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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. whoever told you that was full of shit. What you describe is more video driver issue. And yes, my first installs were XP also. And I really DO know what I'm talking about. and why do we have to go to some other site to view your images? Just attach them to your post. Remember, the very last person you want to call out, is one of the Admins. So watch your tone
  2. to further correct this, ONLY Player Flyable aircraft (tm) have hangar screens. None of the AI-only aircraft have ever had hangar/loading screens. For obvious reasons. And yes, in SF2, for stock aircraft (the F-4 series being the most pervasive), each skin has it's own matching hangar screen. Just look at the F-4B/J/N
  3. why am I exploding when...

    if it's on the ground, it might be something with the airfield's ini. (I'm assuming FE/FE2 uses them like SF2 does - i don't remember!). I missed it above, but are you using the stock terrains, or 3rd party (meaning both!). Does it happen on ALL terrains? Just for grins, rename the formation ini so the game reverts back to stock. and test again. I've seen this in SF/SF2 when the airfield inis (we have 6 different airfields there) are mis-matched on to another. Their take-off slots can vary quite a bit based on airfield size. Just my idears! I know this may not help on FE's grass fields...
  4. in the downloads section, there should be a buttload of "base templates" for all the stock screens (photoshop psd files). I should know, I built them.
  5. I can merge ALL these into one massive thread it that's necessary.... we've done it before. ----------------- I'm just curious to know WHY in hell you think hangar and loading screens require a alpha channel? I first started modding in 2004 by building hangar/loading screens . They were always single layer bitmaps (and now jpgs).
  6. might help to know what or which terrains. there have been several that have had issues with Lats/Longs being reversed and creating the sun issue. One can assume you HAVE selected the "time of day" off the menu screen?
  7. just follow the instructions I wrote... this keeps all the pathways in their correct order and syntax yes, you will need a /Decals/*name of aircraft folder*/*name of skin folder*/D/ folder each and every single aircraft and each one of their skins, unless said aircraft use a "pool" of common decals.
  8. I guess the Knowledge Base must be broken..... This is a global fix, that will allow usage over and above what is written in the terrain's ini
  9. sf2 has it's own specific cat extractor. and, as has been said numerous time before, there are NO extractable LODS is sf2. They are locked away in objectdata002.cat. OTH, Mue's viewer works perfectly well, when it's set up properly. as to "how things work", you've missed the most important information in the KB In other words the core install remains untouched. Everything is in the mods folder, in the /SavedGames folder. Most importantly, don't go fucking around adding and tweeking and modifying things until you are COMPLETLY familiar with how the new SF2 system works. Give it a month or two. You won't be an expert overnight.
  10. Super! Now, all we need are destroyed aircraft to stick inside!!!
  11. ok, let's settle this... Not to belittle the FE2 community (of which you all have my greatest respects), it is so small, TK didn't/hasn't bothered with patchs/updates/upgrades since 2010-ish. The last patch for 1stGens (SF/WoV,WoE) was 2008. I'm not counting the WoI upgrade/dlc/whatever that added a few aircraft and almost brought ONLY that game to the initial release level of SF2. SF2 has had (more than) 2 patches since then; one of those (2012 or 2013) moved ALL lods from every cat file in the game -including the terrain cats- to ObjectData002.cat. And locked them up. Simply to remove the possibillity of sharing (piracy). Mue's lod viewer only gives us the ability to "look at" the lod and it's textures. One dosen't need to extract anything to use it. As others have said, it's main purpose is to obtain mesh and texture names. As to all this nonsense of 'moving the gunsight reticle', it's fixed in place; it's hardcoded. You think the experts haven't tried over the last 15 years? The only things you can do with it, are move it down via the Depression Angles, or have it partly track via Lead Computing = TRUE, and change it's color by repainting the tga. The utter lack of clarity on what is actually trying to be accomplished here by the OP is astounding. Just simply state WHAT the hell you're trying to do, and perhaps someone will then chime in with the correct answer, if it's doable at all.
  12. yes, there's a button there that allows you to edit the content.
  13. SF2 does not support multiplayer of any kind. Sorry.
  14. did you install DX9? Just asking to be sure. Never knew that Steam carried any of the 3W series .... they've always ONLY been available from the 3W site. TK never wanted to share, and possibly loose any revenue from them having it.
  15. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  16. You'll find them in the "What If..." section, along with a couple others (good guys). Edit: found the "The good guys". Both these uploads had lost their images, so I had to re-upload them.
  17. age difference .... the lower (Formosa) is the very early style, possibly even SF1 the upper is the newer, correct SF2 style
  18. iirc, the "LargeParking" is defined in the aircraft's data ini via the Wingspan= statement, not only the span statement in the airfield's ini.. assigning parking slots to custom airfields is not that difficult -- just very time consuming*. As is always true in the 3W world, all orientations are based on N/S pointing runways (north being the "usual" direction). All offsets computed from the 0/0 of the main lod. as to runway/taxiway lighting, about a billion years ago, I added them to Runway 2 and 3, the old fashioned way. THAT took a long time. While it worked, they didn't always exactly follow the curves. But it it DID work. Just using the base statements from other runways for colors an directionality. *although use of the TAE makes this much eaiser*
  19. for old style (1stGens) just dump all the parts at the root of the /Objects folder. actually, at the 08 patch level, you should be able to have an /Objects/Pilots/folder. It's no different from /Weapons or /Decals. And we KNOW those work
  20. extract data ini, and increase hulll, deck and superstructure armor. The values, of course are in mm, and for most ships easily researched. Don't forget about the "SinkTime=" line. Add if needed (many early ships don't have it. It's in seconds. Large, well armored fighting ships should take a "predictably" long time (depending on damage of course re: HMS Hood), 2-3 minutes for cruisers and smaller, 5-7 for carriers (mabye?) BBs 7-10 ???? (since no Iowas have ever been sunk, hard to calculate)
  21. if you want the LODs to work in both SF1/FE1 and SF2/FE2, export as ANSI. The NextGen series of game reads both with no issues. The only real differences are statements in the data inis, relating to flight models.
  22. Have you tried importing the O-1 from SF/Wo*, and see what happens??

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