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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. can't help with Winbloze 10, but sure like to welcome you back!
  2. These will look great parked on the Alaska/Bering Straits terrain!! many thanks!
  3. Version


    SF2 WW2 Spitfire Mk.VIII, RAAF PTO by Mod Mafia/TMF 2/18/2014 **UPDATED to Ver 2!!** = For SF2, Full-4/5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) = -For WW2 PTO Usage ONLY!- *Note: This mod updates the original pak from June, 2013. It is desinged to REPLACE, it total, that pak. After unzipping, you MAY dorp it over your existing one, or delete the older RAAF Pak (BETTER!!), and just use this. If you don't have the original, then no worries!! :) *Note2: it's RECCOMENDED you have whichever SF2 Expansion pak that gave us the Spit 9s. This mod references that destroyed model for it's own use* This is a reskin/redecalling of the TMF Mk.VIII Spit for use by the Royal Australian Air Force in the South West Pacific area (Oz, PNG, Indonesia, Timor, etc region). NOT for use in the CBI theatre!!! Note: this is a Nationalized verion for Australia =ONLY=!! Skin/Decals set included are for: No. 452 Squadron as delivered in 1943 No. 79 Squadron (late 44/45, all white tail; Moritai?) NEW!! The aircraft is finished in standard RAF Day Scheme (Green/Grey/Lt Grey unders) All skins are in jpg format, Decal Randomization is TRUE. All markings are decals (excepting National Markings, that are painted on); making it supremely easy to recreate other squadron users. For 79 Squadron only, Serial numbers marked with a star (*) for either skin represent actual aircraft, 100% matched to their plane-in-group-numbers. Those withOUT, while having served with the respective squadrons, could not be match to specific aircraft. For 452 Squadron, ALL are 100% historically correct. All weapons (drop tanks), sounds, pilot figure(s) (including the 'fake pilot') are included. Guns/bombs are NOT included; you should have them already. New Hangar and Loading screens are included. The appropriate Squadron Crest is used for the paint chip on both skins. The Canopy opens with the Standard Animation Keystroke ™, Shift/0 Damage textures are DDS; When 'in game', you'll see Spitfire Mk.VIII (TMF) RAAF in the aircraft selection drop-down window. This will diferentiate it from any other Mk.VIIIs, and their users, you may (or may not) have . As always, fairly easy to follow, highly detailed install instructions are included. So, please -READ- them. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too for futher explinations, clarifactions, illuminations and so forth. Good Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein For Oli; you are sorely missed!
  4. why do you think we've been using the 3w Mystere cockpit since WoI came out??
  5. sound like you're creating a "theatre or era specific" install. these instructions, albiet geared more for WW2, may be of assistance there's also a link in there to a Knowledge Base post. You may also want to read this one: as it relates to adding a new game, patch, or DLC
  6. Version


    SF2 Korean War Era F-86F "GunVal" Sabre Pak = For SF2, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) = *Note: There is a distinct probability that this mod will =NOT= work in SF/Wo* 1stGen game installs at any patch level, due to the extensive modifications made to fit them into the SF2 environment. End Users ™ that attempt it, do so at their own risk. A Full 5 Merged install is reccomened at the LATEST patch level.* The pack represents the experimental "GunVal" (Gun Evaluation) Sabres as used during the later part of the Korean War. These differ from standard, or garden variety A/E/F models in have 4 20mm cannon instead of 6 50 caliber machine guns. They were only used for a short time (53-54) before being retired, having proved the concept (the data obtained was used on building the F-86H, and possibly US Navy FJ Furys, and the gun itself went on to equip thousands of Century Series fighters). These aircraft carries the markings of the 335th Fighter Squadron, 4th FIW, where they were used. Like the other Sabres, this has a brand new skin, built from ravenclaw's beyond superb template. All skins are in jpg format, and Decal Randomization is set to TRUE. Almost all markings are decals, excepting the yellow ID stripes. New DDS damage textures are included. Serial numbers are 100% historically accurate; after all, only 10 of these aircraft were ever built, and it was no great feat to run them down. Like the other recently released Sabres, an all new, SF2-compliant FM was created for these aircraft; it flys like it should!. There are NO weapons included as everything references something stock 3W (the gun) or what you'll already have the main F-86 Pak (the drop tank). Mission tasking is limited to A-A ONLY!!! This is a pure air superiority fighter, with NO privisions for the A-G role. The aircraft also uses the same pilot figure and sounds as the KAW Sabre Pak, so be advised, you need the KAW Sabre Pak installed to get the most from THIS pak. When in-game you'll see "F-86F-2 "GUNVAL" " in the aircraft selection drop-down window. As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too. Good Hunting! wrench kevin stein -for the KAW Team-
  7. I know I've seen this somewhere .. one mesh have 2 animations. So, how is it done? The reason for asking is, one of the aircraft we're working on now uses the forward main gear doors as airbrakes. When the gear is cycled up, the door (as usual) sit flush with the fuselage. When we operate the airbrakes, you hear the nose, but the "doors" don't move. The question is: can one of you remaining MAX guru's give us some pointers on how to do this? It sure would be nice to have these work like on the real aircraft! thanks in advance!
  8. What are we supposed to be seeing? flashing textures very rarely show up in "still frames" of a screenshot
  9. thanks! (yes YOU are a guru! you can work in MAX, and I can't!!!) on further examination, and closely observing the gear movements, it seem those AREN'T main gear doors after all! I'll let Veltro know, and he can reassign the meshes to the airbrakes, and add the animation
  10. HELP: Italian Campaign in FE2?

    the first and foremost question is: where did you put it? in FE2, it has to go into the Mods Folder, up in the *your name*/Saved Games/FE2 folder
  11. New Aircraft

    it's isn't just ansi vs unicode again... that skin isn't white. your seeing the blank material of the model; which in 1stGens is white (actually very light grey) FE2/SF2 shows untextued material as black can you use a hex editor? You may need to. The only texture types SF1/FE1 can see are bmps (and tgas). It's simply not worth the extra work to make 2 different versions for the 2 game. Experience with SF2 tells us this.
  12. Midway remake to start filming in September

    it you want to see it more as a "period piece", locate 1944's "Wing and a Prayer". Even though filmed on an Essex (some footage from YORKTOWNs -CV-10- shakedown cruise, isn't all that bad. even THEY got it wrong (historically, those that know the Battle and the time frame will know what the glitch is. Once you've seen it, and haven't figured it out, I"ll tell you)
  13. Midway remake to start filming in September

    Riiiiiiight.... "historically accurate" (as said in the link). As soon as I say a a women's name in the cast, I"m already suspect (pointing back to the original with Heston's sons Japanese girlfriend and that whole diversion) So, lets see... cgi YORKTOWN class carriers; pretty simple to do cgi TBDs - pretty easy I guess. AND we might finally see them in a film. Same can be said for the Zeke, Vals, Kates, Dauntless and Wildcat (I'm not mentioning TBFs, as there were only 6 in the Real Battle). Good thing is, there are plenty of "original" or replica (IJN replica birds left over from Tora, Tora, Tora) Not gonna pass real judgement until something substantial appears.
  14. it's a standard Beagle, no subvariant, not ecm or countermeasures (extract the data ini and see -- it's in object cat 12). what it may be doing is "beaming" the missile; turning towards it and forcing an overshoot via the range gate. or, you're shooting from too far way. 7D's are pretty shitty
  15. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  16. Senator John McCain dies at age 81

    A true American Hero!!
  17. New Aircraft

    that's for text files (inis, etc). I don't think that'll work for a LOD; the coding is locked in when the model is exported (as I've been told -- never learned to use my copy of MAX 2009!!)
  18. New Aircraft

    Is the LOD in ANSI or Unicode? 1stGens can't see Unicodes. OTH, SF2/FE2 can see both
  19. I see to remember updating it a few months ago (editing the names list). Maybe I should have left on the "show this thread has been edited" tag
  20. Yes, like the other have said, it's a LOADOUT edit. You don't need to touch nothing in the data ini's hardpoint sections.
  21. Opinions please

    looks good! that's always been an issue with the SF/FE series -- the "alpha objects" have no material substance (well, actually neither do the "solid objects") in the TOD files. This one suspects they are holograms () I remember hitting trees in in IL2 - that was "interestering"
  22. mind you, this isn't an exact shot, as one of the folder is open, but you should be able to see the main locations Don't know if you've seen this the SF2 Knowledge base, (if you have, just ignore it!)
  23. that is really odd, considering the Su-7s all have working flaps. Oh well, .. what can you do?
  24. This is Deuces Kosovo terrain from 2004. I suggest amending you credits and readmes accordingly It was never completed then, and is just as incomplete now. BTW, You can use the TFD tool to create the necessary 3 planning maps

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