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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. well, if the hijack is to clear up CVW coding between PACFlt and LANTFlt, I'll allow it!! Once we have a good skin, it's a pretty simple matter to make proper CVW decals!! (Or modify existing ones, if you know what I mean; wink,wink, nudge, nudge ) BTW, Pete, the "rescue" at the top is for the upper cockpit escape hatches (had to find my Hawkeye walk-around book! If you want a copy, just say so, bro!!).
  2. that's why, hopefully, the Uploader has a readme in the zip, and the Downloader reads it!!
  3. So what shows are you hooked on?

    The 2 best episodes (imho): Darmok The Inner Light (#1)
  4. didn't I do, or release some that PACFLT??
  5. SU-7U

    Basic principal of mods: if it isn't in our downloads section, there isn't one available. lots of folks show stuff "in the works", some of which gets released, some of it not.
  6. SU-7U

    nowhere, as there isn't one
  7. That's good news, Gepard! If you want, PLEASE feel free! I know our 1stGen brothers (and sisters) would appriciate it! I also found my original d/l. From 2005, it was the "exe" type of install that TMF liked to use. It has the VFA-25 and VMFA-122 skins, decals, weapons, pilot, sounds, and effects What is the date of the LOD in yours? Mine is FA-18A.LOD, dated 08/19/2005, at 1,208 kb honestely, I don't remember HOW many F/A-18A we had back then!!
  8. I kinda of stopped on them for now. There's some question as to HOW they should be released. Eole's are superb, but he divided them into USN and USMC, which while not a bad idea, could create confusion within the game. in the meantime, I'm heavily involved with a salvage operation on some long disused, and forgotten, unavailable 1stGen Scooter and Intruder skins.
  9. I am the Lizard (CAG) King!! I can do anything!!!
  10. alternatively, and it's a bit of work, you could download the Operation Desert Storm mod (ODS). You'll need all 3 parts, and then you have to hunt around for all the correct "parts" (weapons, fuel tanks, pilots, effects). I've got 3 external HDs, a foot high stack of CDs to go through ... just so you know...
  11. ok then ...I guess I spoke too soon. for some f-ed up reason, the download comes as "F-14A_AREA88.zip". And then it don't open. Some kind of "this is an archive zip" crap of some kind I guess the best thing to do, is search my ancient archives, and see if I even have the original someplace! What I am going to do now, is "hide" this one, so as to not create an issue. Not much of an issue, really, as the cursed thing is messed up... Give me some time!
  12. how odd ... I can get to via the link above, and download it. maybe it's part of my admin functions??? someone see if this works...
  13. View File SF2 A-6E Intruder, VA-196 Skin/Decals Pack SF2 A-6E Intruder, VA-196 Skin/Decals Pack 2/1/2018 = For SF2 (Any & All, Full-5 Merged Preferred) = *Can be used in any install that has access to the A-6E* A new skin for the 3W A-6E Intruder that depicts VA-196 "Main Battery" during 1980 when embarked aboard USS CORAL SEA (also possibly at Gonzo Station, but I haven't confirmed this). Almost all markings are decals, most made new for this mod, and decal randomization is TRUE. All serial (BuAerNums) are 100% historical in nature. Unfortunately, I could not match all to their Modex number. On the Number display dropdown, those marked with a star (*) are correctly matched. But all are aircraft that served in VA-196 at one time or another. The Default Start Date switch isused on this skin, so in 1980, you should see only this one. The aircraft is finished in the standard Grey/White scheme, with full color markings. The skin is in jpg format. On the Loadout Screen, for skin selection you'll see: VA-196 Main Battery (1980) Please note, NOTHING is included that makes the aircraft flyable; no inis, cockpit parts (I use the Razbam payware pit on my A-6E & A-6E TRAMs). You should have made them flyable or need to seek the "parts" on your own. Also, if you have made it flyable, and use the "Read Only" trick on the main ini (A-6E.ini), you'll have to un-read only it to add this skin. As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them .... Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein Submitter Wrench Submitted 02/05/2018 Category A-6  
  14. Version 1.0.0


    SF2 A-6E Intruder, VA-196 Skin/Decals Pack 2/1/2018 = For SF2 (Any & All, Full-5 Merged Preferred) = *Can be used in any install that has access to the A-6E* A new skin for the 3W A-6E Intruder that depicts VA-196 "Main Battery" during 1980 when embarked aboard USS CORAL SEA (also possibly at Gonzo Station, but I haven't confirmed this). Almost all markings are decals, most made new for this mod, and decal randomization is TRUE. All serial (BuAerNums) are 100% historical in nature. Unfortunately, I could not match all to their Modex number. On the Number display dropdown, those marked with a star (*) are correctly matched. But all are aircraft that served in VA-196 at one time or another. The Default Start Date switch isused on this skin, so in 1980, you should see only this one. The aircraft is finished in the standard Grey/White scheme, with full color markings. The skin is in jpg format. On the Loadout Screen, for skin selection you'll see: VA-196 Main Battery (1980) Please note, NOTHING is included that makes the aircraft flyable; no inis, cockpit parts (I use the Razbam payware pit on my A-6E & A-6E TRAMs). You should have made them flyable or need to seek the "parts" on your own. Also, if you have made it flyable, and use the "Read Only" trick on the main ini (A-6E.ini), you'll have to un-read only it to add this skin. As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them .... Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein
  15. Cool! I wonder if that was the first image that came up during their search!
  16. examples include the stock F-14, and several MiG-23s. Check their data inis.
  17. did you change the "operational year spans?" double check what you've done with my instructional tutorial(s)
  18. MB, you forgot the most important step --- after copying and pasting the exe of choice, RENAME it to what the new mod folder is to be (in this case, SF2_PTO) THEN, run the exe to create the mod folder with the unique name. THEN add all the WW2 PTO bits, THEN remove all the modern stuff (ground objects and aircraft -- but it's VERY IMPORTANT to leave 1 player flyable, and 1 AI only aircraft, say an A-4 and a MiG
  19. that WOULD be the safe assumption! Without the game(s)...
  20. Believe me, that's a given. I'd see to it personally!!!
  21. Some sad news regarding a former modder

    How sad ... he was a good member of the community RIP
  22. I guess it's a safe bet you haven't read this little tidbit in our ever-ignored Knowledge Base ... while slight outdated, it will give the basics. I'd also recommend -HIGHLY- not adding any mods or add-ons to the game until you get familiar with the file and folder structures and system. This is the advice we give all newcomers to the SF2 series. One might also find interesting reading in the other threads, as experience is gained with the SF2 system

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