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Everything posted by Typhoid

  1. Happy to announce our new game

    heh actually........ (any nuke ship/sub runs on a big steam plant)
  2. Military Advice

    There are a lot of truths in there!
  3. Sad news for me.

    hang in there my friend. Praying for you.;
  4. only if there is no object folder. Then it will re-populate. Usually when you are installing one of those AWESOME mods, you don't want all the stock planes because then you have aircraft and objects that were not part of the specific period that you are installing (ODS or Falklands, for examples) that works the same as before in Win7 and continues to do that in Win10.
  5. Words fail me...

    where is that?!
  6. That worked! Very nice terrain. Great job!
  7. I just updated the 7zip and this still doesn't unpack. Is there another program to use?
  8. Yankee Air Pirate moving on

    Gleaves DD is not correct.
  9. Lost in Space got it right!

    they might look at us and thing "lunch".....
  10. Going Rogue

    Looking good!
  11. No. A couple of Migs jumped me one time a few decades ago off the coast.
  12. I think I'll pass on giving them a second shot at me........
  13. seems such a waste

    it was potentially a very effective weapon. Consider how devastating the Kamikaze attacks were.
  14. Do Navy pilots land different

    Carrier Pilot - slam it into the numbers, stand on the brakes and take the first turn off, send out the ground crew to pick up the pieces that fell off... USAF Pilot - grease it on and gradually use the entire runway available, gently turn into the last turn off
  15. Chopper downed over Syria?

    That makes sense. I was looking for any sign of ground to air and didn't see anything. RIP
  16. I did do that and it works fine. Just curious. I scanned through it but missed that. Have to go back and RTFM. that does make sense. I flew one of the AI planes since they do have a cockpit and come up - just curious. Great project, very impressive. Thanks, neighbor.
  17. Very impressive!!! dumb question - why the AI files? They do come up as flyable and they are, why are they there?
  18. E-2 cable snaps on landing

    The report indicates several failures in maintenance procedures. Human errors.
  19. Darts Vs Vipers

    I had to read that "barn door" maneuver three times to make sure I got it right. Old age and treachery indeed!!
  20. E-2 cable snaps on landing

    Nope. But I was having flashbacks watching that!! Son #1 is on the Ike at the moment. Good thing those engines always run at 100% rpm - no spool up time, instant power! I imagine they needed to replace their flight suits And 8 deck crew were injured, some fairly seriously from the account.

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