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Everything posted by russouk2004

  1. I do... will resume on it after fantail..
  2. While testing Fantail for new paint job...crashed,and stumbled in on these,waiting till dark to sneak in and plant some tnt...then steal a crate and get the hell outta dodge...!
  3. who cares.? lol...the detail is so good,no one will notice that ...need this for my seafang ..so please hurry up stary ...lawl...gj m8
  4. Fort Hood Gunman Sentenced to Death

    My answer....firing squad made up of relatives.
  5. A wild Mi-17 appears

    The 3 russian ladies,disspells the myth they all look like male shotputters...3 lovelies in that photo..
  6. Top pic is where contents of objects goes....sounds like you have put them in aircraft folder...2nd pic
  7. Panel lines all done except a bit of fuselage...Rivets to do...then bits n pieces....Taking shape.
  8. I use paintshop pro 7.4 for skins... it has in built dashed lines etc..loads of preset shapes ...lines are a breeze
  9. Bit more...engine detail..bit to do...can 3d..tho it needs resizing..you cant see it properly here..
  10. Dont drop objects folder into objects folder...drop objects folder in C:\Users\Ur Name\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2 Europe\ or open the DL object folder and drop content into the object folder in path above.
  11. Works fine here....dont put cat in terrain folder... I suggest you open inis and save them as unicode...I had an aircraft crash game with inis in ansi.
  12. cheers stary...swap you 2 metal bumps for a fancy terrain?...lol j/k Thats the easy bit...its getting it to look thus...
  13. so, Ejectvelocity=0.0,0.0,0.0 1st number - is left angle?... middle is - forwards + aft ? last ones - down + up ? when ive set coords just rotate helper to get the ange of ejection?... thnx in advance.. I never can remember this procedure lol Paskos Fantail doesnt have ejecting shells but it did eject them...its ports are forward just of wing roots and down a bit...
  14. cheers Ian...went with 6 6 and 3
  15. they need to be set so...eject 45 degrees angle down to left and slightly aft (to simulate the a\c forwards movement) and can only see it ejecting the shells in game straight angles to left and right...
  16. yes indeed Gatlin...was looking at my hawk gunpod and realised that as long as you know position and in max just add angle but cant recall how to set angle..
  17. wip shots...panels...and shell ports etc..
  18. double polys,reversed polys can cause it too.
  19. If I finish RAF St AThans...anyone want to get it in game for me?...lol
  20. for wing codes I never go below 250x250 thats usually size I use for basics such as roundels. obviously,higher the res the better. also check your save\output quality options.,
  21. Re uploaded the file removed some items...please re download Ghost...there were a lot of the meshes in little bits of the fuselage etc all over the shop....so I tidied them up.they should be close to original paint areas tho..
  22. lol kev...Ive still got that "Slavens Balls" tank maxfile somewhere...
  23. I hope they have taken this into account lol...bit hotter than av`8s etc... if you look at the daytime testing suitability vid above...when she comes to land over the edge...see the exhaust blowing up some mist and generates its own rainbow,....beautiful a\c.
  24. Seafang,(and later, seafangmk31 with hook,folding wings) 3d revamp mostly done...may make spinner less polygonal... new gears..\ wells prop tail tailgear\ well more detail on canopy.. remapping.. quick screenies ...

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