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Everything posted by Typhoid

  1. Crimes in the Skies

  2. Crimes in the Skies

    I prefer the term "Elected Official" Just because I'm elected to public office you think I can't get ticked off and speak plainly to what deserves to be said? Watch some more campaign commercials.... Here's where I'm coming from. I was in NORAD on 9/11, my friends were on duty (I was not). They went through Unholy Hell. One of the hardest things I've ever had to do was to listen to hours of tapes of my friends who were on duty struggling at the time to understand what was happening to them. It fell to me to fix some of the system shortfalls that hampered the NORAD response. So when some know-nothing @$$ bite puts forth the deranged, psychotic fabrication that WE were in any way complicit in that atrocity it ticks me off. There is a psychotic derangement that fuels the conspiracy theory mentality. Now, if I've misconstrued the intent of that post, I'll retract my comments. Over
  3. Crimes in the Skies

    Ok, now you've pissed me off. You and every other damn, nutcase, psychotic lunatic need to get your heads examined for absolute deranged mental commitment. I was in NORAD on 9/11 and it was my colleagues who had to deal with that attack. A bunch of lyin', utterly dishonest lunatics had to go out and photo-shop, fabricate, and every other deranged psychosis to fabricate the accusation that I and my colleagues were complicit in that atrocity. This is personal. Now you are buying in and distributing the utterly stupid, nut-case, dishonest, and psychotic fantasy that planes which are flying normally and leaving absolutely normal contrails are some kind of conspiracy. There are several of us here who are actual, real pilots and have actual, real flight experience. you and your lunatic conspiracy fanatics are absolutely DISHONEST STUPID ETC. you are a damn liar. go adjust your medication and go away.
  4. Crimes in the Skies

    Yep HaHa!!
  5. Crimes in the Skies

    Deranged conspiracy fantasy based on actual statements by deranged, thermophobic nutcase pseudo scientists. The photos are of contrails, an absolutely normal and common occurrence.
  6. I'm sure there are a couple of E-2's somewhere..... All the tactical aircraft are F-18's now. \You make very visible motions so that all can see the signals. He is taking the launch order of the Cat Officer and then looking up and down to make a last check that everyone is where they are supposed to be and their signals are all go, which the Cat Officer did too but the guy who punches the button is releasing A LOT of energy. And his hands are in the air when the cat is in "tension" so that he doesn't accidentally hit the button prematurely
  7. Snowbirds fly missing man for Blue Angel 6

    dang!! Two salutes a class act!!
  8. I'm in floods of tears here

  9. Egypt Air Crash

    from the data feed it appears a catastrophic fire was involved. still a lot of unknowns and far to early to make any call on this. very sad and very tragic
  10. those availability rates are pretty poor
  11. Any of you older members remember this SNL skit?

    I think I was at sea at the time.....
  12. we could probably run some sims for them for much le$$
  13. Really Getting Kicked in the Ass

    our prayers are with you all
  14. New member, hi

    Welcome Aboard, shipmate!!
  15. Langley AFB Airshow

    Nice pictures!!
  16. How not to air drop

  17. Holy Crap That's Nice: Oregon ANG

    Nice paint job!! not exactly combat low-vis.......
  18. US Coast Guard drug interdiction

    I'm kinda not buying this April Fool's day post....
  19. YF-23 Black Widow videos

    I have to agree. I don't see a new production run starting. I imagine the F-35 production will be cut too. I also hope we are both wrong...
  20. Darth Maul The Apprentice

    Very well done!!
  21. Isis gets A10s !


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