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Everything posted by Wilches

  1. It should be set as a target, don´t you think?
  2. The night shift made a messy job! Awesome!!!!!
  3. It´s possible to recover most of data from HD crash. I made it twice.
  4. My fav modeler is back! With a new toy! A plane must needed.
  5. Buds, is there a multi seasons tiles for the Wrench´s Norway terrain V2 to share? Thanks!
  6. Would be good if you merge all the hangar stuffs into a single one to save FPS.
  7. It could work as a 1945 scenario, with Germans in left side against Russian at right side. A never seen late-war map.
  8. Where´s my cigar... Congratulations and all the best!!!!
  9. Still playing

  10. Gents, I´m looking for a FM update (SFP2 pattern) for the old PZL P.11c. Any help?
  11. The updated from 2017 is the one I need. Could you post a link please?
  12. Vending machines? Good idea for some "Easter eggs"!
  13. I guess it´s not. I took mine from here on SFP1 section.
  14. Hope to see the IRIAF birds too. They have such beautiful skins, don´t they? ,
  15. Gorgeous! The wingtips should be much more rounded. Looks very squared. Congrats!!!
  16. What about the new Sukhoi series? Another 2 weeks*? (*) Five years

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