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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. Blender and the charity of others with MAX????
  2. just out of curiousity, why didn't you use the F-104S Pylon set for the Sparrows and such?
  3. Merry Christmas!!!

    With all the terrible things going on in this world of ours, stop for a moment and look around you, and be glad for what you've got!! Here's hoping everyone (wiether you celebrate Christmas, Xmas - watch out for Santa!- , Hanukah, or what ever winter festival you have), has a wonderful time with friends and family! Don't forget, New Years is right around the corner. Don't bother making any resolutions, because we all know they don't get kept!!!! LOL!!!
  4. View File SF2 F-105D Thunderchief by ArmorDave Update Pack SF2 F-105D Thunderchief by ArmorDave Update Pack 12/3/2023 = For SF2, Any and All = * Full-5 Merged reccomended * ** 1stGen Salvage Operation #7 ** This is a revamp and reissue ArmorDave's F-105D Thunderchiefs for the SF2 Environment (tm). These aircraft were first released in 2004, actually predating their 3rd Wire arrival in Wings Over Vietnam. These were among the first 3-party add-ons for the Strike Fighters series. This mod is split into two aircraft: F-105D-25 (NMF) (actually covers all early D model Thuds) F-105D-31 (SEA 3 Tone) (Vietnam and later) The -25 is equivilant to the stock 3W F-105D, while the -31 is pretty much the same as the 3W F-105D_66; in fact it HAS a 1966 start date. The -25 has 3 skins/decal sets: 7th TFS "Bunyaps" 49th TFW - USAFE Spangdahlem Air Base, West Germany 562nd TFS, 23rd TFW - (shark mouth) 563rd TFS "Ace Of Spades", 23rd TFW -both at McConnel AFB, then Takhali RTAFB The -31 also has 3 skin/decal sets: 333rd TFS "Lancers", 355TFW 357th TFS "Licking Dragons", 355TFW - both at Takhali RTAFB 149th TFS, Virginia ANG (auto start date 1971) The SF2 'date swtich' will turn on the VA ANG skin in 1971(ish). All skins remain in their original bmp format. All markings are decals, and decal randomization is TRUE. Each unit has 24 historical serial and/or buzz numbers. As I always do, those marked with a star (*) are 100% correct for the unit. Those marked with a cross/plus sign (+) while serving in the same Wing, could =NOT= be run down to a particular squadron. Those aircraft with 'nose art' or name badges on the wings (333rd & 357th) are all new, and match their real life aircraft (ie: name ---> serial). As all the squadrons, excepting the VA ANG skin, are listed in the game's Squadron List, those displayed names are activated via Level=1 decals. Drop tanks are supplied for both aircraft, in NMF and Camo, as is a new pilot figure. All other weapons used are stock 3rd Wire, excepting any AGM-12 Bullpups you may want to load. (see notes for more info on loadouts) When in-game, you'll see on the Aircraft Selection Dropdown listing ... F-105D-25 Thunderchief (AD) F-105D-31 Thunderchief (AD) This will diferentiatalize them from the stock 3W or any others that you may have (or not). The "AD", of course, recognizes ArmorDave's contribution to SF. As always, fairly easy to follow yet detailed install instructions are included. Please read them! Also, please read the Notes section for more expositions on which, what, why, how and/or who (whom?). For the historical records, all original readmes are included. Good Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein Submitter Wrench Submitted 12/25/2023 Category F-105  
  5. Version 1.0.0


    SF2 F-105D Thunderchief by ArmorDave Update Pack 12/3/2023 = For SF2, Any and All = * Full-5 Merged reccomended * ** 1stGen Salvage Operation #7 ** This is a revamp and reissue ArmorDave's F-105D Thunderchiefs for the SF2 Environment (tm). These aircraft were first released in 2004, actually predating their 3rd Wire arrival in Wings Over Vietnam. These were among the first 3-party add-ons for the Strike Fighters series. This mod is split into two aircraft: F-105D-25 (NMF) (actually covers all early D model Thuds) F-105D-31 (SEA 3 Tone) (Vietnam and later) The -25 is equivilant to the stock 3W F-105D, while the -31 is pretty much the same as the 3W F-105D_66; in fact it HAS a 1966 start date. The -25 has 3 skins/decal sets: 7th TFS "Bunyaps" 49th TFW - USAFE Spangdahlem Air Base, West Germany 562nd TFS, 23rd TFW - (shark mouth) 563rd TFS "Ace Of Spades", 23rd TFW -both at McConnel AFB, then Takhali RTAFB The -31 also has 3 skin/decal sets: 333rd TFS "Lancers", 355TFW 357th TFS "Licking Dragons", 355TFW - both at Takhali RTAFB 149th TFS, Virginia ANG (auto start date 1971) The SF2 'date swtich' will turn on the VA ANG skin in 1971(ish). All skins remain in their original bmp format. All markings are decals, and decal randomization is TRUE. Each unit has 24 historical serial and/or buzz numbers. As I always do, those marked with a star (*) are 100% correct for the unit. Those marked with a cross/plus sign (+) while serving in the same Wing, could =NOT= be run down to a particular squadron. Those aircraft with 'nose art' or name badges on the wings (333rd & 357th) are all new, and match their real life aircraft (ie: name ---> serial). As all the squadrons, excepting the VA ANG skin, are listed in the game's Squadron List, those displayed names are activated via Level=1 decals. Drop tanks are supplied for both aircraft, in NMF and Camo, as is a new pilot figure. All other weapons used are stock 3rd Wire, excepting any AGM-12 Bullpups you may want to load. (see notes for more info on loadouts) When in-game, you'll see on the Aircraft Selection Dropdown listing ... F-105D-25 Thunderchief (AD) F-105D-31 Thunderchief (AD) This will diferentiatalize them from the stock 3W or any others that you may have (or not). The "AD", of course, recognizes ArmorDave's contribution to SF. As always, fairly easy to follow yet detailed install instructions are included. Please read them! Also, please read the Notes section for more expositions on which, what, why, how and/or who (whom?). For the historical records, all original readmes are included. Good Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein
  6. your welcome! it was a nice test of (what little) skill I have in erasing layers !!!
  7. View File SF2 B-57B Canberra, Early SEA Camo Skin Pack SF2 B-57B Canberra, Early SEA Camo Skin Pack 12/21/2023 = For SF2, Any and All = * Full-5 Merged reccomended * This mod is designed to be used with my recently uploaded B-57B Upgrade & Skis set. You can still use it, if you're familiar enough with added/editing inis. If not, you can find the Upgrade Pack at the following URL: https://combatace.com/files/file/18162-sf2-b-57b-canberra-ini-skin-decal-update-pak/ A new Vietnam-era skin for the stock 3rdWire B-57B Canberra. This represents the 8th Bombardment Squadron of the 35th TFW as first deployed to Southeast Asia. The uppers are finished is standard 3-tone camo, with the unders in a 'light grey'. This was an unpopular paint job, and was replaced soon after with the standard Night Black (tm) unders. All markings are decals, and have 24 100% historically correct serials, and their presentation on the tail, for the timeframe represented. Decal randomization is TRUE. As usual, they are marked with the star (*) to show their accuracy. Also included, is a new(ish) Dual HVAR launcher, as requested (along with this skin) by CA member KiwiBiggles. It's a modified, aircraft specific version of the dual rack as used on the F-84 Thunderjet/Thunderstreak. It mounts the STOCK 3W 5" HVAR rockets. It has been edited to it's own name, and will NOT conflict with the T-Jet rack. A new loadout ini is included that pre-loads the Dual Rack for those mission taskings when it would be needed. This skin also includes it's own Hangar Screen. (You may need to edit the main B-57B.ini to add it. If you don't know how, contact me via PM or post in this announcement thread) On the Loadout screen, for skin selection you'll see: 8th BS (Early Grey Unders) On the drop-down menu As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. Please read them! Good Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein Submitter Wrench Submitted 12/22/2023 Category B-57  
  8. Version 1.0.0


    SF2 B-57B Canberra, Early SEA Camo Skin Pack 12/21/2023 = For SF2, Any and All = * Full-5 Merged reccomended * This mod is designed to be used with my recently uploaded B-57B Upgrade & Skis set. You can still use it, if you're familiar enough with added/editing inis. If not, you can find the Upgrade Pack at the following URL: https://combatace.com/files/file/18162-sf2-b-57b-canberra-ini-skin-decal-update-pak/ A new Vietnam-era skin for the stock 3rdWire B-57B Canberra. This represents the 8th Bombardment Squadron of the 35th TFW as first deployed to Southeast Asia. The uppers are finished is standard 3-tone camo, with the unders in a 'light grey'. This was an unpopular paint job, and was replaced soon after with the standard Night Black (tm) unders. All markings are decals, and have 24 100% historically correct serials, and their presentation on the tail, for the timeframe represented. Decal randomization is TRUE. As usual, they are marked with the star (*) to show their accuracy. Also included, is a new(ish) Dual HVAR launcher, as requested (along with this skin) by CA member KiwiBiggles. It's a modified, aircraft specific version of the dual rack as used on the F-84 Thunderjet/Thunderstreak. It mounts the STOCK 3W 5" HVAR rockets. It has been edited to it's own name, and will NOT conflict with the T-Jet rack. A new loadout ini is included that pre-loads the Dual Rack for those mission taskings when it would be needed. This skin also includes it's own Hangar Screen. (You may need to edit the main B-57B.ini to add it. If you don't know how, contact me via PM or post in this announcement thread) On the Loadout screen, for skin selection you'll see: 8th BS (Early Grey Unders) On the drop-down menu As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. Please read them! Good Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein
  9. Joe Baugher passed away

    Terrible, terrible news!!! I literally use his for most of my research!! My deepest condolences to his family I know this is going to sound worse than awful ... Does anyone know of a way to get ahold of his serial database, and archive it someplace???
  10. Didn't just release some updated Zippers recently????? 104S "type-ish"
  11. That's a well know pirate site, and not the only one. Hopefully, ModDB will do something about it, but I'm not holding my breath. There's been SO much of this shit going on since forever; the only way to stop it is "eliminate" the purpetrator. Permanently. (but, that's just me -- I'm a black and white kinda guy) Ok people -- you all know what you need to do!!! Get to it!!
  12. Ok, a turret fighter Meteor NF, with wing guns!!! -- Is Wicked Cool!!!!!
  13. Started on the decals last night. I"m calling the skin "8BS_E" for early Truth. What hurts is when running down serials is finding out loses. "crashed on takeoff", "shot down by ground fire", "ditched in ocean off coast". Not just the metal, the flesh. "crew killed" "lost in action". Remembering them, even with something as un-real as a aircraft paint job in a game, it's how I honor them.
  14. That building is used (read: repurposed) on all the terrains I do. Can't remember which, but one of the middle east terrains has it as a "Falafel Shack"
  15. umm... the weathering is stock. The skin is just one big cheat ... I just worked with layers. The bottom layer is the stock 3W NMF skin, then dropped the SEA 3 tone on top, and just erased the black underside sections. I DO like the weathering on the stock NMF skins. The missing rivet is totally my fault; I'd erased a camo section of the canopy by mistake, when looking for the under-nose antenna. So I just painted over that section. The rivets are too damn large, anways! I'll wait for KiweBiggles to respond to this, to see if he needs any serial or tail code decals, and for which squadron(s). And which style of serial presentation. I've adjusted the (newest) loadout ini (that was uploaded with the recent B-57 Skin & Ini Pack) to take the dual HVARs for CAS/Armed Recon* I'l leaving the internal bay alone (4 M117s); not gonna mess around with rewriting positions for 6 WW2 500 pounders *personally, I prefer loading the wing stations with LAU-3s. LOTS and LOTS of rockets...muuuuuahahahahahahah*
  16. A long time ago, while I was still in High School, some good friends and I were discussing the best burgers on the Westside (of Los Angeles). One, Eric said Howard's Big Burgers, on Venice near Sepulveda (and they're still there, BTW). "When you bite into in, and the juice runs down your hand, you know it's good". I've always kept to that. That is a RIGHTEOUS looking food truck!!!
  17. well, it's not perfect .... the unders could be a little more of that 'cream gray' you see on Phantoms and Thuds....but without a real template I made due with what I gots to work with. I mean, hell, not bad for 8 hours of work ..!!!
  18. Now I'm gonna have THAT image in my head all night!!!!
  19. well, I got the 2-pack to work. I forgot that it dosne't have a LOD, so it looks a bit funny....I'll try and move the lower rocket up closer to the top OTH, can I interest you, FOR NO ADDITIONAL COST!!!!! (however, YOU must supply your own rockets ...) a 3 pack rack!!! Act now! Supplies are limited!!! unless Ravenclaw's got one floating around someplace ...
  20. Ok, I checked Dave's pack, and it does NOT have SEA 3 tone with gray belly. Let me PM Sundowner, and see if he still has the templates archived someplace. With that it's a simple matter. I could give you one with a 'gray NMF' bellly by layering the NMF and SEA camo, then erasing the black unders. But, it wouldn't be quite right. Also, to the let you know, that rocket rack will fire "as it wants to", so it may shoot all the upper first, or in proper sequence
  21. Since I"m only a pilot is a sim, does that make me a fake pilot too??? ----- I'll show myself out .....

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