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Everything posted by russouk2004

  1. Soaking up the sun....

    Pics of these aircraft annoy me...not the picture,the fact this beautiful aircraft and others like it are sat in perfect condition on tarmac and not in the sky flying...even if its only once a year or so...very nice pics sunny m8 could have just come out of the factory its so clean and in tip top condition...bloody politicians...fuck you...:)
  2. Show Us Your.......

    heres mine top 1 one using atm
  3. soon as get back will post it to you samurai m8
  4. indeed lol forgot to add Admiral bit
  5. DCS World Edge

    Adds nice atmosphere to the sim ...screens not far off photo real
  6. Novalogic Flight Sim reviews/comparison?

    I have them still...F-16 Multirole Fighter, Mig 29, and F-22 Lightning....as far as I remember they were ok for the day. http://www.old-games.com/download/6231/f-16-multirole-fighter
  7. Best way I can think of saying it....is this modelled in game,cant remember....see angle of the gears....does game allow the wheels to contact runway properly when the gears deploy like in pic....its not summat ive looked at in the past lol....do the gears rotate to hit ground correct or will they stay at same angle and only rears touch...irf i recall the wheel size entries make them rotate in game to hit tarmac....ive gone completely blank as to what happens lol see it better in the 747 pic
  8. I`ll check it out on the M-50 as it has tandem gears ...and landing position is same as in pics...will try tomorrow...
  9. im not sure will need to experiment
  10. yeah its one thing that bugged me...its being taken care of eventually....bit busy atm for 3d stuff...hope to resume soon..
  11. Beautiful aircraft.....looks like a bird in flight...
  12. Its only a typo I think.....in cockpit.ini line says NodeName=alt_needle_100 looking at mesh name its Needle_alt_100 [Altimeterhun] Type=PRESSURE_ALTIMETER_1 NodeName=alt_needle_100 <<change this to read > NodeName=Needle_alt_100 //CounterNodeFormat=needle_alt%d MovementType=ROTATION_Y ValueUnit=METER Set[01].Position=0.0 Set[01].Value=0.0 Set[02].Position=360.0 Set[02].Value=1000.0
  13. Tank V Car

    This is a great fail... http://foxtrotalpha.jalopnik.com/this-is-not-how-you-get-a-giant-self-propelled-howitzer-1702953099
  14. sf2 decals folder in objects\Decals\ folder path like this..for my SU-16 . objects\Decals\SU-16\Navy\ so decal.ini is like so.. [Decal001] MeshName=VertTail DecalLevel=0 DecalFacing=RIGHT Reverse=TRUE FilenameFormat=SU-16\Navy\RedStar Position=-8.99, 1.96 Scale=1.2 DecalMaxLOD=3 [Decal002] MeshName=VertTail DecalLevel=0 DecalFacing=LEFT FilenameFormat=SU-16\Navy\RedStar Position=-8.99, 1.96 Scale=1.2 DecalMaxLOD=3 [Decal003] MeshName=VertTail DecalLevel=2 DecalFacing=left FilenameFormat=SU-16\Navy\RedBlk < points to objects\decals folder(default) Position=-8.31, 1.31 Scale=0.5 DecalMaxLOD=3 old sf1 method with decal folder ( D ) in a\c main folder [Decal001] MeshName=VertTail DecalLevel=0 DecalFacing=RIGHT Reverse=TRUE FilenameFormat=SU-16\Navy\D\RedStar Position=-8.99, 1.96 Scale=1.2 DecalMaxLOD=3 [Decal002] MeshName=VertTail DecalLevel=0 DecalFacing=LEFT FilenameFormat=SU-16\Navy\D\RedStar Position=-8.99, 1.96 Scale=1.2 DecalMaxLOD=3 [Decal003] MeshName=VertTail DecalLevel=2 DecalFacing=left FilenameFormat=SU-16\Navy\D\RedBlk Position=-8.31, 1.31 Scale=0.5 DecalMaxLOD=3
  15. some skins may work 100% but,heres the rub...sf2 models have been redone so mapping will be off...ie,older skins may be similar but the modeller for 3wire has altered the mapping\textures\models so most wont sit right... sf1 had decals in a\c folder sf2 uses decal folder ,but its a matter of pointing the decal ini to the folders...its up to you where they reside.
  16. shall I continue with these?
  17. I have the UM wip but its a long way off... only pfm ive got is the stock pfm model which I cannot under any circumstances say how I got it,or share...until TK allows it that is
  18. Cutting and setting up ailerons....basics....easy but looks good I think so...:) if wings are angled I always make the ailerons and flaps 1st in horizontal position...then linking parts,and then finally angle the wing down using rotate tool or skew etc...if you use latter....group wing and flaps etc so they follow the angle of wing... Ailerons.wmv
  19. Basic cylinder map on quick put together compass....WMV vid its a quick method I use...for items that arent seen as things like fuselages etc... no sound as mic is fekked...I have tried to make it self explanatory ...I have some modifiers in my quad menus for ease of use,but pause vid to see better what im using... cylinder wrap a compass.7z
  20. This guy gives good tuts on modelling in max...this for emil 109 from scratch... click the youtube icon to see the rest of the parts
  21. Fencer WIP....ahhh Specsavers ?...lawl
  22. Stock campaigns use stock terrains....user created campaigns are what you need...
  23. Civil or military a\c like thes do have reversers...this is for the SS100 superjet (sukhoi) // Airbrakes --------------------------------------------------------- [ReverserL01] SystemType=AIRBRAKE DeployTime=3.0 RetractTime=1.5 ModelNodeName=Reverser_L01 InsideNodeName=Left_Engine AnimationID=7 DragArea=4.31 DeployWhenOnGears=TRUE BlowbackSpeed=252.1 [ReverserL02] SystemType=AIRBRAKE DeployTime=3.0 RetractTime=1.5 ModelNodeName=Reverser_L02 InsideNodeName=Left_Engine AnimationID=7 DragArea=4.31 DeployWhenOnGears=TRUE BlowbackSpeed=252.1 [ReverserR01] SystemType=AIRBRAKE DeployTime=3.0 RetractTime=1.5 ModelNodeName=Reverser_R01 InsideNodeName=Right_Engine AnimationID=7 DragArea=4.31 DeployWhenOnGears=TRUE BlowbackSpeed=252.1 [ReverserR02] SystemType=AIRBRAKE DeployTime=3.0 RetractTime=1.5 ModelNodeName=Reverser_R02 InsideNodeName=Right_Engine AnimationID=7 DragArea=4.31 DeployWhenOnGears=TRUE BlowbackSpeed=252.1
  24. Monty Pythons Flyiiiing Ciiiir-cusssss...well,nearly...
  25. Forgot how good the old birds are...some SLUF action

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