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About edave

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  1. Thanks again for these beautiful skins, for a beautiful model of a beautiful aircraft. I hope you find time to do a good assortment of Vautors. I have admired it since the time of the 1:50 Heller models. It's been great fun lately flying with the Armee de l'Air! Au revoir, Tom
  2. Excellent, especially ncluding the Vautour. It's great to see this colorful genre come to life. Rgds.
  3. WOW! THANK YOU! Good news that you plan to do more.
  4. Update to FMs

    Thanks soooo much for this. Some of the older add-ons were in dire need of AI improvement. Tom
  5. In the WeaponsPack_2.52 which is very convenient to use, they are entries 1223, 1222 and 921 respectively in the weapondata.ini. Stuff like this used to drive me crazy until I found out I could just open up the weapondata.ini and use the "find" function. Good hunting, Tom
  6. Any news? Need C model skins! And thanks for everything so far! -Rgds- Tom
  7. Ditto the above. I have been using 1000b bombs and 60lb rockets without textures (couldn't find them because of the way they were named). This is really superb! Thank you!
  8. Hey thanks! Works great.
  9. Just change the file extension to what it's supposed to be, i.e. .rar in this case. It's been working for me.
  10. I Can't Download

    OK Looks good so far. I put Combatace on a list of "managed web sites" to allow all cookies. It's the only site on the list! Thanks a lot!
  11. I Can't Download

    ISP is AT&T. Browser is Internet Explorer 6.
  12. I Can't Download

    Hi, I've been waiting for all the upgrading to be completed & issues to sort themselves out, but as of today still cannot download since Jan. 23 2007. After making sure I am logged in and going through all the menus (still showing as logged in) I get to the specific download page for the file I want, hit the "download file" button, and get an error message saying I have to be registered and logged in before dowloading. Then I re-log-in and go through the same cycle over and over. I download from many sites without a problem, and up till 1/23/07 everything was fine with Combatace. Any help on this? Thanks

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