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About spiteful21

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Melbourne, Australia
  • Interests
    Military and Aviation History
    Sci-Fi and Reading
    My Family


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  1. RAAF Pilatus PC-21 for SF2 Ver

    Wow, Awesome job
  2. LVG C.II

    Thanks again for your wonderful work
  3. Thanks very much for that.
  4. Hi all, hopefully a simple question. Where do I find in the aircraft data to add chaff and flares to aircraft that don't have them? Also is ther a way to add later model AIM-9 Sidewinders to aircraft that only have the AIM-9B Thanks for all your help.
  5. Installing with Windows 8

    OK, probably a numpty question but.......My Win7 machine died and has been replaced with a Win8 machine. Now have installed everything OK and went to install mods and I can't find a users/savedgames/thirdwire directory, can anyone point me in the right direction please?
  6. FE2 in SF2

    Oh well the whole FM issue pretty much kills that idea.........
  7. FE2 in SF2

    This going to sound like a really silly question but is there any reason you can't export the Aircraft, Ground objects, Effects, Terrains and campaigns/missions into a SF2 installation?
  8. First Eagles ScreenshotsThread

    I decided that I like Flight Sim screen shots so much..........I made a blog http://flightsimscreen.blogspot.com.au/
  9. BE 2c - in progress

    Seriously good, I can't wait for this one. You are officially a legend.
  10. FE2 update patch

    The only thing I'd like to see is a final fix for the weather changing in the campaigns with out add-ons (which I as a numpty can't work out how to use ) I love FE2
  11. Plane requests

    Stephen, I for one have been very much enjoying what you have done, you are a true master. Hi Quack74, As I was saying I have been trying to get a log on for A-team, without so much as a reply. I understand why they have gone this way, and that it's their choice, but it's a little like "look what I have and you can't" :( . I am perfectly willing to make a donation to them but no joys sadly.
  12. Plane requests

    What I'd like to see: Handley Page O/100 Armstrong Whitworth FK.8 Sopwith Dolphin Bristol Scout Felixtow Flying Boats Caudron G.III Caudron G.IV Pfalz D.XII Pfalz D.III AEG G.IV Gotha Bombers Fokker D.VI Hansa W series Junkers D.I Jumkers J.I Lohner L.I Siemens-Schuckert D.IV Macchi Flying Boats I know it's a big list but I can but dream :) . Also I'm aware that a lot are on the A-Teams website but they are less than forth coming with membership (I have asked a couple of times and even offer to pay for aircraft with no joy :(
  13. SF2 WW2

    Thanks very much
  14. Can anyone point out the best way of setting up a seperate install to utilise all the WW2 add-ons please? Am I able to just delete all the modern aircraft and ground objects after setting up a new mod folder? thanks very much

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