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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. So, what's the fix??? What I did just now, is move the 2 outer wing components BACK to the RightWing, and commented them out of the RightOuterWing. As both outer wing 'sections' exist only as data statements for the FM, perhaps the best fix is simply to move any components (yes, I know the left side works -this points me to a probably LOD issue) from the outer wings to the "main" wing sections (RightWing, LeftWing), leaving the outer wings as only FM statements?
  2. great work guys! like it said in the read me, I did what I could to get it out to all of you, to make whatever adjustments are/were needed. However, it there's anything that can't be fixed by ini work (model flaws, incorrect animations), we're stuck with those! All I ask is that when all is said and done, and you have a final version(s) you upload the changed items, and then I can update the entire package! I like Otto's suggestion of the _87 model! Didn't think of that! thanks again guys!!
  3. Version


    in this zip are the 4 STOCK textures lists for use with the 3rd Wire Terrain Editor (both versions) Included are lists for: Desert GermanyCE VietnamSEA IsraelME (the Isreal one was compiled by me, as one was never issued by TK) These are usable for terrain creation for BOTH SF/Wo* and SF2 (excepting the IcelandNA terrain, of course). The differences between 1stGen and SF2 are all in the data ini, so there's no change in these. It's recommended, that if doing ANY terrain work, you have a large store of asprin, and remove all sharp implements (and by inference, firearms) from you house. These are being uploaded, as several people have requested the IME list. So, Here's All Four have fun! wrench kevin stein
  4. I would like to pin this thread, it that's ok with you,VonS. There is a WEALTH of data that shouldn't be lost. I'll also create a link to it in the SF2 Knowledge Base. thanks to all!
  5. that's excellent!!! are the open hangers enough to 'tag' them for parking slots in the airfield's ini?
  6. I'm kind of going through that too. Can't find my PS6 or PS7 install exes (admittedly, PS7 was a "gift" from a friend). So, when the HD croaked in December, and I installed the new on, I just did a copy/paste of both folders. Now, PS7 won't even start. Still on Win 7. also, does anyone remember where the "flood tool" (paint bucket) is? I can't find it!!
  7. What nyghfall said -- I'd just thought of it this morning. It's a hell of a lot easier then listing every single weapon you DON'T want loaded. It's a real PIA!! I'll have to look around for what plane I used it on; and it never quite worked as advertised and, you can always 'clone' the station specific hardpoints, so you can still use the 'originals' for whatever.
  8. Decal question

    also, if it's a very early work (early and mid-2000s), check that the DecalMaxLOD= line is present in each statement. Many don't have them and in the "2" series games, need them. The usual number is 3, even if the aircraft only has one lod. This tutorial might also be of some help, albeit more SF2-ish, but still pertinent!
  9. Wow! We could build Monument Valley. All we'd need is John Wayne & cavalry figures!!
  10. Lucas Arts is very protective of it's copyrights (and by inference, Disney now). So, I guess a new name needs thinking up!
  11. wonder if you didn't exceed the Structrual Limits on the Corsair? That may cause hidden damge??? I'd also suggest looking over the data tables in the stock SF2 P-51D and Spitfires (9c & e, 18, 22 & 24 -even though the latter are Griffon powered marks. The S-99 (109G) and S-199 don't have WEP installed
  12. the AT-26 Xavante will have it's template included, so other skinners can (fix any of my screw ups) and do other skins too! It'll come with the 1/4 GAV, the "base" Paraguay skin, and a blank 3-tone camo.
  13. I tested it on "Normal", and didn't notice any really adverse effects. I did move the CG slightly forward to counter a nose up drift. Like 0.10 or 0.25 -can't remember which! If Baff is looking into it, I know he'll find a fix!!!
  14. A screen shot would be nice... it IS a requirement for Any and All uploads
  15. FAP is listed in the Marcfighter's AT-26's userlist. I had found the serial numbers, can't find my notes (I know where they came from, so have to get them again!). Souli, I can't get the FSX paint kits to come down. Do you have them, and can shoot them over? (means I'll probably have to upsize the templates from 1024 to 2048 -- got lazy and just left them "as is" I don't know enough about AMI numbering & presentations, and can't find the serials (MM numbers) for their 326s. Any one that can help, that help would be greatly appreciated! for the FoxMonter, I plan to release the templates with the aircraft when ready.
  16. just something else I messing round with....it's the Fox Monter model. Also a generic-style "euro" skin. Very much still WIP, some decal placements aren't quite right. The Argentine skin could use some updating as well, as I've discovered 3 different color schemes for them!! no time set for release (need to finish the AT-26 first)
  17. even I had to laugh at the title.. it's now been edited, with the spelling corrected!!! ----- yes, since Day 1, the rudder has been "odd" more like as described a stretchy rubber band. Just how the game is, I guess
  18. the 63% comes from the size of the TERRAIN **. Not the objects. In SF1/SF2 the objects, be a plane, truck, tank, or ship are 100% (or close enough) Real Life (tm). In the early 2000s TK said the map was 63% (iirc) for aircraft range issues. It's also the difference of a mile & kilometer (but you all knew that already!). in the image below, stock SF1 "Desert" items, showing the footprints, IIRC, the square are 1 square meter. But memory fades with age..... ** the stock terrains. Also, most the the add-ons, unless specified in their read-mes are also 63%, due to how the TE handles converting DEMs to HFDs.
  19. I'll have to go back and check again... btw, the lod I have is dated 5/10/2018. I may have renamed it, as it's just called "Spitfire_Mk_IX.LOD". The previous version I have stored is "spitfire-mk9-012_9.LOD" dated 11/9/2012. But the main ini is calling for the "Spitfire_Mk_IX" EDIT: just noticed the 2 wing and centerline pylons are missing!
  20. Russ, some years back, did I send you the TMF Spit 9 to fix?? I don't remember!! tia! Kevin

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