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Everything posted by russouk2004

  1. Thanx mate...let me know when its convenient for you... Russ
  2. Julhelm....I need a huge favour....I am having trouble mapping the curved fuselage of my What if..SU_16A (pic below) any chance you could take a peep...then I can actually finish it....i have nightmares with cylinder wrapping...and planar on such an area is a pain to align the textures when mapped planar... if ur too busy,np... cheers Russ
  3. Nice job Marc...does this model have the fixed mapping on fuselage topside yet?...also how does the J-11 differ from the K?...3d model I mean not real a\c... cheers Russ
  4. Some 3d stuff (skinned)..and making the tea and mopping the floors....lol Russ
  5. I will help,but with small projects ken as im not able to spend as much time on stuff as I used to...depends on whats needed mate..ive restarted some items too that I have here... ur friend... Russ
  6. 60+ years on and a P-38 has been found intact,on a West Wales beach.....even still contains aviation fuel... link to story and pic here below... http://edition.cnn.com/2007/WORLD/europe/1...html#cnnSTCText " Members of The International Group for Historic Aircraft Recovery (Tighar) visited the site in October to carry out a full survey. They say the plane is arguably the oldest surviving aircraft of this type, and the only P-38 Lightning in its original condition. Lt Robert Elliot Lt Robert Elliot died in North Africa a few months after the crash Tighar has also trawled through WWII records to discover exactly how the aircraft came to be on a Gwynedd and beach. The plane was taking part in secret exercises when its engines cut out. Amazingly, the pilot, Second Lieutenant Robert Elliot, walked away from the crash uninjured. His nephew, Robert Elliott from Tennessee, recently uncovered details of the crash after researching his uncle's war diaries. "They were doing aerial gunner exercises and my uncle was towing a target," said Mr Elliot. "He had been airborne for around 55 minutes when his left engine quit. He decided to pass back over the fields, drop his target and come into land. "But as he turned the right engine went." Mr Elliot said a design fault on the plane meant that reserve fuel lines to the engines failed, but remarkably his uncle walked away from the crash unscathed. Unfortunately, the pilot was reported missing in action just three months later just weeks into the American's Tunisia campaign in North Africa."
  7. Ive done wings,verttails,elevators.psd`s....looking at 3d model in game without 3ds max to align stuff on a template,is a nightmare....lol,....but its getting there... Russ
  8. Disregard my post...Template under way...decided to make my own hi-res 2048x2048 templates.... will let you know when ive done them...and make available smaller ones too... Russ
  9. Thats ok dave,ive started some 2048x2048 hi res templates...wings and tails done.... Russ
  10. Ahem....so sorry guys (been,and still am very busy in real time here) Tho I havent time to devote to complete the Buccaneer at present or, for some time ...I can however offer it to be completed....I will pm USAFTML and he can advise on who to send the model and files to.....There will be some stipulations tho.... will post back when info is available....Bucc is close to done,(a few bits to sort) cheers Russ
  11. BE CREATIVE !...Learn to make them...I did... R
  12. Have a look thru downloads there is a fix about...try the search,as I dont know where the file is exactly... Russ
  13. Caption This

    "Your TOO TIRED?"..... "The bikes TWO TYRED,but I STILL get a ride"....."Oh yeah,and your still a Bitch"
  14. Caption This

    "Its a better ride than you,thats why...bitch"
  15. In theory you should be able to animate the canopy...you may or may not have seen the new anim slots in the game preferences.....you can assign the slot via the data.ini .....I have some anims for private models that use the slots...some use key presses such as CTRL_0 CTRL_9 etc etc... so I guess you might be lucky...I would confirm this with TK 1st...or a fellow moddeller here... Russ
  16. Any templates I produce now on are named.... he may be a new modeller but I think hes got the hawk just right...If I had time I was going to redo mine as it was my 2nd 3d model ever...I am part way thru remapping it...I may do other versions that no one else doe4s...time permitting... R
  17. Looking good...if you do a pit....I will be checking as ive flown in a Hawk T1a....
  18. The Sukhoi SU-16A will be released eventually...I have 2 a\c to complete before it ventures out... Russ
  19. If we put together a team......3d modellers,terrain gurus etc...we could approach TK with mebbe a team effort...him and us...(hmmmm...supercharged P47...yowser...) R
  20. Red Bull Air Racing too?...just a thought...for MP that is...;) R
  21. Drag Chute

    Try adding this... HasGearDownSetting=TRUE
  22. I did the Tmk1A a while ago and was going to upgrade model...glad to see you doing one...saves me work...lol...heres pics of skins marc (marcfighters site link on CA main page...top right) ..did for it... if you want to see how I did the undercarriage...let me know... Russ http://marcfighters.combatace.com/screens8.htm
  23. Roll Call


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