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Everything posted by Nightshade/PR

  1. novalogic F-16 mrf who flys novalworld

    8) Agree with Ranger on this one. The cheats run rampant on occasion, but every now and then, you catch a clean game. Then, it's a blast!! I fly there sometimes, under the same callsign.
  2. :?: Okay, im blind. I can't find it.
  3. Go with this one. Thats a perfect sunset to lauch/recover in. I like it, and it's a great piece of work. Of course, i'm curious as to how you did it. Last time I got to messing around with my files and such, I wound up doing a complete reinstall. Ahhhhh, if only I were talented in that area.
  4. Dagger, you da MAN! Followed your advice, and BAM!! I GOT TANKS! Thanks.
  5. 8) I LOVE this plane!! Now, how do I get the fuel tanks to show up on my loadout? I edited the weapons data .ini as instructed, but no go on their show. Anyone else get this, or did I miss a step?
  6. Single word replies come to mind. Wow! Skilzzzz! Nice! Wish I had this type of talent. I MUST have gone to the SWIMMING POOL to drink Mai-Tai's, when the call to get in line at the TALENT POOL was made. It is impressive work, and can't wait to fly this one.
  7. See ya for now

    Good Luck Eagle.
  8. Okay, I had the same problem crop up again too. What I do now is fly an approach to flare just above stall speed (about 120-130 knots) and let the mains touch 1st, and airbrake it with the nose in the air until about 100 kts, and let the nose down. Then wheelbrakes, and it usually stops without the bounce. Oh yeah, use the speedbrakes in and out to keep the speed fairly constant. Sounds like a lot more work than it is, but in action, it all happens fairly quickly. Hope it works for you.
  9. 8) I installed the Flagon, and it works fine, but now my planes bounce uncontrollably upon landing. Any ideas on how to fix this?
  10. Charlie Daniels, a true American

    Kids wanting to be adults, and the only way they know how is with foul language, and perceived insults. I have no time for mindless idiocy like yours, but if you were TRULY as PATRIOTIC AS YOU CLAIM, you'd get your butt off the couch, go put on a uniform, and get out in the sand with the rest of the men and women who count, rather than whining about how screwed up things are. If you are not willing to do that, at least own up to being the COWARD that you are, and do us ALL a favor, and SHUT UP.
  11. Charlie Daniels, a true American

    Up to this point, I have read these posts with an eye towards trying to understand all points of view. That all changed today. Now i see the bigotry the rest of the world accuses us of, may actually be justified. As a Black Male, I have never been to prison, and I take offense to the remarks of putting Hussein/Bin Laden in with one of us so they can be filmed while being sodomized. I consider that and the following post uncalled for, and made me ashamed to have to explain to my friend (who is a naturalized citizen) that this is what/how many Americans think, but NOT ALL. I thought this was a place for Flight simmers who loved the games to pass info and help on to each other. I guess I was wrong, and old prejudices die hard. Thanks for reminding me of something I grew up with, and thought we were well on our way of putting to rest.
  12. :roll: Disregard. Alzheimer's Attack for a min.
  13. :shock: Now for the dumb question of the day. Where do they go again?
  14. :o I d/l his files normally, with no problems and they always work for me. Never got a corrupt one. And these new ones? Gotta give it to the man, He has some SERIOUS SKILLS!!
  15. Try this link. www.fas.org/man/dod-101/sys/ac/f-5.htm
  16. That is an OUTSTANDING looking A-4. THAT'S the one I wished had shipped ORIGINALLY with the game. Very nice looking indeed.

    The F-18, or as it was known then, the F-17
  18. :shock: Came back to fly this today, and now I have 1 missile in the nose, none on the wings, guns that dont work, and no idea of what happened. It worked fine yesterday, and I made no changes. What gives?
  19. Get a GOOD LAUGH!!!!!! I'm on this intercept, and i'm out of missiles, so I go to guns , RIGHT??? Imagine my surprise. Rule #1. ALWAYS check your weapons loadout BEFORE TAKEOFF. Of course, I ran like a raped ape at that point.
  20. :D Personally, I like either 2000 pounders, or Cluster Bombs on AAA targets. Rockets I use on enemy columns; line em' up, and let fly!!
  21. :shock: Absolutely Outstanding Work!!
  22. :?: I admit to not having the talent to skin these, so is there someone out there yhat can do these? I am slowly but surely teaching myself, but you DON'T wanna know how my 1st efforts have been.
  23. AnyOne?

    and the rest of it
  24. AnyOne?

    OK, heres everything I found so far on this.
  25. :?: As an avid simmer, but lacking the skills to build my own flyable planes (as well as the time), who out there among you talented individuals (or at Third Wire) can build an F-106? Next to the Viggen, it was (to me) the most beautiful plane to ever fly.

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