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Everything posted by russouk2004

  1. xv742 was actually being flown by USMC at the time.. tests...
  2. Just add this to entry of wrong flaps etc. ReverseModelOrientation=TRUE or if already True ReverseModelOrientation=False
  3. Taken from Midland Publishing...Luftwaffe - Secret Projects- Fighters 1939-45....well worth checking out. Suprising how much was made under countries names like UK Russia and USA when most are from captured German projects etc...after 1944\5 and this is just tip of iceberg...no wonder project "paperclip " was so important. name but few Mig15 Vampire etc were created directly inspired from German plans etc....influenced at least.
  4. Quite old now I bought set of the Secret projects books...think it was 15 in total for £50, hardbacks were twice that.
  5. Yep will be decals...its the Geschwader Kommodore a\c
  6. and guess where he got his ideas...like most pre war a\c from captured german secret projects...
  7. AI Vs Humans - the rematch

    you can never recreate the reactions of a human pilot....AI cannot cope with anything unexpected ..on the fly reactions are very hard to compute if at all...in a RL a\c ai v human my money on human every time.
  8. AI Vs Humans - the rematch

    Thing is on a pc yeah AI if programmed well is going to win ...but in RL it cannot forsee a human adversarys sudden change of mind or action...1v1 in RL human would win every time..
  9. Windows 10 calculator does same....
  10. B-52s With Ukrainian MiG-29 Su-27 Escorts

    Top video...excellent......UAF are good fliers and most welcome by the 52 crews im sure.....didnt the Fulcrum pilot wave ?....good to see our allies in excercises...
  11. Fixed few issues Forgot Starfighters s-199 pit...like it...
  12. WIP BF109-F2\4 Oblt. Josef "Pips" Priller, 1./JG 26, France, 1941
  13. Yeah KG as cockpit gauges read KG burned \ used
  14. What a Wonderful World

    nice isnt it...seen some cool vids of it....look 2:04 shot from cod mw3 lol terminal.
  15. yeah just made one up and works fine...its always summat simple thats wrong
  16. It might be just hasnt got texture in the folder also....check its parts in green and see if they have texture number
  17. He means...are you using bmp...as digital will need be tga unless you dont want transparency around the digits... I had similar prob....found it was that 0000 < I named them left to right Dig_1 Dig_2 Dig_3 Dig_4 when it should have been Dig_4 Dig_3 Dig_2 Dig_1
  18. Wheels ok......gears nrly done....wingfold isnt 100% but too much work to make it 100% atm its about 80% lots done a bit to do.. stabs and elevators...cockpit frame and c`pit itself (exteriormodel btw not VC) clone wing etc and refit mapping...tail wheel etc...
  19. A lot of the time they are friendly and chat off official channels and say hello to fellow pilots...ignoring Ivan the Terrible...back at base...doubt the Russian Pilots want War either...unlike the commisars back in ole Russkie land.
  20. not unless someone else makes one....or adapts the ones stary made....pack of ww2 style pits he made. I`ll check them out for one thats suitable...as I used one for the T34 Mentor...
  21. Havent touched wheels etc yet... guns are all seperate meshes...Ive tried to make all meshes unique where poss... heres part of the descriptions in the a\c config for fs9 didnt include pic of the madagasgar 881sqd as its above...pics may not be in order 5 skins in total...not sure if theres a template...will contact the guy and ask... Martlet IV description=This aircraft is from 888 Squadron Fleet Air Arm in November 1942, when aircraft from this squadron were based on H.M.S. Formidable during the Operation Torch landings. It is believed that Lt. Denis Jeram was flying this aircraft when he claimed his 5th victory on 6th November 1942. Martlet II description=This repaint represents a Martlet Mk. II, AJ132, B-A. of 881 Squadron aboard the HMS Illustrious in the Indian Ocean March 1942. The Squadron supported the landings on Madagascar and the capture of Diego Suarez in May 1942. They stayed on the island for 2 months afterward. 881 Sqn returned to the UK in early 1943. Part of the squadron was attached to Furious 6-9 July 1943 for invasion simulation on Norway. Re-equipped with Wildcat Vs in Aug '43 and then embarked on Pursuer. Took part in the Tirpitz attack in April 1944 before re-equipment with Wildcat VIs. Went to Med aboard Pursuer and participated in Operation 'Dragoon' and then operations in the Aegean Sea. Returned to operations off Norway switching between Pursuer, Trumpeter and Premier. Rejoined Pursuer in Capetown during March 1945 and was working up on Hellcat IIs in preparation to joining BPF when the war ended description=F4F-4 Wildcat Aircraft "8", VMO-155, USMC, USS "Nassau" (CVE16) Battle of Attu, May 1943 description=Martlet Mk.IV, FN148, "9C.0" of No.893 Naval Air Squadron, Qrendi, Malta, 1943. description= F4F Wildcat USS Ranger OCT 43. a-Aircraft flying from USS Ranger during Operation Leader, Norway OCT 43
  22. Create a copy install and rename...ive had one called Test for years and just has a\c I test or only want with no stock....

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