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About yalcin_42

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  1. first I like your choppers but I dont use gunsight and weapons in SF2 marged version... I installed my mod folder but I dont install weapon to Cobras... I flight without weapons but I cant see gunsıght in hudglass Please help me...
  2. F-16C Block 25/30 by The Viper Team

    I was waiting this modifaction very long time. Thank you
  3. Sept 11th 2001

  4. Women in uniform...

    she is the first woman military pilot in the world.... her name is SABIHA GOKCEN. She is a Turkish Hero...

    no you cant found F-16I sufa skin in there. you will find F-16C bkl 30-32-40-42-50-52 skins in web site...
  6. I installed all patches of PF+FB+AFP. I can't see some planes and I see some planes but I can't use they. I installed only PF+FB+AFB and its patches from ubi.com
  7. hello guys... I installed PF+FB+AEP but some planes not working for example yp-80, some spitfires models. where did I make a mistakes?
  8. my favorite aircraft is F-16C/D because TuAF(turkish air force) use this aircraft.... my favorite cold war aircraft is Phantom II... I dont know why ı love this aircraft... and finally my favorite WWII aircraft is P-47....
  9. does it have original cockpit?
  10. Syria engages Israeli Aircraft

    Any israel jets dodm't base on the Turkey. F-15I RA'ma dropped fuel tanks near in the Turkish borders...
  11. very good works thansk.... sorry when you release F-22?
  12. if I were the commander of IAF I would choise F-16C blk 60
  13. where we can get her? I wanna kill american fighters with her

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