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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. London Bridge Attack

    Pity the guy didn't get to use tusk ... would have been an "interesting" experience for the terrorist.
  2. WIP o Trabajos en progreso

    I was going to ask about an approximate time for the Privateer's release? This year? 1st quarter 2020 ?? "2 weeks" thanks!
  3. Here's an important question .... since there is no readily and freely available P-63, what about using the P-39 as a sort of 'stand in'? It would at least give us another aircraft for the very early years. Since I've done a number of skins for Veltro's Airacobra, and have the template it's not a real problem to "fake" a P-39Q, in NMF for this Thoughts?
  4. Frenchie, already have the Dauntless skin done (just need a better model than Wolf's 2005 lod -- and we can't and WON'T use any DAT stuff) I if I need a translator, you are TOP of my list!!! SB2C (4) done - as we don't have the -5 with one-piece canopy A-26 done Hellcat (albeit a -3) done Saafire III done (several years ago) Ki-43 done (albeit ArmorDave's Ki-43-I, as opposed to the IIb, IIIb variants that were actuall used) F8F -done (one of the stock skins is AdA) F4U-7 - long time done! AU-1 needs creation (easy, as it's mapped as the F4U-7) Spit 9 (stock) although I may do a squadron specific skin
  5. I know, exceedingly odd, coming from me, right? Anyway, what I need is if someone has a LARGER image of the Aeronavale fin flash and squadron badge in the image below. So I can make a decal out of them for the SBDs of Flotille 3. I've blown them up in PS, but the quality is very poor.... Also, does anyone remember if we have a pierced steel plank (Marston matting) airfield?? Something equlivant to the stock Runway 2 and/or 3?? (the smallest small one, and the smallest medium runway) TIA! (ps: I don't suppose any of our MAX Gurus would be interestered in building a new SBD? And maybe finishing Zur's F6F-3, and also making it a -5?? I have the MAX files for the Hellcat. Ya know, just thorwing it out there....<grin>)
  6. Already am. Along with 100 more tiles than stock (from 104 to 204) still debating if I want to make the mangrove swamp coastal tiles (not that hard to do)
  7. thanks, brother! I TRULY appriciate the offers of help!!!
  8. Man in High Castle Season 4 ... ugh

    For those that respond, NO SPOILERS!! I haven't seen the last 2 episodes yet!!
  9. good work!!! Now, we just need a better F-16XL for "The Wingman" to fly!!
  10. here's runway 3 retextured (ie: hex edited and created a 'new' runway3a), with psp matting. Also a bunch of new objects for the airfield bits
  11. Given the fact the items are in the SF2 downloads section wasn't a hint??? To be honest, the file announcement should have the statement "For SF2 series ONLY" (like all of my stuff does). We (the site owner & admins) keep the 1stGen forums open simply because there's data, information, 'tips, tweeks & tricks" archived here that (may) have value for SF2 users. This is the way of it.
  12. did you check my JASDF F-86 Sabres???? (mind you, 1950s versions) edit: 3, 6 are painted on the tail fins. 1 & 8 are decals. However, they'd be on the Templates, so you might be able to pull the layer, and create a seperate image, to make the decal from (3 might need the "bit's" filled in, as I left a hole for the serial number
  13. I'll what, if anything, I can find.
  14. hush!!!! we don't divulge the location of where we get our exceedingly accurate charts on an open channel!! (also one of the worst kept secrets around here!!!)
  15. a dirt airstrip would be nice too!! I can certainly wait!! Thanks Steve!
  16. copy/paste into notepad, and do a "save as.." double check before using [MissionHeader] MissionMap=Korea3 [InstantAction] StartRadioDelay=0.2 [Debrief] HighScoresFile=HighScores.scr MaxHighScores=10 ShowListSize=5 HighScoresPosition=262,100 ScoresLeftPosition=10,140 ScoresRightPosition=277,140 ScorePositionOffset=75 NamePositionOffset=90 [MissionData] FriendlyAirActivity=1 EnemyAirActivity=1 PlayerMissionID=1 PlayerPositionID=1 MissionNumber=5123 AdjustStartPosition=FALSE AdjustBaseWaypoint=FALSE [Weather] WeatherType=CLEAR WeatherAlt=2000.0 WeatherThickness=500.0 FogAmount=0.1 ContrailAlt=8000.0 StartWindDirection=150 StartWindSpeed=2.57222 WindGustingAmount=2.57222 [AircraftMission001] AircraftType=F-86E-10 Name=GUNSLINGER FormationType=USFighter Size=1 RandomChance=100 MissionType=INTERCEPT ObjectiveID=2 Position=390020.000,554500.000,6100.0 Heading=0.0 Speed=250.0 FuelPercent=40 Alignment=FRIENDLY Loadout=AirToAir //NationalMarking=2 //Texture=334 //Squadron=334TFS Aircraft[01].AircraftNumber=1 Waypoint[01].Position=393000.000,559000.000,1000.0 Waypoint[01].Size=1000.0 Waypoint[01].Command=CAS Waypoint[01].Speed=200.0 [AircraftMission002] AircraftType=MiG-15 Name=BORIS FormationType=SovietBomber Size=6 RandomChance=100 MissionType=STRIKE ObjectiveID=2 Position=390800.000,556500.000,6050.0 Heading=0.0 Speed=230.0 Alignment=ENEMY NationalMarking=29 Ammo=100 Fuel=100 Waypoint[01].Position=390800.000,654500.000,6050.0 Waypoint[01].Size=2000.0 Waypoint[01].Command=WAYPOINT Waypoint[01].Speed=200.0 [AircraftMission003] AircraftType=MiG-15bis_NK Name=Yuan FormationType=SovietFighter Size=2 RandomChance=25 MissionType=ESCORT ObjectiveID=0 Position=390000.000,556500.000,6050.0 Heading=180.0 Speed=200.0 Alignment=ENEMY NationalMarking=29 Ammo=100 Fuel=100 Waypoint[01].Position=393000.000,559000.000,6050.0 Waypoint[01].Size=2000.0 Waypoint[01].Command=OBJECTIVE_POINT Waypoint[01].Speed=200.0 [AircraftMission004] AircraftType=F9F-2 Name=COWBOY FormationType=USFighter Size=2 RandomChance=75 MissionType=CAP ObjectiveID=0 Position=389950.000,557500.000,6250.0 Heading=180.0 Speed=200.0 Alignment=FRIENDLY TextureSet=0 NationalMarking=3 SquadronMarking=0 AircraftNumber=0 KillMarking=0 Ammo=100 Fuel=100 Waypoint[01].Position=393000.000,559000.000,6050.0 Waypoint[01].Size=2000.0 Waypoint[01].Command=OBJECTIVE_POINT Waypoint[01].Speed=200.0 [AircraftMission005] AircraftType=F-86A-5 Name=SHOWTIME FormationType=USFighter Size=2 RandomChance=60 MissionType=CAP ObjectiveID=0 Position=400000.000,575500.000,6250.00 Heading=225.0 Speed=200.0 Alignment=FRIENDLY TextureSet=0 NationalMarking=3 SquadronMarking=0 AircraftNumber=0 KillMarking=0 Ammo=100 Fuel=100 Waypoint[01].Position=393000.000,559000.000,6550.0 Waypoint[01].Size=2000.0 Waypoint[01].Command=OBJECTIVE_POINT Waypoint[01].Speed=200.0 [AircraftMission006] AircraftType=MiG-15 Name=Wang FormationType=SovietFighter Size=2 RandomChance=75 MissionType=ESCORT ObjectiveID=0 Position=380000.000,565500.000,6550.0 Heading=135.0 Speed=230.0 Alignment=ENEMY NationalMarking=29 Ammo=100 Fuel=100 Waypoint[01].Position=393000.000,559000.000,6550.0 Waypoint[01].Size=2000.0 Waypoint[01].Command=OBJECTIVE_POINT Waypoint[01].Speed=200.0 [AircraftMission007] AircraftType=MiG-15bis_NK Name=Chung FormationType=SovietFighter Size=2 RandomChance=60 MissionType=SWEEP ObjectiveID=0 Position=392000.000,557500.000,6550.0 Heading=0.0 Speed=240.0 Alignment=ENEMY NationalMarking=5 Ammo=100 Fuel=100 Waypoint[01].Position=393000.000,559000.000,1000.0 Waypoint[01].Size=2000.0 Waypoint[01].Command=OBJECTIVE_POINT Waypoint[01].Speed=200.0 [AircraftMission008] AircraftType=MiG-15 Name=Ivan FormationType=SovietFighter Size=2 RandomChance=40 MissionType=CAP ObjectiveID=1 Position=390800.000,654500.000,6550.0 Heading=180.0 Speed=240.0 Alignment=ENEMY NationalMarking=29 Ammo=100 Fuel=100 Aircraft[01].AircraftNumber=1 Aircraft[02].AircraftNumber=2 Waypoint[01].Position=277000.0,211000,510.0 Waypoint[01].Size=2000.0 Waypoint[01].Command=OBJECTIVE_POINT [AircraftMission009] AircraftType=Yak-9P Name=Han FormationType=SovietFighter Size=2 RandomChance=60 MissionType=ESCORT ObjectiveID=0 Position=398000.000,562500.000,6550.0 Heading=225.0 Speed=230.0 Alignment=ENEMY NationalMarking=29 Ammo=100 Fuel=100 Waypoint[01].Position=393000.000,559000.000,6550.0 Waypoint[01].Size=2000.0 Waypoint[01].Command=OBJECTIVE_POINT Waypoint[01].Speed=200.0 [AircraftMission010] AircraftType=F-82G Name=COBRA FormationType=USFighter Size=2 RandomChance=60 MissionType=CAP ObjectiveID=0 Position=391020.000,554400.000,6150.0 Heading=350.0 Speed=200.0 Alignment=FRIENDLY TextureSet=0 NationalMarking=2 SquadronMarking=0 AircraftNumber=0 KillMarking=0 Ammo=100 Fuel=100 Waypoint[01].Position=393000.000,559000.000,6550.0 Waypoint[01].Size=2000.0 Waypoint[01].Command=OBJECTIVE_POINT Waypoint[01].Speed=200.0 [AircraftMission011] AircraftType=MiG-15bis_NK Name=Anton FormationType=SovietFighter Size=2 RandomChance=50 MissionType=ESCORT ObjectiveID=0 Position=390300.000,556000.000,6350.0 Heading=0.0 Speed=230.0 Alignment=ENEMY NationalMarking=5 Ammo=100 Fuel=100 Waypoint[01].Position=393000.000,559000.000,6550.0 Waypoint[01].Size=2000.0 Waypoint[01].Command=OBJECTIVE_POINT Waypoint[01].Speed=200.0 [AircraftMission012] AircraftType=MiG-15bis_NK Name=Sung FormationType=SovietFighter Size=2 RandomChance=50 MissionType=ESCORT ObjectiveID=0 Position=391300.000,556000.000,6300.0 Heading=0.0 Speed=230.0 Alignment=ENEMY NationalMarking=29 Ammo=100 Fuel=100 Waypoint[01].Position=393000.000,559000.000,6550.0 Waypoint[01].Size=2000.0 Waypoint[01].Command=OBJECTIVE_POINT Waypoint[01].Speed=200.0 [AircraftMission013] AircraftType=MiG-15bis Name=Petrov FormationType=SovietFighter Size=2 RandomChance=50 MissionType=ESCORT ObjectiveID=0 Position=390300.000,557500.000,6400.0 Heading=0.0 Speed=230.0 Alignment=ENEMY NationalMarking=5 Ammo=100 Fuel=100 Waypoint[01].Position=393000.000,559000.000,6550.0 Waypoint[01].Size=2000.0 Waypoint[01].Command=OBJECTIVE_POINT Waypoint[01].Speed=200.0 [AircraftMission014] AircraftType=La-11 Name=Fung FormationType=SovietFighter Size=2 RandomChance=40 MissionType=CAP ObjectiveID=1 Position=391300.000,654000.000,6450.0 Heading=180.0 Speed=240.0 Alignment=ENEMY NationalMarking=29 Ammo=100 Fuel=100 Aircraft[01].AircraftNumber=1 Aircraft[02].AircraftNumber=2 Waypoint[01].Position=277000.0,211000,510.0 Waypoint[01].Size=2000.0 Waypoint[01].Command=OBJECTIVE_POINT
  17. I thank you for the assistance; you're going to have a big part in this, methinks. I've got access to really accurate maps, from the US Army Corps of Engineers, and -get this totally lucked out-- they're from 1954. Once I get everything repositioned/corrected, then each city will have to be rebuilt from scratch (especially Hanoi, Haiphong, Saigon, and many others.) I still haven't "fixed" on the level of detail yet -- obviously the rail system (at least in the cities), ports. Airfields have to have back-dated structures (ww2 type). Some airfields will still be the "stock concrete" runways, as there really isn't much choice. Others will be using the Runway 3 & Runway 2s. Obviously, there will be airfields in Viet Minh territory, but as they have no air force...???? Below is a sample, of the Hanoi region (also telling me I got the lake to the NW slightly "off", but the 3w terrain engine.....mmmmmm)
  18. Can't be worse than my French -- which is a close to zero as can be without actually being zero!!! downloaded the runway mod above, but it's borked. "unexpected end of archive". So, via hex editing and renaming, I'm building "my own" version of a PSP runway from Runway3. I"ll post images when I've got some (still redoing the airfield's skins)
  19. I could send you my Instant Action from my KAW folder, if you want Also, in you'r options ini, double check that the various StartYears are set to 1948 or so
  20. Radio Control Dambusters

    AWESOME!! The '55 film is STILL excellent!! Anybody heard anything about Peter Jackson's version? Has it been canceled???
  21. definately will check that out!! thanks Russ, that should work!!
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  23. just some in progress screen shots saigon, with bien hoa (now moved to the correct spot) in the distance. tan son nuht is just off screen to the left haiphong, unfortunatly NOT with all the rivers/streams. but much closer to Real Life (tm)
  24. I'd hold off on doing ANYTHING until I have a workable, corrected terrain. TK's original VN-SEA is so fucked up and innaccurate; things aren't where they're supposed to be (as anyone that can read a map will see), things exist that never did, etc.. His version, I'd rate at less than 65% accurate. By the time I get done with it (it'll still take months...) it'll be closer to 90% - even given th 63% size, and the usual bug-a-boos of the 3W terrain engine. What I can use, however, is some kind of chart that locates which regions (cities, villages, etc) are Viet Minh controlled. I've only found these 2 images
  25. 1) most important -- KAW is designed for a STAND ALONE MODS FOLDER . It has not now, or ever in the past been built with "a blend with all my other Mods. Take that as gospel 2) non of these aircraft have afterburners. These are Gen 1 jets

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