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Everything posted by Nightshade/PR

  1. A Simple Request

    8) I saw the -102. But an F-106 is what the F-102 always wanted to be, when it grew up. And besides, I'm partial to the F-106, having worked with them in the 318th FIS, McChord AFB, Washington.
  2. I'm running a VooDoo5 with the patch on a Win98SE system, and CTD's are RARE now, since I got the patch. Even in HL.
  3. :?: Okay, I confess to having forgotten, and yes, it's due to Alzheimers!!! Anyway, how DO I turn it on, again?
  4. :D Definitely Armed Recon Missions in ANYTHING. They are HILARIOUS, and I never thought hitting a truck with guns from an F-104 would be so hard.
  5. Must be me, but I find landings smoother to fly now, and unless I goon it on touchdown, no bounces. This is also on Hard Settings.
  6. :shock: Here's one. I'm flying along on an anti-ship mission using the Euro tiles, and about 1/2 way to target, my plane and my wingmans plane canted 45 degrees left, and of the flight 2 guys, 1 was up on 1 wing, and the last guy disappeared. Any control movements made it worse, and then BLAMMO!! There's my icons!!! When I quit laughing, I wrote this post. If I can get it to duplicate, I'll get a screenshot and post it. Anyone else having this one?
  7. I figured that out to, with a BIG ASSIST from Dagger! I now have the same setup for all my sims, and it works great. Who said user forums never helped anyone? Thx guys.
  8. :!: No Go. Same effect. I'll deal with this tomorrow. Thx 4 all the help tho.
  9. wont hold my command settings in the game. No matter what I map my buttons to, or keyboard commands to, they dump as soon as i start the game, and i have no idea of what function is where. Also, on the setup page, every time i try to map my rudder commands to the rudder function on the stick, my settings inside the setup panel dump.
  10. Okay, I have just finished reloading my entire game, patch, joystick w/new drivers, and guess what? My joystick still doesnt work.
  11. Wingman Extreme Digital 3D here also
  12. And this is after a COMPLETE REINSTALL of the game. It dumped on me 3 times earlier, midway thru the patch process.
  13. roger, i do. It worked like a charm BEFORE i put the PATCH in.
  14. okay, so how do i fix my stick? It wont hold my settings, even after I save them under a different filename.
  15. Mine wont hold a calibration or my settings either. Anyone have any ideas yet?
  16. :o Try the following link for Phantom Paint Jobs. www.vogue-web.ch/f4/
  17. load it up on the pilot/squadron page as a squadron. Then select all the planes from the drop down menu with the same paint job/same squadron. That works on mine.
  18. No matter what I do, my game wont run on HyperLobby. This patch is coming none too soon. Anyont else have this problem, and if so, how'd you fix it? I always get the "Game .exe not found", whenevr I try to do it. And even when I manually enter the path, same error.
  19. Hyper-Screwed

    Thank you. That did the trick. Up until someone on MY SIDE hit me with a missile, cause the Mig-17's dont carry 'em!
  20. Nice shot, and pretty stylish.

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