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Everything posted by Nightshade/PR

  1. Viper Pit

    Discussion on how best to attack the target on the way up........... Roll-in, and let's do a One Pass, Haul A$$ run. You KNOW what's under the chute They seem to be sweatin' me being there. About 3 seconds later, they were really sweating when a B61-7_170 blotted out their base and my screen.
  2. Viper Pit

    I quit smoking decades ago...but every now & then I get the urge to blow smoke rings in the fog..... What can I say: it's a weakness.
  3. While all the campaigns are pretty darned good, and bring a variety of immersion, if I am to suggest any of them, go with the latest Desert Storm 30th Anniversary Mod & The Scandinavian Front for starters.
  4. The 1st Tornado I ever saw was a Marineflieger IDS barreling down the runway in Germany some years ago. It was absolutely beautiful and that has remained my favorite livery for it. But dam*$%^d if this Aegean Ghost isn't the cat's whiskers!!!
  5. One way to get the shot & MiGs off your 6
  6. No doubt I will be banned for LIFE for what I am about to ask, but I'm betting the thought has popped into other heads as well, and created quite a bit of amusement off-channel. "placing tissues inside a 3d airplane cockpit" Allergies???????? Or amusement on those long flights??????

    Hello...and Welcome
  8. Viper Pit

    Targets of Opportunity. Bombing the Parking Ramp vs the runway.........
  9. Viper Pit

    I like my Vipers Spicy............
  10. Metrea to Operate 5th Largest Tanker Fleet

    We'll see. As for the paint jobs, yes they do look nice.
  11. Metrea to Operate 5th Largest Tanker Fleet

    I've read the article (and a few others) on this, but I cannot help but be skeptical of what the commitment of civilians truly is when the mission requires them to go in harm's way. They're going to have to be willing to go, without reservations, without hesitation, and put their butts on the line because lives, mission success and strategic outcomes may depend of them, as dedicated military assets will likely be elsewhere; since they agreed to do the job.That isn't the time to worry about renegotiating contracts, "how much am I getting paid for this", "I didn't sign up for this", etc....
  12. Viper Pit

    "On The Night Shift"....

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