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Everything posted by DoctorQuest

  1. Could the texture setting cause issues like this?
  2. severe problem to access CA

    I had problems late last time but all seems good now.
  3. I'm reaching here.................. See if you can find your Default.INI file (should be in your active mods folder in the CONTROLS folder) and rename it to something else. Restart SF2 and try to config your gear with a default copy of Default.INI created by SF2.
  4. Do the devices show up in the "Devices and Printers" display in Windows Control Panel? My CH Products gear all show up as "game controller" devices? The point being that if Windows does not see the devices, no application will. If you don't see them in the Control Panel display it sounds like it might be a device driver issue of some sort.
  5. Ah. Makes perfect sense then. Thanks for the follow up!
  6. Can I ask what might be a stupid question? Are these mods available for download? I certainly understand if these are just "what-if" exercises with no intent to "publish". Just thought I would ask. (I've been around here for a while. I should probably know this.) Thanks!
  7. SF2 sale?

    ^What he said.
  8. A Brief Site Technical Question from a Returning Rooster

    No. CA still shows "light". I think it may be a question for the site admins. I don't know if it is possible to have the CA webpages detect and honor the dark/light setting. Firefox makes it sound like it is a site specific thing. I suspect Google's "dark" setting may work the same.
  9. A Brief Site Technical Question from a Returning Rooster

    Welcome back! I use Firefox myself which also has a "dark" setting. The comment with the setting says, "Some websites adapt their color scheme based on your preferences. Choose which color scheme you’d like to use for those sites." I don't know if the admins can do anything for CA that might allow it to adapt to a dark setting. I will tell you the same issue exists in Firefox. I go "dark" and CA still shows up as usual.
  10. I still think SF2 with its many mods is still a worthy historical combat flight sim. I'm not going to get into why I am not as enamored with DCS as others. To each their own and YMMV. I don't have ONE favorite sim. I still fly Janes F-15 and F/A-18. Hell, I still fly Microprose Strike Eagle II and F-117. I'm also a big fan of Falcon 4 BMS. I still fly IL-2 1946 and CFS3 for my WWII fix. I feel bad TK decided to move on. On the the hand that is the perfect definition of a "champagne problem". My life or the world is not going to end for lack of a flight simulator.
  11. 20

    It has been CombatACE as long as I've been a member. I don't remember how I originally came across the site but I have owned about every iteration of SF ever released. This has always been my go-to place for that sim. I even treated myself to the all-in-one install for my retirement. I won't be leaving here any time soon. Finagle willing.
  12. 20

    Young whippersnappers.......................
  13. Thanks for the NE ANG skin!
  14. Nebraska ANG RF-4C.7z

    All Good! Thanks for your work.
  15. Nebraska ANG RF-4C.7z

    Are the files for RF-4C_85 missing?
  16. Nebraska ANG RF-4C.7z

    Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Go Huskers!!
  17. Agreed. The advantage of having a "complete install" is you don't need to worry about prerequisite requirements for the various mods that are available.
  18. A-6B mod0 & mod1 Intruder

    You da man, GKABS............................ This is very good work. Thank you!
  19. Something along the lines of NATO Fighters Mods?
  20. Frecce Tricolori in Las Vegas

    That would have been cool to see. I don't think I've ever seen a foreign demo team IRL.
  21. I have seen this, too. I don't recall if it happens with all planes. Like Wrench says, I usually end the mission at that point. I've never taken the time to really research it.
  22. What I have seen is that bomb bay animation is triggered by CTRL O (OH). Cockpit animation is USUALLY set to SHIFT 0 (ZERO). That is more of a CombatAce modder standard than anything else. Hopefully any README files for a given aircraft will detail the animations and proper trigger keys.
  23. I have had problems running SF1 under Win10. Just sayin'. You don't say what OS you are using. My issues are more around overall performance. I don't know anything about the DX modules you are referring to. I have had to use a tweaked version of DDRAW.DLL for some games under Win10. I don't remember any references to needed it for SF1. I could be wrong. I REALLY don't know anything about the DeusEx d3d9.dll. I have you tried removing these two DX tweaks just to see what happens?

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