aircraft folder as one folder.


    3) When asked to overwrite say yes.




    4) OPTIONAL: Add Nele's alternate advanced Mig-23M flight model which is in the NeilFlightModel folder called MiG-23UB_data.ini. Just pop it in and overwrite when asked...back it up as always.


    I personally strongly recommend it for getting an accurate feel of the Mig-23UB according to the published reports I have researched...but it is not for beginners.


    Thanks to Lindr2 for all his sustained hard and dedicated work.


    Thanks to Armourdave and Sal for the cockpit.


    Thanks to Starfighter2 and Lindr2 for the HUD.


    Not for payware.






  9. MiG_23UB_Early.rar - FIXED LOD


    but in RL Wing Version 1 had 2 section slats & not rotaring, but rotate- forward moving, and in late Mig-23S slats fixed on 4 deg position as zero position.


    Wing Version 2, used on MiG-23B & MiG-23 obr.71 (MiG-23L) had no slats. Maybe i will make this later.


    some my WIP




    Lindr2, I love that green cockpit display in the radar area!!!!

  10. No it was intended as the soviet counterpart to the F-111 fighters.

    In the hands of excellent pilots the 23 had an excellent perfomance. But with normal pilots at the controll the 23 was an underperfomer. And with bad pilots it was a nightmare.

    The same like the Fokker DR.1 in WW1.


    Gepard! I am very impressed with your Mig-23MK flight model! You seem to have studied the strengths and weaknesses of the Mig-23M series very carefully and done some long work to make your flight model to highlight its quirks and strengths!


    Downloadable at:




  11. Hello, Ordway (!) :smile:


    I have gradually come to the process of self-creation model ...

    Only the MiG-21bis, on the basis of which will create a series of modifications ...


    http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showt...306962&st=0 & # entry306962


    I think that in the MIG-23 can cooperate not only with Nele, but with Lindr2, which I will ask about it ...

    It is a Lindr2 has vast experience on avionics and a lot of knowledge in this area ...


    So, Ordway (!) all the difficulties can be overcome (!)

    Meanwhile, broader efforts ... :wink:



    Yes, Lindr2 can help with the avionics!!!! Maybe we can use Lindr2's avionics and Neles flight models.


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