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Everything posted by Typhoid

  1. Hurricane Harvey

    No. I don't believe the hype and the phony politicized science that rewrites history and ignores thousands of scientists in their field with other explanations. Warming stopped almost 20 years ago by the way. the climate has been changing for longer than humans have been around. We are not the cause and there is nothing that we can do that will have more than about a half degree difference. Regular climate cycles are much larger. And a hurricane in the Gulf? Imagine that....
  2. Hurricane Harvey

    Erik, with all due respect - that "mother nature's last warning" is nonsense. global average temp has not changed in almost 20 years. 12 years without a cat 3 or higher storm hitting the US has never before occurred since records have been kept. if you want to get off fossil fuels - you can't. The technology isn't there unless you go nuclear (ok by me!). Renewable energy doesn't work unless it's backed by conventional power plants (or lots of very expensive batteries with short life-spans) that's reality cheers
  3. Do you like it?

    Works great! i had to cruise around a bit to get used to the new look and feel but easy to do. and works much better on mobile than the old site.
  4. the Tomcats on the Midway were an emergency weather divert and remained overnight. The problem on Midway was not the catapult, plenty strong enough. The JBD's were not wide enough and would have needed to be replaced to actually operate from the ship. That divert occurred in 1983. When I left CVW-5 the ship was preparing to transition to updated aircraft including the E-2C and F-18A. I'm not sure when Midway transitioned to F-18's but she definitely did and operated F-18's during the Gulf War by 1991. later when I was flying the NEACP (now the NAOC) we tracked the aircraft status and locations of certain ships (don't ask why......) so by 1986 the Coral Sea was absolutely operating F-18's.
  5. Hurricane Harvey

    I've heard from relatives in the area, all safe. over 22" of rain and counting
  6. The only carriers too small to operate the Tomcat were the Midway and Coral Sea. Both operated Hornets in both the fighter and attack roles. The Midway did actually operate a couple of Tomcats once. But that's another story.
  7. F-14D V1.4

  8. F-14A+

  9. Mig-29C

  10. Mostly for Erik but for all of us too!

    The story has been around for a long time, and great every time!! Cool seeing it put to video
  11. California wildfire explodes to 45,000 acres;

    That would be the C-2
  12. California wildfire explodes to 45,000 acres;

    I saw the DC-10 VLAT in action during our Black Forest Fire. It was very effective. yes, the coordination is key and the Air Attack has to coordinate with all the right people. We had an Incident One Team controlling our local disaster. Everything was thrown at our fire and VLAT was just one of the many air assets in the mix. My impression was that it was absolutely a solid part of the mix. The 747 VLAT is based here and has flown overseas to fight fires. It is not available for use in the US because the US Forest Service is playing politics while our US forests burn. past time to clean out that swamp!
  13. California wildfire explodes to 45,000 acres;

    And the 747 Air Tanker that the US Forest Service refuses to use on Federal lands
  14. Eels

    http://video.foxnews.com/v/5507997798001/?#sp=show-clips heh a combatace operation?
  15. Slow site today?

    I waved off of this subject before but I'm going to toss a turd into the punch bowl once again. The whole net-neutrality thing is a scam. good article here on why that is so; https://fee.org/articles/net-nonsense/ a bit top level but it hits the key point, any such effort to limit or restrict content would be economically suicidal for ISP's to do. There are numerous ISP's out there and the technology has advanced by leaps and bounds without any help or hindrance from the Feds. The whole net-neutrality scam was really about suckering people into handing control of the internet to a cabal of insiders within the FCC. There was and is no reason for it. Competition is alive and well without any help from the Feds. Local example - there are at least 4 local providers here who all offer 1 gb/sec service. if you don't like one, go with another. The options are increasing all the time. Let Freedom reign, it works every time.
  16. KC-130 Crash in Mississippi 16 Dead

    It sounds like structural failure in flight leading to an attempted landing that didn't make it. Very sad and hits home to me. I lost four friends/shipmates in three crashes that were structural failures in flight of old aircraft still in service. R.I.P., shipmates.
  17. USS Fitzgerald, Sorry girls.

    Yep, you got it. One comment on all the radar on the Fitz. Most of that is air and space search. There is only one surface search radar on the DDG that could (and should have) detected the Crystal. It is the same, standard surface search radar found on most ships. Correction: there are 2 surface search radars plus the gun fire control.

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