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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. Hope you like the new water feature. For fun, the "MidWest USA" is good what if, I also rebuild the stock IsraelME to a more geographicly correct version. "Eastern Med" (a modern rebuild of the ww2 version). And so forth ======= required screenie
  2. the enemy CV zone is small on purpose -- as the IJN had no carriers left for the maps original usage. have you checked the PRC's nations ini entry? It's not a naval force. You may have to create the PRC navy (as had to be done for the IJN, seperating it from the IJAAF)
  3. You need to remap all your keys. Guns are ALWAYS the trigger on the stick, (Primary Weapon) Secondary weapons is also always guns, depending in the aircraft carries differing calibers (like my P-38 example) Repeatin: Primary and Secondary weapons are always GUNS missiles are always another button Suggestion: delete your control ini, start game and let it build the "base" one, and THEN check you key mapping and adjust as needed.
  4. No, you cannot map different guns (primary and secondary) to the same button. you can, however, try "GunGroup=" to each gun callout in the aircaft's data ini (ala P-38: MGs on GunGroup=1, Cannon on GunGroup=2. Select all gun groups, and they fire together)
  5. Welcome!! In your original post you said yourself the very advice we give all newcomers -- play the stock (vanilla) game for a while; a few weeks to get familiar with the system and game operations. THEN start adding mods. Since you mentioned the SPAD, remember that it isn't designed to be player flyable (A.I Only), so requires a trick or two to keep it from reverting after you've made in Player Flyable (tm) The closest thing to "SF2 for Dummies" would be the Knowledge Base. It it doesn't answer your questions, post them! Poke around, ask questions, and so forth. Again, welcome! (ps any terrain with my name on it is worth downloading <----shameless plug!! )
  6. View File SF2 VF-114 F-4B (65) Phantom Skin/Decal Pack by Mytai SF2 VF-114 F-4B (65) Phantom Skin/Decal Pack by Mytai 9/4/2019 = For SF2 (Any & All, Full-5 Merged Prefered) and/or SF2:V = *Can be used in any install that has access to the F-4B_65 which is stock in all merged installs, excepting SF2:I (well, actually it's probably there as well!). This a new build of Mytai01's 1stGen skin for VF-114 Aardvarks durning 1965/66 Southeast Asia cruise about USS Kittyhawk as part of CVW-11 (tail code NH). This is within the time frame of the camo experiments the USN was conduction, as many of the aircraft aboard were using this 2-tone green camo. Records seem to indicate VF-114 did not. The aircraft remains in the standard Gull Gray/White scheme. With this skin set, you should have all the strike/fighter/attack aircraft of CVW-11 for this cruise. The skin is in jpg format, 2048x, from Sundowner's templates. Mytai's original decal have been 'refershed' to remove any oddites or edge 'ghosting'. Decal randomization is TRUE. Also included, within the skin folder, are all of Mytai's original research material that came with the 1stGen Package. This includes photos and other text files. Also included are slightly modified data and loadout ini that correct a few little faults. Wingfold and canopy are now manually activated, using the Standard Animations Keystrokes (tm); shift/9 for wings, shift/0 (zero) for canopy. Lighting has been tweeked so the wing lights follow the wing when folding/unfolding. A landing light and the 3 approach lights have also been added (see "Notes" for more details). When in-game, on the Loadout Screen, on the skin selection dropdown you'll see: VF-114 Aardvarks 65 (Mytai) As the Aardvarks are a unit listed in the stock squadron list ini, decals are set to make the displayed name active. As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them .... New Version Uploaded 10/2/2019: Fixed typo in decals ini Submitter Wrench Submitted 09/15/2019 Category F-4  
  7. glad you said "decals.ini", Russ found a typo [Decal001] MeshName=fuselage_P DecalLevel=1 DecalFacing=LEFT FilenameFormat=F-4B_65\pacusnvf114_65\D\nsdl Position=1.35,-0.17 Rotation=0.0 Scale=8.625 DecalMaxLOD=3 [Decal002] MeshName=fuselage_P DecalLevel=1 DecalFacing=RIGHT FilenameFormat=F-4B_65\pacusnvf114_65\D\nsdr Position=1.35,-0.17 Rotation=0.0 Scale=8.625 DecalMaxLOD=3 missing the "4" in decal 2. folks, please make you corrections. I'll upload the package wiht the corrected ini
  8. Is anyone having issues with the decals?? I've had a report the main fuselage decal is NOT showing up for one of the users. It would be the nsdl and nsdr decals (as they hold the national insigina, serivce name, ship name and squadron number). other downloaders PLEASE check this skin in game. I cannot duplicate the issue; it always works for me tia!
  9. If it's a visual issue, only seen from "outside", staying in the cockpit will eliminate the problem. Just saying...
  10. since when do Raptor's carry Stingers??
  11. You know your into WWII/aviation history when...

    go back and watch it again. you obviously didn't see it. (also, read post #2)
  12. Telling ya, brother -- the LOD Viewer is the best!! It'll let you take so much time off setting decal positions; you can even make changes in the decal ini, refresh the skin and watch them move! It's totally cool!!!
  13. look in the /Menu folder,that's where the icons would be stored, if a replacement one has been provided. Otherwise, they're all stored in one of the cat file, in "stock" game. Hiding the enemy icons has been done on a shitload of mods, going all the way to SFP1. I just can't remember exactly what the change(s) are.
  14. I'd bet real money one of the inis that got installed has been edited to REMOVE enemy icons from the in-flight map. You're going to have to go through them one by one, starting with the Options.ini, and run it down.
  15. Eric, since you're back, I've pinned this thread. (it's nice to have you back, brudda!)
  16. Freespace 2 for FREE on GOG

    I moved the post down here, mostly so I could find it again (and not have it get buried in The Pub), and follow those links! thanks bro!!
  17. Freespace 2 for FREE on GOG

    Thanks! Still have to figure out the keymapping ... so used to XvT/XWA!!
  18. Freespace 2 for FREE on GOG

    Cool!!! I've never played it, and at that price! I'm going for it!!
  19. the drop down box, "Individual Markings" are level 2s. And yes, a number.lst is required
  20. that folder holds experimental river tiles, that have brown water instead of the stock 3W green. Which isn't quite right (information from friends, family that have been there - one older brother of my best friend growing up was in PBRs)
  21. I'll be thinking positive thoughts for you, Ant. And maybe sending a few requests to The Big Boss. I hope and pray all gets better soon, brother!!
  22. The terrain mods go in the MODS folder, not the core files install ... I don't suppose there was anything said about that in the read me?? You never, never EVER touch the core install and the folders & files therein. This is all covered in the Knowledge Base, in "What is the Mods Folder" thread. Seriously, how hard can it be??
  23. never had ANY problems adjusting pilot hit boxes. Weapons? Why would that even be necessary?

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