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Everything posted by russouk2004

  1. http://column5.us/classic/pilots.htm MIG-28 Pilot.7z
  2. need someone to translate for me the f16 block 50 cockpit text to russian for me...posted this before but no satisfactory outcome... volunteer please and make your contribution to the game thanks lol what ive done...with google translate...I dont think its really that good .. no real hurry as stuff to do meanwhile
  3. These Russkie birds just got that something ...other countries just aint got...I love russian a\c they just slap stuff together and they work...awesome didnt know we had them....was on my to do list...one less now lol.. getting it now
  4. I have had mysterious sightings in game too....blip on radar,pressed F6 to next a\c just showed my a\c.....nothing...oddest thing?...I only had 1 a\c in the game it was my test game...weird eh maybe even in the virtual world ghosts and ufo can venture eh our old cod 4 clan server had a strange player visit...in game 2 of us saw a third player....only glimpses of him (IT) going around corner,server logs showed only 2 players ...googled it and found other occurences too....now that IS weird Ghost In The Machine....
  5. If I use online translation is it going to be suitable for the people here you want 100% accurate...im happy with just english words written in russian as per translator as you see in pics,if its correct or thereabouts im happy with as is..
  6. U making that buffalo Lauro? looks good for learning model..
  7. Jetmen over Dubai

    excellent...Dubai...what a city awesome place great hd vid thnx
  8. some ifno here info even http://www.ipmsstockholm.org/magazine/2003/11/stuff_eng_profile_h75.htm this is about the curiss hawks in french AF France adopted the manufacturer's number as the official serial number, so the aircraft of this series received Nos. 01 - 100. also The designation C1 was not a version number, but rather referred to configuration of the aircraft. All French fighters carried the C1 suffix, the "C" stating for Chasse (pursuit) and the 1 indicating a single-seater. However, the serial number below is most helpful for identifying the version of this particular aircraft. In this case, No. 202 reveals that this was the second production H-75A-3. just an example from the link
  9. what sort of thing u need to know...or rather how I do it... I can do some basics for making ailerons flaps and slats etc...inc animation... basic mapping of planar and some cylinder mapping...pelt mapping im still a noob tho
  10. for this m8... http://combatace.com/topic/63073-what-if-screenshot-thread/page-116 5th 6th 7th pic down I started to adapt the F16 cockpit by translating to russian then recolouring it later...you any good at translating the english to russian in the pit if I send u it.no hurry...ive basic idea but get lost when doing some areas...
  11. Thnx If anyone needs tut on 3ds max feel fre to ask and I can post some up.
  12. small vid to show the detail of the Destroyer...the gears were buggered...see the new ones.nose gear detail added and started to animate it ..animating the main gear looks awkwards but I think from the animation ive seen on the original its straight forward. I used video Download to capture if anyone needs help in max its a good tool to capture screen shot or like this vid and files arent that big.. 2015-05-13-01-47-38.wmv
  13. Reason I posted this,tho its for killerbees project,so anything I do is unique,and hasnt already been done...
  14. one of a few ground items 331killerbee requested...is it ok u think....seen blue buses in usaf so thought this would look suitable? wip...all textures my own work ...tyres to finish...
  15. I cant get on with blender im used to the 3ds max interface...in blender I couldnt even find the tools for rotating in the viewport lol
  16. Some do have cockpit model too (interior) a few of the models have detailed interiors ,good enough to use as cockpit...
  17. The existing destroyer is dated this is experiment with spec maps this model is good a few bits need editing but basically its great old gears and some new
  18. eh?...goes without saying you made it possible m8 the terrains and effects you have done and hopefully you continue to do are second to none...I meant the shaders fix adds to it...if I was to vote for modder who is most responsible for making sf series better its you mate...hope my post didnt come across wrong as nvm seems to imply... stary u da man ...mean that sincerly m8
  19. I notice that our recent posts there were un answered\ignored...
  20. this page for paint kits... http://www.virtavia.com/Freeware/index.php?dir=/Paint%20Kits
  21. Well with the model shown...took me 4 hours so far to get it with all anims,pivots are mostly centred on most meshes....and aligned...some, slats and speed slats are off but easy to do... the skins (5 Main textures) are fine....shared textures I mixed onto a 6th jpeg\bmp...some dds files I changed to tga`s glass spec etc... all in all ready ish to import to game 5 hours or so...not that bad model to make from scratch a few weeks ?
  22. Funny you shud mention this
  23. I tried a Blend file then export to Collada .Dae ,which will open in max....but no animation will convert IIRC mapping and heirachy is fine tho

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