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Everything posted by Centurion-1

  1. Good news guys, me and Martin have finally gotten around to restarting work on the MiG-25! I also asked Comrad for help on making the russian stencils for added realism. So does anyone have an engineer to spare? Need to animate this landing gear and my brain is self-destructing
  2. Awesome! I had the exact same idea to do this actually when I made the aggressor F-5E skins, this is gonna be way better though! What will the Redfor/Aggressors be flying? If there is any particular camo scheme for the F-5E you would like me to make I would be more than glad to help you!
  3. File Name: Desert 4 Mountain Regions+ Addon File Submitter: Centurion-1 File Submitted: 02 April 2014 File Category: Tilesets for Terrains DESERT 4 Mountain Regions+ Addon by Centurion and Piecemeal Requires Piecemeals Desert 4 Terrain available here: http://combatace.com/files/file/14551-desert-terrain-v4/ DESCRIPTION This addon is for Piecemeals excellent Desert Terrain V.4 and adds more diversity to the mountain regions by adding several new tileset types. In addition to this, Piecemeal has modified all the city regions to be more diverse and less "square" and also changed movement routes and such. Overall, this makes the region more interesting to fly over. IMPORTANT NOTICE This patch updates the airfield names from the generic D1, D2 and so on to be specific place names. This will break you campaign files!!! Changing them to fix it is a simple matter of find-and-replace-all in notepad, however. Saved files will not work any more. KNOWN ISSUES Two airfields in the mountain regions have flattening issues that I have not been able to correct, if anyone could help us fix that would be great. AI Planes are bit bouncy there but the airbases are fully usable, it is mostly a visual issue. CREDITS: Piecemeal for the excellent V.4 terrain and the city tiling work + data tweaks. TK for SF2 and the whole Dhimar/Paran scenario. Stary and JSF Aggie for the tiles used here. Centurion for doing the cut/paste operations required to bring this together. Minor tile tweaks. INSTALLATION Unzip the whole folder into your Terrains/Desert4 folder. Click here to download this file
  4. Hmm you only have ground units for the blue side, try to add one for the red side too?
  5. Agressors! and yes, the striped camo was a sumbitch to paint.
  6. Frenchie the airfield names have changes in the following fashion: Go into your desired CampaignX_Data.ini with notepad and use the replace function and replace all button with each airfield, one after another. There will also be new campaigns released, but that might be a little while.
  7. Version V.1.0


    DESERT 4 Mountain Regions+ Addon by Centurion and Piecemeal Requires Piecemeals Desert 4 Terrain available here: http://combatace.com/files/file/14551-desert-terrain-v4/ DESCRIPTION This addon is for Piecemeals excellent Desert Terrain V.4 and adds more diversity to the mountain regions by adding several new tileset types. In addition to this, Piecemeal has modified all the city regions to be more diverse and less "square" and also changed movement routes and such. Overall, this makes the region more interesting to fly over. IMPORTANT NOTICE This patch updates the airfield names from the generic D1, D2 and so on to be specific place names. This will break you campaign files!!! Changing them to fix it is a simple matter of find-and-replace-all in notepad, however. Saved files will not work any more. KNOWN ISSUES Two airfields in the mountain regions have flattening issues that I have not been able to correct, if anyone could help us fix that would be great. AI Planes are bit bouncy there but the airbases are fully usable, it is mostly a visual issue. CREDITS: Piecemeal for the excellent V.4 terrain and the city tiling work + data tweaks. TK for SF2 and the whole Dhimar/Paran scenario. Stary and JSF Aggie for the tiles used here. Centurion for doing the cut/paste operations required to bring this together. Minor tile tweaks. INSTALLATION Unzip the whole folder into your Terrains/Desert4 folder.
  8. Huh, that is strange indeed and I had the same problem before! Try it in a different mod folder install, I think there could be some type of ground object that inerferes with it. I actually had a similar problem myself, fixed by testing a different mod folder.
  9. Gotta install SF2 on my desktop to try out the nvidia performance, got a GTX 760 on there.
  10. Desert 4 Mountain Regions+ Addon

    D1 Airbase = Muthala Airbase D2 Airbase = Al'Aqar Airbase D3 Airbase = Dhimaq Airbase D4 Airbase = Andalus Airbase D5 Airbase = Megnah Airbase D6 Airbase = Agami Airbase D7 Airbase = Al'Samir Airbase D8 Airbase = Quneitra Airbase D9 Airbase = Fasala Airbase D10 Airbase = Al'Aranak Airbase P1 Airfield = Maqazad Airfield P2 Airfield = Tiran Airfield P3 Airfield = Riqdur Airfield P4 Airfield = Montazah Airfield P5 Airfield = Izmat Airfield P6 Airfield = Jarimin Airfield P7 Airfield = Galazad Airfield P8 Airfield = Suran Airfield P9 Airfield = Ragnat Airfield P10 Airfield = Kurzah Airfield P11 Airfield = Sharqi Airfield P12 Airfield = Horreya Airfield P13 Airfield = Al'Watala Airfield P14 Airfield = Jalamin Airfield There you go!
  11. Top notch work there Russ! Wish I could make exteriors that good, but alas I always mess up the polygon flow. Quoted for truth!
  12. Been doing all kind of fun stuff today, including -Fixing UV map seams -Fixing model seams -Tweaking other sloppy work I did before But I also got a bunch of fun stuff done -Gear bay detail -Bump maps -Smoother out the camo texture for more crispness -Fixed the underside where the nose joins the fuselage, should be reasonably realistic now -Underside detailing Inspired by Sophocles bird I also tried reducing panel line opacity in the textures to see if that would be more realistic and I personally like it better. I still want to make it even more "real" but don't know what to do. But you can check out the new screenies vs. the ones from yesterday and tell me what you think To-do 150 gallon drop tanks More detailed hook
  13. Hi guys, yeah I am sorry my MiG-25 is taking so gdamn long, what can I say... The bad news is that it's gonna need a remap more or less too. The good new is that is pretty high on my list of priorities and Martin will help me with it.The cockpit is pretty basic actually and not all instruments work but I could consider releasing the cockpit "as is". I sort of regret using lower res textures than I would have had to. But yeah, I'll look into it! Here is the exterior model, as of now:
  14. That is the best looking bird I have seen so far in SF2. AAA+ rating! Blows anything I've ever tried right out of the water! I am curious,how many textures and what are the texture resolution for that? Obligatory screenshot:
  15. Hi guys, so I am really loving the new Desert 4 terrain by Piecemeal, however I found the mountain regions very bland because after about 800 meters above sea level there is only one tile set type used. Since I have been working on the Iran/Iraq terrain I had some tiles up my sleeve and did a quick hack jobb in TE and TFDEdtior to make the mountains more interesting. Here are some results, will need to fix some TE errors by hand but is there any interest in this? There is not super many targets in that general area but it makes for some nice scenic moments flying there.
  16. I promise you it is not Does anyone have any good pictures of the F-5E using afterburners from behind?
  17. The only thing crueler than this is if TK would have done a similar thing on his store page announcing EXP3. Curses, really got my hopes up.
  18. I worked some one the F-5E today again, got a lot of stuff done that was left hanging, including: -Better centerline pylon -Exhaust detailing -Texture tweaks and fixes -Better wingtip rails -Baked AO for misc stuff like gearbays and the like -New afterburner effect (a bit colorful atm) Before first release candidate, I need to: -Tweak the 150gal drop tank and add the shorter CL pylon used with it -Make new bump maps -Maybe do the canopy opening mechanism, but it wont be easy to do tho.. Afterburner pics
  19. The final addition to the pack before release is the Mirage F.1PC fitted by request of the Paranis with underwing sidewinder pylons like the Greek CGs, as we know Sidewinder pylons are also compatible with the AA-2 "Atoll" series. This plane was added to have a credible interceptor capable of BVR combat, though like other early Mirage F.1s it intially only mounts the ineffective R530 and lacks RWR.
  20. Hah, running out of fuel happens more times than I'd like to admit in SF2, especially if you try to fly MiG-21s or 23s which only seem to have enough fuel to get airborne.
  21. Well, my plan was a bit simpler than that, just to take google maps screenshots and overlay them over the DEM export in photoshop manually. At least for me that would be about a million percent faster when tiling rivers and whatnot, but I dont know how time consuming this feature would be for you? Anyways, thanks for an awesome program and your continued support!
  22. Oh Gerwin you little programmer wizard-god
  23. I like the F-111, would be awesome if some skinner would give new 4096x4096 textures though *wink wink* Yes, I am obsessed with high-res skins at the moment

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