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Everything posted by Wilches

  1. Meteor NF.13 Egypt

    Version 1.0.0


    ************************ONLY FOR SFP2 INSTALL**************************** - First, download the "Meteors_Over_Israel" bunch from here to get the LODs: https://combatace.com/files/file/16825-meteors-over-israel-sf2/ - Once downloaded, just install it as the Readme says. - To install this Egypt Meteor, drop the "Meteor_NF13(REAF)" to the main "Aircraft" game folder. After that, copy/paste the LODs from "Meteors_Over_Israel" NF.13 to "Meteor_NF13(REAF)" directory. - The cockpit used many aircraft parts mixed with TW cockpit by the "OpenCockpit=TRUE" method. I did some tweak over Jarek originals to make it more realistic. - The skin depicts the Meteor NF.13 from Royal Egypt Air Force (REAF) unknown squadron during the "Suez Crisis". Six were delivered and half were downed. Thanks to Jarek Hereda for everything. C.Wilches - October 2018
  2. Meteor NF.13 RAF Suez

    Version 1.0.0


    ************************ONLY FOR SFP2 INSTALL**************************** - First, download the "Meteors_Over_Israel" bunch from here to get the LODs: https://combatace.com/files/file/16825-meteors-over-israel-sf2/ - Once downloaded, just install it as the Readme says. - To install this RAF Meteor, drop the "Meteor_NF13(RAF)" to the main "Aircraft" game folder. After that, copy/paste the LODs from "Meteors_Over_Israel" NF.13 to "Meteor_NF13(RAF)" directory. - Inside the skin file there is another one with some blank skins for FREE use. - The cockpit used many aircraft parts mixed with TW cockpit by the "OpenCockpit=TRUE" method. I did some tweak over Jarek originals to make it more realistic. - The skin depicts the Meteor NF.13 from RAF 39 Squadron during the "Suez Crisis". Thanks to Jarek Hereda for everything. C.Wilches - September 2018
  3. Hello Jarek!! Do you allowed me to post this? Thanks!


    1. yakarov79


      Sure.  You have templates? 

      Because i was about to upload this week F8 FR9 and NF11/13  clean planes with templates...

    2. Wilches


      Wow! Release them first. I'll wait. Good news. Thanks!

  4. View File Me163B_Komet_SFP2 What is new in this pack: - New Hitboxes, seat and small tweaks from Coupi. - New skin (Mottled) and cockpit colors by me. - Update and some minor skin tweaks on original (Camo) skin. New numbers for it. - New exhaust smoke by me using and modified Dirty Bird Exhaust Effect For SF2 By NeverEnough. - The Pilot is unknown for me. My apologies for that! Many thaks to Pasko and Coupi for the marvelous work and cooperation. And Wrench for tips and for the hosting. C. Wilches - 09/2018 Submitter Wilches Submitted 09/27/2018 Category Other  
  5. Stunnig work. All the models are perfect, flawless and must needed. Hope you continue the saga with the Brits and other countries. Congrats to those involved!
  6. Me163B_Komet_SFP2

    Version 1.0.0


    What is new in this pack: - New Hitboxes, seat and small tweaks from Coupi. - New skin (Mottled) and cockpit colors by me. - Update and some minor skin tweaks on original (Camo) skin. New numbers for it. - New exhaust smoke by me using and modified Dirty Bird Exhaust Effect For SF2 By NeverEnough. - The Pilot is unknown for me. My apologies for that! Many thaks to Pasko and Coupi for the marvelous work and cooperation. And Wrench for tips and for the hosting. C. Wilches - 09/2018
  7. Well, everything said, I'll pack it up and send for download sooner.
  8. Gents, does anybody has a workable Me-163_DATA.ini updated for SFP2 series? The fuel consuption is the real problem. Is there a way to make the rocket smoke visible on the ground? The smoke should be thick, long and almost white. Please help me.
  9. I used the Coupi´s new DATA with correct hitboxes. Will be released along with this new skin after his approval.
  10. After a long trial and error game I´ve done a quite acceptable smoke. My regret is not to cope the withe smoke I needed. Check it out:
  11. Coupi has a paralel working wich is very promissing. Tomorrow I'll try both tweaks.
  12. I notice Wrench. It' such a pity that the model has not been updated yet, because it looks so perfect. One of the best models from the old days. Coupi sent me a new data for test, but I'm still have some problems with rocket smoke.
  13. With the J8M data the fuel consuption looks better. I have no luck with the smoke plume. Tried some smoke emmiters and afterburner combinations with no success. Not my strongest point.
  14. Thanks. I´ll give it a try.
  15. Hola Torno! Please, is there a way to make the early Fw 190A-3? The conversion should be easy for you. Check it out: Note that the cowling louvers are open (see drawings) and the most obvious change is the antenna and fin tip. Worth to note that the pitot tube is on the wrong place in your A-4. They remain in the same place through A-0 to A-7 series. Look the shots below. I know it´s a Beta, and that´s why I post this. Thanks for the wonderfull work.
  16. I like very very much, but some tunnings are badly needed. The hitboxes are porked. The cockpit is wonderfull. Thanks Torno!!!!
  17. Other, and as payware, is from YAP´s Rising Sun.
  18. The resemblance to Mystere cockpit is amazing.
  19. Guys, sorry if my question is a bit off-topic, but I thing it´s not that much. Is there a way to make the exhaust smoke works when the plane start the take-off? For me it works only when leaving the runway.
  20. Wow! Thanks to share Blade.
  21. As far as I know, none CR.42 were ever emplyed during Spanish Civil War, but this photo puzzles me. Is it real or fake? https://www.lasegundaguerra.com/viewtopic.php?t=12277

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