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Everything posted by Typhoid

  1. USS Fitzgerald, Sorry girls.

    Back when I was still gainfully employed, one of my tasks was integrating various maritime info feeds into NORAD including the AIS data. So there is no question that the capability to do that is possible. But whether the Fitz crew was monitoring that info is the question. The more info that is coming out, the more it sounds as if the Fitz bridge watch failed.
  2. USS Fitzgerald, Sorry girls.

    Of course one of the questions to be answered is whether the Fitz watch team was monitoring the AIS.
  3. USS Fitzgerald, Sorry girls.

    of course. but standard rudder orders in the USN bridge crews are for "Left" and "Right" don't ask me why
  4. USS Fitzgerald, Sorry girls.

    He says "left full rudder" Standard terminology used on USN ships. It does sound like quite the cluster ...... And they didn't sound Collision until after the collision too. I suspect we'll eventually hear something similar from the Fitz, although without bothering to call the Captain until after they ran his cabin into the bow of the other ship. I definitely get a "what the Hell were they smoking on the bridge" feeling as more info dribbles out
  5. USS Fitzgerald, Sorry girls.

    That does seem to track with the other info available so far. I've seen both a speed log and course log (AIS source) of the container ship that is consistent with the above.
  6. USS Fitzgerald, Sorry girls.

    Fubar, you are absolutely correct and I made the point early on that there are exceptions where the naval vessel has the right of way, but that none of those applied in this situation. That last part is the key. A lot we don't know yet so speculation is just that.
  7. USS Fitzgerald, Sorry girls.

    Ah, no. They don't. Right of way is determined by relative position, course and speed. Warship has nothing to do with the rules of the road. A common misconception but it isn't so. Without knowing the tracks of the two ships, and any other contacts, there is simply no way to know what happened and who is at fault. We'll have to see what the accident report says.
  8. USS Fitzgerald, Sorry girls.

    Seppo's? I get the reference. I fail to see what a fictional RN RADM's comment in a fictional novel has to do with a tragic collision at sea. The comment was deliberately insulting and entirely out of line, particularly so while Search and Rescue ops were still in progress at the time.
  9. USS Fitzgerald, Sorry girls.

    And now confirmed that the bodies of the missing sailors were found aboard the ship trapped in the flooded berthing compartment So far as the rules of the road between ships - we do not know the tracks of the ships leading up to the collision nor any last minute maneuvers to avoid collision so it is premature to make any comments on who was at fault.
  10. USS Fitzgerald, Sorry girls.

    Ok a few points for the questions The rules of the road require one ship to give way, which is based solely on relative positions, course and speed. The type and size of vessels do NOT play into it. There are some exceptions to that but none would have applied. Without knowing the tracks of the two ships one cannot determine which was the burdened vessel. Same thing applies ashore at the traffic crossing. If you in your little car has the right of way over the 18 wheeler, who gives way? Note - while "the law of gross tonnage applies" to common sense and self preservation, that's not really how ships maneuver. The 7 missing most definitely were on the ship. Every ship musters the crew every day so that the Captain knows who is aboard. Regular "man overboard" drills are conducted and musters taken so that it can be determined who is missing. In this case 7 are missing and the sequence of events and damage sustained leads me to believe that those 7 were likely trapped in the flooded berthing compartments and drowned. And that is where they will likely be found. What happened? Someone screwed up. Something was missed. We will find out as the investigation reports are released. A sad day.
  11. USS Fitzgerald, Sorry girls.

    Huh? What the Hell does that have to do with this? Probably 7 dead and two critical Erik, accidents in crowded sea lanes do happen. How is a good question and we'll have to wait and see what the accident report reveals. This does bring back some bad memories
  12. https://news.usni.org/2017/06/06/e-2c-squadron-vaw-115-leaves-japan-44-years-operations quite the milestone. I flew in VAW-115, embarked in USS Midway, from June, 1981, through Dec, 1983. We were then the oldest E-2's in the fleet and it is good to see the Tip of the Spear get the newest with VAW-125 becoming the new squadron in Atsugi, Japan. Welcome Home, VAW-115 LIBERTY BELLS and thanks for a job Well Done!
  13. Memorial Day 2017

    I'm represented the city and county at a Memorial Day Ceremony and reading a proclamation. An annual event honoring the fallen from the US and Canada, our MIA's, with all the somber ceremonies that are appropriate.
  14. Learn your callsign

    Gusty Basher ?!?! Doesn't work. I think what I got tagged with 40 years ago still works for me!!
  15. Viggen vs Flagon

    I doubt too many people would be all that interested in 35 year old past stuff. Although there is a gent who is, or was, writing a book on the exploits of CV-41/CVW-5 during the NORPAC 82-83 and KAL-007 SAR ops from that timeframe. (which reportedly contributed to the subsequent Able Archer 83 paranoia) He saw my almost 20 year old post on hiding a carrier; http://www.navweaps.com/index_tech/tech-031.htm and that got him started researching what we all did. I'm not sure where he is on that book but it might be coming out sometime and if it does, I am in it if not by name by the missions included. That old hide a carrier post got quite a bit of coverage in some of the gaming circles in the past couple of years. I got a couple of calls on it and one gent got fired up and joined the USN as a result!
  16. Viggen vs Flagon

    "Soon, rival Soviet and Western rescue fleets clashed in the Sea of Japan as they searched first for survivors, and later bodies and wreckage, including the flight’s black box flight recorders." yea, kinda messed up a planned inport period. I did get a LOT of flight time out of that.
  17. I Immediately Thought about Some of You.

    well, I was referring to Home Base. But since you asked....
  18. I Immediately Thought about Some of You.

    (Shrugs) Looks like our weekly drills......
  19. For All You Trekkies Out There

  20. I'm not sure if I should laugh or cry.

    its the senior leadership doing a QC on the cadet cadre. it is a bit hilarious but all part of the senior officers making sure the cadre has their stuff together before the doolies arive
  21. The Honorable Typhoid

    Re-elected tonight in a landslide win!

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