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Everything posted by Nightshade/PR

  1. How About these? They're Block 15's.
  2. This is the sign of a highly organized mind. Or one in dire need of a Banana Split.
  3. It does indeed. I'm still going to laugh at being Kink-Shamed by the folks I'm taking photos of, but I'll look really GOOD doing it. (No Pun Intended)
  4. These might be of some use as well....
  5. You know that "KY" Tailcode makes me laugh Out of curiosity, will this one be included?
  6. Humpday Heavies

    A little night work when we knew the Mig's wouldn't be about..........
  7. Those are nice................... Greek Fire, circa 1989 in Anatolia. Okay, 1st things 1st. I did not drop this weapon; my wingman did. The fact that I armed his a/c with it is not germane to the situation. (Besides, the Luftwaffe wasn't even in the area)
  8. Looking for a lizard...but in a pinch,a hardened shelter will do....
  9. Koninklijke Luchtmacht (KLu) Photo Recon.
  10. Two-Seater Tuesdays

    Dawn Tyger
  11. Depends on what I'm feeling that day, so I'm liable to take anything out of the hangar. I love A/G & SAM hunts, so I'm partial to ones I can hang a LOT of ordinance on. As well as nukes. But there are 3 that I fly more than others. 3. Mirages (any); Specifically: Mirage III. Sleek: Fast: Elegant: Beautiful even when standing still, and oh so deadly. You can do it all in them. All weather, all-world, and as long as you utilize it's strengths, it will more than hold their own in a dogfiht with almost anything. As an attack jet, they're perfectly suited for whatever mission you want to run. 2.A-7's. When it absolutely, positively has to be blown up and the debris bounced, that's you plane, AF version or Navy. 1. The Tornado. Any model; any version; any mission; any nationality (Especially the IDS Marineflieger models) IMHO, pound-for-pound, the best strike aircraft ever produced.

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