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Everything posted by russouk2004

  1. guess what!

    Thanks...this is what I have so far...its an old model and after seeing your work...Im gonna finish it and the whirlwind too...when u have finished your projects,and have some spare time...thnx again...
  2. guess what!

    Krizis.. any chance one day when ur not too busy...could you give a cockpit a check over for me...I am trying to get it in game...and am getting lost... will post pics in a bit.. its for a Westland Whirlwind...mostly its the camera ...camera angle...and actually getting it to work in game ,instruments etc I can sort cheers
  3. tell me ur email address and I can send u an old model to see how to animate and link stuff.. what version of max u using tho ?
  4. Airliner makes emergency landing in Hudson River

    If u were pilot would you say you landed it in a river?...dont think so,its technically a crash and pilots saved the lives of passengers....so I think they did an excellent job...:)
  5. Kev....thats good stuff... The main problem is...as capun found...the wings were applied an external texture and the decals are now fine...it seems bare 3ds max material editor materials were the culprit. It is now just go go go...with this now I am now forging ahead on mapping it now...hope to get it done by next week... I also have a few other things to get out now too. Alas not Bucc yet... its still a WIP tho I quite like this little a\c ... it does need a slight tinker with the data.ini as it rolls to right,when you try anything more than a 5 degree climb.. I might know whats causing that tho... any ways thanks for the assistance m8y Russ
  6. Ok im a noob...(pretend please...lol) I am about to blow a gasket here I have a model underway...and decals are just going mad I added the decals ok... One side of fuselage for example... its a German a\c ok... I have the cross ...when i set them in dec ini one shows up...then I set the other as exact same in ini...and the 1st vanishes and nothing.... wing crosses refuse to show at all,whatever level number I set... the meshes are correct names...they are actual size...(3d model measurements are fine) I have been hours trying to get them to work...one decal is ok...and thats the manufacturers name decal....lol WOE with latest patch...btw this is the a\c folder path *censored*\Luftwaffe\D\decal name here the mesh names in question are... Last 2 entries work fine Fuselage Tail LeftWing LOW (left outer wing) 2 decs on fuse 4 on tail...I know...I tried 3 and still nowt.. this is the decal.ini entries any help will be a godsend.. [Decal001] MeshName=LOW DecalLevel=0 DecalFacing=TOP FilenameFormat=*secret*\Luftwaffe\D\cross Position=-2.73,-3.163 Scale=0.4 DecalMaxLOD=4 [Decal002] MeshName=LeftWing DecalLevel=0 DecalFacing=TOP FilenameFormat=*secret*\Luftwaffe\D\cross Position=-2.73,-3.163 Scale=1.0 DecalMaxLOD=4 [Decal003] MeshName=ROW DecalLevel=0 DecalFacing=BOTTOM FilenameFormat=*secret*\Luftwaffe\D\cross Position=2.688,-3.163 Scale=0.4 DecalMaxLOD=4 [Decal004] MeshName=RightWing DecalLevel=0 DecalFacing=BOTTOM FilenameFormat=*secret*\Luftwaffe\D\cross Position=2.688,-3.163 Scale=0.4 DecalMaxLOD=4 [Decal005] MeshName=Tail DecalLevel=0 DecalFacing=RIGHT FilenameFormat=*secret*\Luftwaffe\D\flag Position=-6.21,1.737 Scale=0.4 DecalMaxLOD=4 [Decal006] MeshName=Tail DecalLevel=0 DecalFacing=LEFT FilenameFormat=*secret*\Luftwaffe\D\flag Position=-6.21,1.737 Scale=0.5 DecalMaxLOD=4 [Decal007] MeshName=Fuselage DecalLevel=0 DecalFacing=LEFT FilenameFormat=*secret*\Luftwaffe\D\30X19 Position=-4.504,0.164 //Rotation=1.0 Scale=1.0 DecalMaxLOD=4 [Decal008] MeshName=Fuselage DecalLevel=0 DecalFacing=RIGHT FilenameFormat=*secret*\Luftwaffe\D\30X19 Position=-4.504,0.164 Rotation=-0.5 Scale=1.0 DecalMaxLOD=4 [Decal009] MeshName=Tail DecalLevel=0 DecalFacing=RIGHT FilenameFormat=*secret*\Luftwaffe\D\MBB Position=-5.665,1.186 Scale=0.8 DecalMaxLOD=4 [Decal010] MeshName=Tail DecalLevel=0 DecalFacing=LEFT FilenameFormat=*secret*\Luftwaffe\D\MBB Position=-5.665,1.186 Scale=0.8 DecalMaxLOD=4
  7. Decal help

    cheers kev.....its really peeing me off........... I will send you the files..(.game stuff) also will give u a pic of the co ords....where decals should be I am going to try and see if the model has and mesh faults again but will send files anyways...if theres a 3d prob...then will let you know... cheers Russ pic with files....the decals are set on the model...as per pics
  8. Decal help

    Thats a Hawker P.1211...that never was... this is the only decal I can get to show...MBB
  9. Decal help

    possibly...for 2 meshes that share same decal...I tried to see if the decal was too small to show...so tried various sizes to see wot happened..
  10. Decal help

    oh well looks like its the garbage bin
  11. Decal help

    ok...sod it...nvm ive scrapped it in case u were wondering MBB "LampyRidae" German Stealth attempt A\C uk assists in flight trials...
  12. Decal help

    full stop where m8y?... I changed names to MBB\Luft\cross no joy... someone want a\c to have a look for me please.....or im gonna scrap it due to my being really annoyed with it now...lol cheers Russ
  13. Decal help

    nope...none show at all....ffs...im getting really p***** off here now...lol im gonna paint them...fek it
  14. Decal help

    The a\c name is only 5 letters m8y...so I dont think its that... I will try tho...good idea
  15. transparent TGA

    Hey Ken m8y...hello buddy...not seen you post in a while...less I missed it....:) Russ
  16. Shadow ini edit

    Indeed Blacki m8...some of the older models use the old .shd format, so no shadows with the newer patches..
  17. Favorites/cool pics

    Sorry viggen....havent read this post since... Partly correct...from front a\c 19 sqd F2,56 sqd F3,111 F3,and 92 sqd`s F2
  18. Marc...animate by scaling the chute as a mesh....manually...from sides,then top and bottom to get it to look like its opening correctly.....then do same to the chute ropes....then animate them both together with move tool....moving each so they are together...you can fool the game into "thinking" they are joined...
  19. I know one thing Jolly...its a big fooker....lol...its huuuge
  20. Copy whole F-4C folder Rename folder to ur liking..eg F4_C then in folder...rename old F-4C ini file (not data.ini) eg ..F4_C rename the a\c to same as folder [AircraftData] AircraftFullName=F4_C just to be sure...you could also rename data.ini,cockpit.ini`s etc etc also check the textureset.ini to reflect the path name... in each scheme folder...if you alter them [TextureSet001] Directory=Camo Name=SEAD Nation=USAF Squadron=58sqd Specular=0.300000 Glossiness=0.850000 Reflection=0.000000 I think thats it
  21. ahhhh...my bad... :blush2:
  22. its not Crabs model either.... :)
  23. If I can some assistance with the data etc I will m8... :yes::)

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