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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. it's also been observed over the years, that the control ini sometimes get re-written by the game. I've had this happen on and off in various mods folders for at least 4-5 years. One could try editing by hand, getting the set up the way you want, and then change the properties of the control ini to "read only". And like Gepard said, check that the gun you're trying to shoot actually exists. Also like he said, check ALL stock player-flyable aircraft The first thing we learned in (automotive) diagnostics: Common to one, or common to all??
  2. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  3. it should be in the same place as the RAAF serials on their Mirage IIIs. Almost identical in size, and mesh names be the same. ( Tail -4.60, 0.10)
  4. Souli: Yes. One at a time, my brother! SAAF Impala first.
  5. locked away in objectdata002.cat. as are ALL Lods. use Mue's Lod Viewer to "view" the aircraft, and you'll get the coordinates from there
  6. Found in the storage archives ... needs a lot of work to get SF2 ready. It'll be out when it's out. So don't go whining
  7. one of the most missed things, when I came over from Fighters Anthology in 2003, was that nice descriptive briefing. Was a great way to tell the story
  8. yah, I did them. They're in the KAW aircraft packs edit: looking over the archived KAW mods folder (still haven't finished rebuilding everything after the HD crash in December), it looks like I had started to assemble a package from just the AT-6Gs. Maybe, if you're really lucky, and ask really nice , I'll try and finish putting it together in the next few days.
  9. other than the model was Marcello's (Marcfighters) and he'd pulled it, and didn't want it released a long time ago. I should know, I released it and got a ration of shit about it. But... as he has long left since the community, it is considered "abaondon ware" . Fix it up and release it. The Admins say it "ok"
  10. most assuredly, test on another terrain. the Himialya's is exceedingly small, and has many issues with The Wall (tm)
  11. it would most DEFINATELY be theirs. Unless they bought the MAX files from Bobrock
  12. did you try renaming the data ini, so it reverts to stock, and see if the issue disappears? An error might have occured during the copy/paste operation. Those images look like you've hit "The Wall" at the map's edge. have you tested on ALL terrains? That visual shift has been known to happen like that. Please post the url to the download link. There are/have been more than one Flogger available (other than TKs) and knowing what the read me says might be of assistance
  13. I fixed it! Odd that the OFF guys didn't catch it! (odd to have have Chinese MIGs flying over flanders fields!!!)
  14. Also found the URAL trucks, in 1stGens. again, will need conversion to SF2 styles. Both truck will need userlists ... I know I'd built some, but have to browse my mods folders and backups (still haven't fully rebuilt since the HD crash in December)
  15. Matt, looking for GAZ or HAVE GAZ???? (I crack myself up sometimes!) Did you check the 1stGen dowloads?? Here: You will need to update all the inis to SF2 style, but here ya go!
  16. the TAE can only read HFD based terrains. As IcelandNA is lod based ... it don't work. If you want to do things to it (like I did, and it's in the D/L section) you have to do it the old fashioned way (tm).
  17. renaming those 2 files will also return the icons. (ie: xHUDDATA.ini) ------------------------------------- usually, and hopefully, the mod maker says something in their read mes to the effect "this mod contains modified inis that remove enemy icons from the in-flight map". Unfortunately, that's not always the case
  18. Indeed, let's NOT post real-life (tm) photos/pictures in a SCREENSHOT thread. They will be edited ---------- required screenshot
  19. Version


    Persian Gulf Terrain for SF2 (Original Beta by Gepard) == For SF2, Any/All -Full 4/5 Merged, @ May 2012 Patch Level == *Note: should be usable at April 2012 level, but will have issues with Primary Targets for Anti-ship, CAS and Armed Recon. The May 2012 patch fixes this* This is a finalized, completed version of Gepard's Persian Gulf terrain. It replaces the Beta in it's entirety. A companion terrain for the Iran/Iraq2003 Op Darius terrain, or a 'stands by itself' terrain. This terrain covers the eastern end of the Persian Gulf; from southern Iran & the Straits of Hormuz, west to the UAE/Qatar/Bahrain and Saudi Arabia. Consult the planning maps for a full view of the region. It should be noted that Kuwait and Iraq are unsable, due to their proximity to The Wall. There is one 'carrier station' (ie: using the SF2NA style water bmp marker) for Friendly usage. This is a higly detailed terrain, with many new custom tiles and TODs. Due to the large number of terrain and ground objects used, you may experience long loading times. It has been fully tested in a full-5 merged SF2 install, at the May, 2012 patch level. Geophysical Disclaimer: some rivers and other water features may not follow their Real Life ™ courses, be placed in their Real Life ™ locations, or exist at all. Several cities and other physical features, and target areas will also fall into that classification. Some target areas (cities, etc) exist only as named places, with no strategic or tactical values. Just someplace to fly over. As always, unzip this to a temp folder or your desktop, and you'll have access to the rest of the readme for it's instructions. It's reccomended (ie: REQUIRED!!!) you read the document through after unzipping, but BEFORE installing. As always, the Notes and Other Nonesense section may make for entertaining reading. It's also VERY IMPORTANT to read the Legal Statement at the bottom, as it reflects changes in policy to ALL my terrain works (even if finishing someone elses). Good Hunting! Wrench kevin stein
  20. Version


    Afghanistan (Modern - 2003 & Later) Terrain == For SF2, Full-4 Merged -ONLY- (and/or SF2:I) == MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS are SF2 and SF2:I, as it uses the IsraelME tileset -- the tiles are NOT included. However, during the rebuild process I did test it with Stary's enhanced IME tile set. Several new tiles have been added for his specific tile set. They ARE included. But DO NOT USE THEM if using the STOCK IME tiles -- there are 'matching tiles' for the stock set, already set up to be used. See the "To Install" for more information. (meaning: right now, it's pointing to the IsraelME.cat) This is a small update/upgrade of Gepard's Afghanistan terrain, bringing it more up-to-date "Modernish", with regards to Allied Operations against the Taliban and other various Bad Guys ™. All airfields have been replaced with 'stock', more Western/NATO looking, as (re)constructed by Western Forces after their arrival in-theatre. (unfortunately, when matching the airfiled types to 'real world' types, you now lose the ability to base aircraft needing the LARGE Runway 4 - B-52s, B-1s, etc) You =MUST= have the Gepard's original terrain to install this to. You can download it from the following URL: http://combatace.com/files/file/10404-afghanistan-terrain-version-10/ It will be needed for the various theatre-specific GroundObjects, and Nation.ini modifications. It should also be noted, that EricJ's 'enhanced targets' ini is NOT incorporated into this mod. Due to changes in the types of runways used now, that mod is, unfortunately, NO LONGER COMPATIBLE with this one. The "LimitedNations" and "AllowedMissonTypes" statements have been edited to more reflect the 2003 and later timeframe (I'm sure a left out a NATO component or 2; please feel free to add whichever country I've missed! And let me know which ones!) Remember -- this is just a small, minor overhauling. No real major changes. Good Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein Special Thanks to EricJ, who asked for this upgrade, and his invaluable assistance. And to all our Fighting Forces in the far-flung regions of the world.
  21. you only need to enter the objects in the _types ini, if you're hand placing them on the terrain. As long as their GrondObjectRole= is stated as "AAA" they'll automatically generate in locations defined in the _targets ini as "AAA"
  22. Actually, a simple text edit by the modder (uploader) to the 1st header and in the info "advert" is very possible. Then, one of us moderators or admins just re-approve it.
  23. @Wrench

    Wow! welcome back, brother!!
  24. Bit the big one!

    Well, it looks like it's time to think about a new machine. Been having issues with this box since the end of October -- some weird issues with freezing on the desktop after startup, just before ESET loads. Yesterday (for those that haven't seen my post on FB) I really hosed myself over by doing a Window update. Now, for reasons unknown (well, not really -- it's a combination of software AND probable hardware, everything but the HD is from 2008), the machine won't even GET to the desktop! So, taking the original HD from 2008, which is "known bad" (makes noise), I've been able to get it up and running. But now, I've got to shop for a new machine. At least I don't need peripherals; just the main box. Been looking at either a Dell gaming rig or (a bit more expensive) one of the mid-range Alienware. What I really hate is now, is having to learn a totally new OS, and try to get all my SF, StarWars and other games installed and running. Just have to choose a machine and order it. Hopefully this one will last a few weeks more. So, if you all have some thoughts on the matter (machine) let me hear 'em! Price range is a max of 2200-ish USD (I'm still very angry with myself!!)
  25. and if anglep ever comes back, maybe we can finish the 3 versions we're sitting on (not including the KA or Elint models)

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