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Everything posted by russouk2004

  1. I`ll dig em out and se whats what,im off new years day,will have looksee
  2. Done quick n easy one,just waiting for approval..
  3. Ok....making a chute is the easy part....animating it is a tad harder...or rather its fiddly....## In this scene Ive got 1, Pic 1,...chute and ropes. all one mesh Called Chute and a contoller mesh box Called Dragchute,which you cant see but I will show you how and why its there etc.... 2, Pic 2,.....once created,your chute and ropes,move them to where they will be in place when deployed. Ive attached ropes to chute,I will show why next. 3, Pic 3,...When animating chute,best result is to scale the vertices to get the chute to correct size from packed to fully deplloyed. Pic3a ,........all I did was to scale the chute down to fit in the chute housing....if your fussy you can scale it to look like real chute deploying by scaling it in Y axis (Pic3a) then X and Z axes (Together ) animated by scaling down vertices....ensure controllers set to TCB Rotation TCB Scale and TCB Position. 4, Pic 4,...I left space in animation slot,because we need create a parent box named It Dragchute....as this is what we will add as the chutes name in the data.ini later.... (link the chute to this box 5, before animating the chutes placement) as we cant animate the chute again for movement,this box mesh gives us more scope to get the chute opening correctly.....so the chute opens smoothly...this box will be made tiny as we dont want it seen..you will need to experiment where to place the parent box when you animate the moving of the chute in place....as in pic 4.. open box properties and set user defined so...for this parent box chute manipulator mesh... AllowDecals = False CastShadow = False CatchShadow = False UseFlatNormal = False 6,....with animation keyframe enabled, move the scaled chute in proper position,and close keyframe....then move the keys so it looks smooth in animation timeline... when you are happy the animation is smooth enough,you can then link the controller box to whatever mesh you want. Pic 6 finished item hope this explains how to get the chute animated ok.... trial and error is really all it is to get it correct,move a little,test,move again test etc etc... cheers
  4. Land Of Fidel.........an in-FIDEL Low n fast.....what the Mig was built for...S P E E D !
  5. File Name: F-7B MB Series File Submitter: russouk2004 File Submitted: 26 December 2014 File Category: MiG-21 F7-MB Bangladesh AF ............. 35 sqdn has old sqd Tail insignia (Yellow Hawk) and later 36 sqdn "TigerCats" ive set them to share number decals as numbers were used on older and newer a\c...but differed with the sqd crests. F7-B Bangladesh AF and Pakistan AF.............. F7-B-IRAQ AF........ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chengdu F7 Original Release by Mirage Factory TMF --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3d model and skins further Modded by me Russouk2004 Thanks TMF team....nice job guys.... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes. --------------- Added brake chutes bumpmapping.... few skin tweaks...such as new textures,redone details,ie,new panel lines and rivets etc.moved some items about.....may not work on other F7 LODS Added starys fine mig21 pit to IRAQI F7,feel free to get it for the others. still need to add the afterburner animation as it disapperas when any mapping is done...so will update it asap. hope to complete this in next few days INSTALL. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Extract folder to destop..... copy and paste these folders Objects Effects Sounds to your mod folder....usually c:\users\saved games\your name here\Thirdwire\SF2\ If you already have the a\c folder with same name,suggest you rename one or the other. for other files just click ok to overwrite as these files are latest and should be fine. Animation keys..... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Brake chute opens on ground only with airbrake key =S canopy opens with SHIFT +0 supplied.folders ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sounds effects most weapons...suggest you have all latest weapons packs. Pilots -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- some loadouts may not be correct.....If you find alterations needed,and can do it,send me any files and I will update the pack... takes a lot of time checking stuff and modeling so if missed things,it happens...sorry lol Disclaimer... ----------------------- If any file within causes any loss of your files due to incorrect installation,overwriting wrong files Its at users own discretion. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This pack is subject to the CombatAce freeware conditions and may only be used for non comercial use,any alterations to 3d model etc will require previous permission,I have been granted full scope of modding this tmf model,so any permissions must be authorised by me. Thank you. hope you enjoy the mod. Russ Click here to download this file
  6. Preparations for 2015 Display circuit...then home for tea.
  7. Combat Air Patrol 2 - new flight game

    Not that good...effects are ok...models as good here...canopy on harrier,low poly canopy glass dont fit ....model looks ok ish....seen better in sf downloads...terrain ,we got better sea good...models we got better
  8. Terrorist W/hostages in AU

    do what they do...be head people like him on tv and glorify the death of another fanatical animal...who purports to be a moslem but does what ever he wants regardless of the rules of the so called "religious " code of the koran.
  9. No worries kev,I dont even use my fmk6 now lol...nor 1 2 3 ...hence. new fuselage engines and more detail and high res mapping when done.
  10. If you do an sf1 install you can only use files made for sf1 series...well mostly anyways..better off using sf2 stuff.. merged install wont affect your ww2 standalone just copy exe you want to make ww2 install....I used sf2 europe. rename the copied exe I called mine...WW2 lol then create shortcut on desktop....run it then you will get the ww2 folder in your mod directory...as is the norm for sf2 games then you can add ww mods to it... usually you need delete most folders depending on what mod u use.. renaming the shortcut or exe to a new mod install has no problem....as long as you rename it before you run it to create the ww2 mod folder as mentioned above.
  11. can some one with high end pc and using a nice graphics tweak lend me their flightengine.ini and graphics\options.ini settings plz...I cant get mine just right... thnx
  12. RAF Tornado GR4

    Gunny are you mech or armaments?...my cous flies gr4 ,obviously cant say where,hes due out of RAF in 2 years
  13. BAe Hawk T.1

    nice job m8...hope to get new one done by new year
  14. iirc you can add path in the ini toi point to new location of the cats
  15. ive got some terrains into sf2 but they need some items from fe effects etc and work to a degree.wwicambrai wwiverdun and galicia..also some gliches like runways appear oddly i forget what else went askew
  16. files for model etc...pm for pw if serious to finish this. KC-135W.7z
  17. Sorry guys ...some bad news.. I have no time to do this...what with work.....moving house and some other stuff,its unfair to keep the model and not do anything for a few months or so...I have packed all what I have and can give it to someone who can complete this mod...sorry guys but rather than it sits on my hd for weeks,better work done by a modder..
  18. yes..... [ReverserL01] SystemType=AIRBRAKE DeployTime=3.0 RetractTime=1.5 ModelNodeName=Reverser_L01 InsideNodeName=Left_Engine AnimationID=7 DragArea=4.31 DeployWhenOnGears=TRUE BlowbackSpeed=252.1
  19. eric...I cant find how to load skins on the model in modelviewer?
  20. ive tried several...and they just wont load
  21. fake gears

    make a small box,or even one plane....hide it in the float...make float the parent,and float legs as the main gear strut or whatever....dont assign texture just default will do...in "Wheel" properties...disable cast shadow Float legs> Float> box box would be fake wheel.... in data.ini [maingearleft] SystemType=LANDING_GEAR Retractable=FALSE HideGearNode=FALSE ModelNodeName=FLOATLEG NAME HERE ShockAnimationID=-1 WheelNodeName=BOX RotationAxis=ALTER THE NUMBER YOU HAVE HERE TIL FLOAT SITS ON GROUND PROPERLY ReverseModelOrientation= RollingRadius=SIZE HERE AS NORMAL CastoringWheel=FALSE <here unless you want to put the fake wheel as rudder to steer CastoringNodeName= Steerable=FALSE RollingCoefficient=0.0 MaxLoadFactor=8.0 leave
  22. animation for the gun on ur apache... how did you animate it...? GunPortAnimationID=5 GunPortAnimationTime=0.5 ive got it to rotate 360 deg...not set pitch yet... also did you get tads to move?... I was thinking of setting it up as a gunner station so it moves as if controlled...tads that is...can we tie it to gun operating too?
  23. Managed to get gun and tads animated...they rotate etc over a longish time span until you need them to fire at grnd target... few tweaks and done..

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