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Everything posted by russouk2004

  1. The 3d model needs fixing in 3ds max...
  2. Here are a few ive got on my my list.....when they will be ready is....when they are ready...sorry but my time is taken up by other stuff ..
  3. some user 3d made models leak shadows thru edges open on a mesh...my Fmk6 Lightning had some...I have fixed most of it...(underway)...as to TW models then I guess thats a gfx prob...
  4. You can actually add ExhaustEmitterName=CleanExhaustEmitter You also can edit the denseness and even colour of the smoke emitted...
  5. Select the mesh....then select all its polys in editable mesh mode....then flip faces that are dark red...(scroll down below modifier window on right side and find the flip tool button).......check the mesh texture is double sided...or check its properties...and un check cull backfaces
  6. Tann... ive done your 3d item ....can u re email me....lost ur email address cheers Russ
  7. for Buccaneer-makers/lovers

    The Bucc is in the hands of the DS mod guys....bpao I understand,is finishing it...I didnt have time to finish it....I may get round to it ...but not yet...hopefully it is done sooner than I can do it..
  8. You link one mesh to another thus....select the mesh you want to attach to another mesh......click on the icon with small chain on...(top left of main toolbar).....then click the mesh agin,then click on the mesh you want to link it to....done....
  9. you can link the second door to the first....yes....and animate it to operate in its unique way too...
  10. Small part of a selection of some Typhoon skins in progress...more to come...will be all up soon for d\l... Russ RAF ...And ....Luftwaffe
  11. Only thing with someone elses models....takes an age to align camo schemes..without 3ds max open too......this may take a while...early RAF camo wip...
  12. Julhelm....how would you map this?...I mapped it mostly planar...top and bottom ...no problem....only part that caused me headach was nose area where the sides slope\curve...planar is ok using poly groups....but getting them to join in the textures a lot of work...cyl wrapping is my stumbling point in max...unless the a\c has a tube shape fuselage...ie...su 9 fishpot...thats easy.... heres the mapping
  13. Thnx craig for the tiffy...I did plan to make one someday.....glad I dont have to...lol Thnx gocad for letting me use decals... Russ
  14. I can sort it for you...I can map a canopyglass.tga to it..(resized...that is,to fit..)...do you have the tools to redo the tga after?... Russ ps...I look in here once a day or so...if you want faster response...email me @ Russouk2004ATntlworldDOTcom...in usual email addy format that is....lol in the email...let me know again the specs you require...
  15. I guess 1...is for say flaps or ailerons... 1.... Do this.....go to top view,and select pivot by clicking affect pivot only....move the pivot centre over edge of the mesh.....then using the rotate tool...rotate the pivot so it aligns to the mesh front edge...... then still in affect pivot only mode....go to the front view of the mesh....centre the pivot to the middle of the mesh.....and align the pivot in that view..... then when ur happy its set correct....deselect pivot..... go to local view...select the mesh...and when you rotate the mesh in X axis...the flap\aileron should be set correctly.....if not ...go back and do as above and adjust as required.... 2...gear doors and weapon bay doors are the same.....align the pivot as above...to the edge the doors hinges would be in reality...using same process as above.......(make sure in all cases,you keep the door or flap or aileron in closed position when testing...or it wont be iin correct attitude).as for the rails...you may have to animate these as required...not sure how they operate so you may need the info from who has actually modelled them.... 3...uv mapping can be explained a bit when you are nearer to it...saves some confusion with too much info all at once...lol hope this goes some way to help you...I may have an old model you can load up to see how ive done the bits... btw btw....Ailerons,rudder...dont need animating... only items such as....gear,gear doors,airbrakes,flaps,slats...bomb bays, bombay doors,chutes,nozzles...and canopy...need animation..... Russ
  16. To join vertices...move them together and from the panel on right ,scroll down to weld...set the amount of tolerance...(mm`s) and click weld....
  17. What Are You Paying For Gas...

    Equivalent here in uk is about $8.00 a gallon...that is extortion
  18. Can this be done?...Im having troubles adding choice of a desert sand fuel tank,and or grey tank when using my desert EF2000 skin...in loadout screen I tried this... ModelNodeName=pylon6 PylonMass=26.15 PylonDragArea=0.02 LaunchRailNodeName= FuelTankName001=Typhoon_Desert_Tank FuelTankName002=Typhoon Tank or FuelTankName[001]=Typhoon_Desert_Tank FuelTankName[002]=Typhoon Tank doesnt work...correct format or wont work at all?... also can this be done in the Loadout.ini? Long time since ive dabbled here...lol Loadout[13].WeaponType=Typhoon tank Loadout[13].Quantity=1 Loadout[13].WeaponType=Typhoon_Desert_Tank Loadout[13].Quantity=1 Ive made a new 3d model for the desert tank...and new bmp too btw... Im getting to point where im gonna do seperate Typhoon folder just for the Desert schemed a\c...Typhoon F2 IIRC Thnx Russ ps...noticed this station lacks groupID [station9] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=13 StationGroupID= StationType=EXTERNAL AttachmentPosition=0.00,-1.0,-0.9 AttachmentAngles=0.0,-1.5,0.0 LoadLimit=2000 AllowedWeaponClass=FT,LP,BOMB,LGB,RCN,NP,DLP AttachmentType=SWEDEN,US,NATO,UK,USN,USAF ModelNodeName=pylon9 PylonMass=26.15 PylonDragArea=0.02 LaunchRailNodeName= FuelTankName=Typhoon_Desert_Tank
  19. I want to make a sand skin for typhoon fuel tanks.... I have the skin done... I forget how I go about getting the lod to accept a new named bmp... I copied the lod...renamed to Desert_Tank.lod edited the lod,renaming the entry for the bmp (made sure it was same amount of characters...saved it...but no joy...only original grey tank shows up... short of making a new tank model...any ideas?.. cheers Russ ps craig if u read this ...have you still got the fuel tank 3d model perhaps?
  20. Typhoon tank is a seperate entity... Ive done all the above....I will check again tho...it wont take 5 mins to make a tank tho... cheers
  21. File Name: Eurofighter 11 sqd desert scheme File Submitter: russouk2004 File Submitted: 18 Apr 2008 File Category: Fictional and What If? Desert scheme for Craigbrierlys Awesome Typhoon..... Needs.... All contents of existing 11 squadron folder...except... Fuselage.bmp Decal.ini Textureset.ini these are supplied as I had to edit the files for new name of the skin folder.... hope you enjoy it... Russouk2004@ntlworld.com More skins to come... Click here to download this file
  22. Version


    Desert scheme for Craigbrierlys Awesome Typhoon..... Needs.... All contents of existing 11 squadron folder...except... Fuselage.bmp Decal.ini Textureset.ini these are supplied as I had to edit the files for new name of the skin folder.... hope you enjoy it... Russouk2004@ntlworld.com More skins to come...
  23. Any fishermen, or ladies, here...?

    I go pike fishing here in wales...River Wye and my biggest pike was 25 and a half pounds....caught several to 20lb that day...... largest Barbel...12lb 9 ounces...chub...7lb....3lb Roach...Carp...38lb....

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