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Everything posted by russouk2004

  1. erm.....well im making room on nose for it...prolly same pos as in the Tornado and F14
  2. Opinions please?...do I continue you think? cheers
  3. WIP... Phantom III Will include.... 1, All in one F16\18\15 Style canopy... 2, Upgraded "F18 Cockpit"...RAF conceded to retrofitting over the EF cockpit for the cost savings... 3, Upgraded Attack\defence Radar\countermeasures... 4, Some modification to the airframe and aerodynamics\handling...Undercarriage positioning altered to accomodate alterations..(extending airframe lifetime by 10 years) 5, Upgraded engines...(undecided as yet) 6, Upgraded Payload capabilities... 7, 1x 20MM_M61A1 cannon,Internal... I will need some info as to numbers in red....if I geet this done...will need someone to adapt the F18 pit for me...with the required permissions that is... This pic btw is an early,early wip tho...and has just been started by me yesterday..Just removing the rear office and canopy\tidying up the mesh took a while...had to basically redo the front end...nose isnt done with yet either.....nose gear for example will be moved back...and retract to the front rather than to back...not to mention the textures need to reflect the missing bits...and the new bits...(uses stock TW skins)..etc etc.so no idea as to release yet..also I need to recheck I can release this model...tho I think I did before...when It came into my possesion..lol cheers Russ
  4. you put the plugin in... C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 9\plugins
  5. As title...no immediate hurry...but I need an FM sorted...im crap at them... apply here plz....lol cheers Russ btw...Happy Xmas all..
  6. Cant say yet...: it needs a ground up ini done...
  7. ermmmm I have to admit ive forgotten how to set these... I know what they are for,just cannot recall how to set them correctly to a mesh.. Would a cube require 6?...as it has six sides you would "collide " with....if you charged it withe yer head...lol a fuselage I assume would have point at nose...one at tail end...one for each side....and top and bottom...? set to the nearest face you would technically hit first?.. I just need confirmation...or if im wrong...correction...lol cheers Russ
  8. What the ?

    Doesnt do the US Marines much gpood,if they even abuse a simple animal...how far would those guys go?...shocking that so called "Professionals" behave as such...goes for any armed forces...no matter which country...where is the discipline.?
  9. You can have buildings that you can wreck....if you set the tower blocks as static vehicle or A\C that has a damage model....you can do it...Moonjumper and I did it for a V1 and its launch ramp..
  10. increase ShadowCastdist= I think......... not sure what this means tho below MaxVisibleDistance=150 I set mine to 8000m
  11. Trains as groundobjects

    Set trains as tanks....tanks follow terrains dont they?
  12. Im not sure you can edit an ini file to do this....if in 3ds max.....you need to set animations to same slot to get them to work in tandem.
  13. APOCALYPSE - The Great Lie

    Wrong planet more like....
  14. Replacement Cambrai snow tiles...

    you can flip the tga file in a paint prog if u know which it is...:)
  15. I would like sounds...the way FS did it...start up....taxiing ,better throttle response sounds...ie...so it just isnt the stock sound,louder or quieter to simulate throttle ... refuelling...and rearming....eveen if its...land...taxi to certain area...and your re armed...refuelled and ready to go again...
  16. well with simple models as that ,gmax is ok...as the 3ds model will be quick and easy to convert to a max file...and export to game...as gmax doesnt export to games lod format
  17. mebbe search some photos.and paste any you find?
  18. Chinook

    And a bad 3ds model at that....
  19. I did approach Fubar ,but he is busy and need an FM done,I have the thing sorta flying...and when you see the a\c, you will see why...lol so,if YOU can do it,(you may need access to max9,to alter any points maybe...such as COG perhaps...)...tho not for an FM specialist a problem,im sure...lol cheers Russ
  20. Looks nice but flies like shyte...sorry...wont fly Back on shelf...

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