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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. Version 1.0.0


    Douglas RB-66C & WB-66D Destroyer Update Pak 8/12/2019 = For SF2, Any & All = This package contains 2 of Bunyap's 1stGen aircraft brought up to a more SF2-ish standard. Also, they seemed to be missing from the SF2 downloads, and I thought it was time to bring them back. They are the: RB-66C Destroyer (Recon & ELINT) aircraft WB-66D Destroyer (Weather Recon, ELINT) aircraft The units/skins provided herein are: RB-66C: 42nd TRS, 10th TRW (USAFE) 19th TRS, 66th TRW (USAFE) WB-66D: 9th TRS, 363rd TRW (ConUS+) All markings are decals, excepting the 42nd tailfin flash. All serial and buzz number decals (30 for the RB & 36 for the WB) are 100% historicaly correct. They represent the full production runs for =BOTH= aircraft. The 2 skins for the RB use the same pool of decals. A new Hi-Rez replacement skins were created from HGBN's templates. The skins are in jpg format. As with the B-66 and EB-66, a highly modified cockpit is supplied to 'fit' within the visible model. As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. Please read them! See "change List" in Notes for what's been modified/changed/adjusted. Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein
  2. that's one of the things I was looking at having on my next machine (please, gods, NOT for several years....) so, it's NOT a good thing??
  3. I seem to have 2 in my /Weapons folder: AS-34 AS-34_2 this is the data ini fro the _2 the data ini is dated 4/21/2012. I don't know if this is the "latest" version (most likely it's not)
  4. Always READ the Read Me. Also, get familiar with the game's file system (locations, folder structure, etc)
  5. that would explain the Sabre and BAnshee pics on Instagram. pity, I don't have a seXBox controler, or windows 10. Be nice to have the Oraguan, Sabre, Panther and Banshee on our side of the screen
  6. this discussion is most interesting!!! I remember 1stGEns, have to paint the HM.bmps all black to remove the upswelling of the coast lines. I know that fixed some oddities like ships sitting above the water. But I can't remember how far back that was ... age be creeping up on me brain!!
  7. Version


    F-4B Phantom II, VMFA-58 "Wildcards" Skin/Decal set (A "What If.." skin) = For SF2, any/all versions with access to the F-4B Phantom, merged or not = A complete rebuild of my "What If..." Phantom skin from 2006. This is a reskinning and redecaling of the stock, plane-jane F-4B (no year suffix), using Sundowner's templates (what a masterpiece!!!). New serial numbers and all new BuNum decals have been created. BuNums ARE 100% accurate, in that they are for F-4Bs. Since this is a fantasy skin ... they're purly there for looks. Many new decals, for crew names have been created and added to the canopy rails (these are characters and production staff from the Space: Above and Beyond TV show, with a few 'just for funs' thrown in). What is unusual for me, is the fact that most of the generic national/service markings are painted on, as opposed to my prefrence for decals. This was done to "open up" some meshes for other decals, thereby greating imporving the historical "look", and accuracy (!), of the aircraft. This skin/decal set is perfectly usable for ANY of the other F-4Bs (F-4B_65 and F-4B_67), and possibly even the F-4J. Renaming of the skin bmps will be required for use on the other aircraft, however, but their mapping is identical (this =HAS= been tested!). See below for more details & instructions. The skins are 2048x2048, so users with older, slower machines may need to resize them down one step to 1024; expect some detail loss, but they're still quite beautiful, even at the the smaller size. NOTE: I've supplied 2 different _1.bmps for use. The one being used right now has the ship name "USS SARATOGA"* above the squadron name. If you do not wish to use that, use the 'no-ship-name_F-4B_1.bmp'. Instructions for switching are in the 'To Install' section below. Included as well are modified data and loadout inis; the data ini has a new landing light added and the canopy activated via a manual animation key. Use Shift/0 to open and close it. The loadout ini removes the non-existant reconpod,from RECON missions, and replaces it with the 600 gallon tank. All other loads remain stock. The landing gear's RollingRadius has also been adjusted, as I've gotten sick and tired of the 'flat tire' look. The numbers I used can also be used on all the other Phantoms. Other improvements are some additional armor over vital internals. No other changes have been made. * the SARA was the space carrier The Wildcards was assigned to in the TV show; just keeping continuity <grin> As always, detailed, step-by-step install instruction are in the enclosed Readme. It's required you actually read it ... Good Hunting and Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein
  8. I called that out when it was first released. Fully examined it when I got my copy of "their" PG mod. To make matters worse, the YAP PG terrain is completly stripped of ANYTHING usefull on land. Truly fucking pathetic. Better off using my version of Gepard's terrain; at least there stuff ALL OVER (both sides) to zap. Again, out of curisoity, what height specs are they using on their tiles? Showing one of the transitions below: [Texture002] Filename=sea2desert25.TGA HasWater=1 HeightMap=sea2desert25_hm.BMP HeightMapScale=2.000000 Color=0.505483,0.471180,0.410264 SolidObjectTexture=terobject_buildings1.BMP AlphaObjectTexture=terobject_trees1.TGA Long ago, we discovered that many (including some original 1stGen stock maps) have that set to 25!! You can try editing the data ini --MAKE A BACKUP COPY FIRST!!!!!-- do a "Search & Replace" and drop them down to 2 meters. (the above tile statements comes right out of the version I did.) I don't have access right off the bat to my YAP version, as it's archived on one of my external HDs, otherwise I'd cross check it. And I COMPLETLY agree about the TE in airfield flattening -- don't even think about using it near or on a mountain!! Screws up this horribly (the ANW map is a good example of that -- 7000 foot plateau with an airfield. fully expect to see Professor Challenger and dinosaurs on it!!)
  9. just out of curiosity, which terrain of theirs is it?
  10. hmm...this one wonders if the 'sky' tgas can be extracted, and placed directly INTO the terrain folder, after proper darkening. Same for the starfield tgas (and moon?) I know terrains can have their very own, seprate envirosys inis, within said terrain folder....
  11. as they are already built in moving on...
  12. your terrain HFD is fucked. the airfields need flattening, and that 's only possible in the 3W terrain editor. AND you'll need all the base info for that terrain, and/or build it yourself (texturelist ini, convert all tga to bmp, etc and so forth. not worth the effort for their stuff
  13. View File MiG-9 "Fargo" SF2 Upgrade Pak MiG-9 "Fargo" (by Timmy & Lexx_Luthor) -- SF2 UpDate Pak = For SF2, Any/All (Full 4/5 Merged Reccomended) = An upgrade pack for Timmy/Lexx_Luthor's early Soviet Jet Fighter. This mod will replace any others, including the one I did several years ago. This'll give another early 1stGen Jet Fighter for the Red side, for whatever use you see fit to put it to. This is the complete aircraft package, with a new cockpit - a slight modification of Stary's Mig pit-, all new 90% SF2 compliant FM, and 7 skins (all the ones I could find). All weapons (ie: the drop tank) are included. You should already have the necessary guns, so they are not supplied. A pilot figure and seat are also included, as are new Hangar and Loading screens. Also new are dds damage textures. The skins are basically the same as when first released, with the additon of a nicer natural metal Soviet by p10ppy (shown in the accompanying screenshot). The Soviet skins have been renamed slightly. Check the drop down on the loadout screen for the selection. Included is Timmy's fictional Polish AF camo*. Where necessary, all decal inis have been pointed to stock items; decal randomization is set to TRUE for all skins. *Please note, the Polish skin references bort numbers that may only be available in SF2E* As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. Please read them! Don't forget the 'Notes' section for other usless information, clarifications, and general ramblings. For historical purposes, the Original Release Read-me is included. Other credits are listed further down this (the readme) document. Happy Landings! wrench kevin stein Submitter Wrench Submitted 06/15/2012 Category MiG-9  
  14. tried reading the read me and following the instructions ???
  15. actually, you can't. you can modifiy or tweek the existing ones. other than that you're stuck with what TK used. how to modify the exiting ones, NFI
  16. Standard Aircraft Charictaristics http://www.alternatewars.com/SAC/SAC.htm
  17. that's quite interesting! which version of SF1 version of the Solomons did you use? (also, why are the Japanese bases blue?)
  18. LOVE the sign!!! the jetways look pretty good too!! (I could have used them some year back...<gr>)
  19. check the landing gear statements... example is from A-7A it's for when shit gets shot off the birds; mostly seems to be landing gear parts
  20. Apparently, somebody hasn't been flying over some of our hyper-detailed terrains. It's all been done. I should know ...
  21. Dude, seriously??? Marcfighters has been out of the business for over 6 years. Stop necro-threading. This shit is deader than dead
  22. What Rene said about the number selection and randomization is pretty much it. from the last set of Sabre skins I did: [TextureSet007] Directory=71FS Name=71st FIS, 1st FG (49-54) Nation=USAF StartDefaultDate=1949 Specular=1.000000 Glossiness=0.500000 Reflection=1.000000 DecalNumberRandomize=TRUE DecalNumberBlockSize=26 DecalNumberStart=0 DecalNumberEnd=25 of course, each has a unique sequence of serials for each skin What TK did for the Migs, is just "Randomization=TRUE" (below) [TextureSet001] Directory=SovietSilver1 Name=Soviet Silver Nation=Soviet StartDefaultDate=1 Specular=1.000000 Glossiness=0.500000 Reflection=0.800000 DecalNumberRandomize=TRUE as he always had 100 decals (000 - 099) iirc, you CAN have a set of numbers (borts, serials, etc) and break them up, based on the number list. I guess like this: [TextureSet007] Directory=71FS Name=71st FIS, 1st FG (49-54) Nation=USAF StartDefaultDate=1949 Specular=1.000000 Glossiness=0.500000 Reflection=1.000000 DecalNumberRandomize=TRUE DecalNumberBlockSize=26 DecalNumberStart=26 DecalNumberEnd=50 I thinks TK's done something like that on the stock birds (Hunters??)
  23. nope, it don't in SF2 (and the numbers would be 48 & 49)

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