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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. that major glitch of "direct calls" (as I call it) of SAM/Radars is a serious issue. When one has a map that shows EXACTLY what type of AD units (SAM & Radars) in a given location in a specific country**, and the game chooses NOT to have them fire -- they'll just sit there looking useless, is something that's never going to be fixed. And it pisses me off to no end! **example: my build of the Gepard's Persian Gulf map -- I've placed the exact type of unit where they go in Iran, and do (sometimes) show up, but lay there like a dead camel.
  3. I would KILL to get a new Havoc/Boston in the hangar... the "other one" has a lot of flaws. Somewhere around here I have the early work up MAX files for A-20 that Cocas started ... but, well, you know the story... I just wish the B-26 didn't have the mesh & shadow issues it does. Speaking of the Marauder, don't forget the RAF anti-shipping units in the Eastern Med (THEY have the 2-tone desert camo in their North Africa mod. It would be easy to copy it on the new template, but I don't like being accused of plagerism (sp?) ) I like the B-25 more the B-26, probably because my father saw lots of them in 44/45 when he was in the Phillipines (US Army). AND 50% of them were built just south of me near it is now LAX. Well, here they are ... all layers are intact with those from my skins, so enjoy! B-25 - veltro2k.7z b-26 marauder -v2k.7z
  4. We're talking about Veltro's B-26 and B-25 right?? who do you thing did the (original) skins for the Mitchell??? and, I have a full set of home-growns for the B-26 as well and new data inis with fully corrected hit boxes for all versions (ETO, MTO, PTO) for both aircraft (I STILL am the main ww2 guy around here, even if i'm haven't done anything new in a while)
  5. It's cool! btw, the FNum & FLet decals are mine. Might want to update the credits (yah, I a glory hog!!! )
  6. anti-airfield denial weapon. VERY NASTY
  7. Never heard of Nazis that DIDN'T move in lockstep!!!
  8. I agree with Coupi.... once they're finished, one can only hope for SF2 DLCs for those birds. Would be an addition to the revenue stream, as I know MANY of us would jump at the chance to add them to the stock 3W Hanger. Mobile games, I just can't see they're value/use. (of course, I've never tried any of them ... so my opinion is not fully valid)
  9. well, shoot, now I don't know who to credit. I guess I can find the old thread, and see who it was! btw, it works... used the ww2 pilot skin, renamed to match, did NOT hex edit the lod, only renamed. Tested in the B-25J I've attached the "TGunner" zip file. Good thing SF2 uses individual folderized pilots!! Makes having differing models with 'same names' easier and safer! TGunner.7z
  10. Somewhat out of the Loop for awhile

    My condolences, DA. Hope it all turns out ok. Prayers and thoughts to you, brother!!
  11. Menrva (iirc) made me a backwards facing pilot (navigator) for the A-3B (that never got finished. Let me see if I can reskin him and it "works". He did it via hex editing (I have NO idea how!), and I hope that I don't screw up what he did when I go into the LOD and rename the skin maps. I'll get back to you in a few days, bro.
  12. Dude, just get it. You know you want to.
  13. Version 1.0.0


    SF2 Northrup F-89 Scorpion Remod Pack (V.3) 5/25/2019 *For SF2, Any & All (Full 5 Merged Prefered)* This is a repackaging, and MAJOR update of the F-89 Scorpion series of 1950s USAF All-Weather Interceptors. There have been many changes to the various inis, skins/decals, weapons, and whatnots. This is to be considered to be "Version 3", and hopefully the final time the F-89 gets a revamp (unless new models magically appear). This package builds on and improves from the v2 pack dated 3/3/2016. It also replaces that mod completely. This package contains ALL the various marks of the Scorpion, including those later variants built from/modded of Monty's original C & D model LODs. There are several new skins, marked with the star (*) You have herein: F-89C: 57th FIS, (Keflavik, Iceland) 74th FIS, 23rd FIW (Thule AFB, Greenland) F-89D: 75th FIS (Presque Isle AFB, Maine 1955) 84th FIS (Hamilton AFB 1955-59) 64th FIS (Alaska Air Command) 321st FIS, (Paine AFB, WA 1954)* F-89H: 321st FIS, (Paine AFB, WA 1956)* 75th FIS (Presque Isle AFB, Maine 1957) F-89J (Early): 321st FIS, (Paine AFB, WA 1958)* 449th FIS (Ladd AFB, Alaska) F-89J (Late) 59th FIS, Goose Bay Labrador (1958-60)* 178th FIS "Happy Hooligans" ND ANG (1958-66) 124th FIS, Iowa ANG (1962-69)* Several versions also have a "Generic USAF Silver" skin, complete with decals. You may notice several squadrons used the Scorpion in several of it's various incarnations. This is historically correct. Due to mesh/node mapping reasons, some marking remain painted on. A large number however, are decals. Serial numbers are 100% correct for the models depicted, but should be considered 'generic' as they don't represent actual aircraft with a given unit. Decal randomization is TRUE for all skins. Squadron's listed in the stock game's SquadronList.ini have their names activated via my 'fake' SqTail decal. Those will display their proper names on the Loadout Screen's Squadron Selection Window. When possible, the SF2 'date switch' has been used to turn on Air National Guard units as they became equipped with F-89s. On such aircraft that have operating canopies (those that use the F-89D lod), the canopy works via the Standard Manual Animation Keystroke (tm), shift/0. Included also are "Scorpion" specifc weapons (using the "StationSpecifieCode=" statements. Nuke explosion effects are included for the AIR-2 Genie rocket. As is always reccomended, unzip to a temp folder or your desktop to give easy access to the rest of this readme for it's install instructions. See "Notes" section for full change log and other important statements. The various other readmes, from all previous versions remain wherever they were originally residing. Good Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein
  14. View File SF2 F-89 Scorpion Remod Pack (Ver.3) SF2 Northrup F-89 Scorpion Remod Pack (V.3) 5/25/2019 *For SF2, Any & All (Full 5 Merged Prefered)* This is a repackaging, and MAJOR update of the F-89 Scorpion series of 1950s USAF All-Weather Interceptors. There have been many changes to the various inis, skins/decals, weapons, and whatnots. This is to be considered to be "Version 3", and hopefully the final time the F-89 gets a revamp (unless new models magically appear). This package builds on and improves from the v2 pack dated 3/3/2016. It also replaces that mod completely. This package contains ALL the various marks of the Scorpion, including those later variants built from/modded of Monty's original C & D model LODs. There are several new skins, marked with the star (*) You have herein: F-89C: 57th FIS, (Keflavik, Iceland) 74th FIS, 23rd FIW (Thule AFB, Greenland) F-89D: 75th FIS (Presque Isle AFB, Maine 1955) 84th FIS (Hamilton AFB 1955-59) 64th FIS (Alaska Air Command) 321st FIS, (Paine AFB, WA 1954)* F-89H: 321st FIS, (Paine AFB, WA 1956)* 75th FIS (Presque Isle AFB, Maine 1957) F-89J (Early): 321st FIS, (Paine AFB, WA 1958)* 449th FIS (Ladd AFB, Alaska) F-89J (Late) 59th FIS, Goose Bay Labrador (1958-60)* 178th FIS "Happy Hooligans" ND ANG (1958-66) 124th FIS, Iowa ANG (1962-69)* Several versions also have a "Generic USAF Silver" skin, complete with decals. You may notice several squadrons used the Scorpion in several of it's various incarnations. This is historically correct. Due to mesh/node mapping reasons, some marking remain painted on. A large number however, are decals. Serial numbers are 100% correct for the models depicted, but should be considered 'generic' as they don't represent actual aircraft with a given unit. Decal randomization is TRUE for all skins. Squadron's listed in the stock game's SquadronList.ini have their names activated via my 'fake' SqTail decal. Those will display their proper names on the Loadout Screen's Squadron Selection Window. When possible, the SF2 'date switch' has been used to turn on Air National Guard units as they became equipped with F-89s. On such aircraft that have operating canopies (those that use the F-89D lod), the canopy works via the Standard Manual Animation Keystroke (tm), shift/0. Included also are "Scorpion" specifc weapons (using the "StationSpecifieCode=" statements. Nuke explosion effects are included for the AIR-2 Genie rocket. As is always reccomended, unzip to a temp folder or your desktop to give easy access to the rest of this readme for it's install instructions. See "Notes" section for full change log and other important statements. The various other readmes, from all previous versions remain wherever they were originally residing. Good Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein Submitter Wrench Submitted 06/02/2019 Category Other  
  15. wouldn't it be great to (re) build a Crimson Skies type of thing for SF2??? (I never got the play the original!)
  16. as long as the original builder has stated "free use", there are no issues Go for it!
  17. you don't have to edit the LOD to make jpgs work on 1stGen models in SF2. You just simply use jpg skins. The game does the rest.
  18. that's not funny! expecially from someone in Kansas! (do we have a twister emoji??) ___ required screenie: The Last of the Scorpions
  19. none. it's a rather specific shape and has very odd engine arrangements you might get Capun to make one .. of course, then nobody else will be able to have ti.
  20. Russ got me (re)interesterd in it .. been watching it on Amazon Prime
  21. for the sf2 series, no and CL, a simple yes or no answer would have been more than sufficent, ok? We don't give a rat's about what's available for FSX in the SF2 forums. Thanks!
  22. you know, I'd swear Dels uploaded the cockpit seperatley, but I sure as hell can't find it!! But it's here somewhere's, not just in the KAW ADs EDIT: found it, under Cold War Aircraft, A1
  23. there's an RCS modifier that really does work
  24. for the weapon: you need to have a "station specific code" line, like below from the 3W Mig-23: and have that lline in the weapon's data ini as well > that locks out anything else. (just had to do this for the remod of the F-89s I"m doing. sorry I can't help with the MAX stuff. But I"m sure someone else will!

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